before the advent of accumulations of requirements
When I wrote that it didn’t look as if it made any sense. When I just re-read it, it still didn’t look as if it made any sense. I’ve now realised that it’s because it doesn’t, in fact make any sense. Or very little sense at least. I guess I was thinking along the lines of “before the advent of accumulations of surplus“. Although TBH I’m not sure how much sense that makes either. I just can’t be arsed to go into a big long spiel about grain cultivation, surplus requirement, money, accumulation, etc.
I was only suggesting Ernie do the same.
Your comments regarding my input on this thread are a fairly big exaggeration. I saw this thread go up and initially followed it without making any comments. It was towards the end of the second page before I made my first comment. You on the other hand, dived in straight away and posted the fifth comment. You’ve been on the thread ever since.
And whilst I initially decided not to get involved, I did eventually, mostly as result of the usual suspects, ie you and TJ, rolling out the tired old knee-jerk PC comments, and you waffling on about him being an Iraqi Kurd…….the significance of which, you still haven’t explained.
And contrary to your claims, your initial contributions were not “constructive” and then you got “bored”, your very first post was a complete piss-take of ton, check it – I just have. So don’t give me all that sanctimonious bollox 😕
As far as your plywood DIY coffee table is concerned, I’ve offered you advise which you’ve rejected out of hand…… there’s gratitude for you 😐
How’s your one-legged 1970s sideboard getting on btw ?