Home Forums Chat Forum How to scare off foxes/badgers/general wildlife?

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  • How to scare off foxes/badgers/general wildlife?
  • mudshark
    Free Member

    They're trashing my garden!

    Do any of those electric high frequency things work?

    Free Member

    What the hell is doing that?! I've got all of the above wildlife in my garden and don't see that sort of destruction! Foxes and badgers won't scrape at the ground like that. Have the local dogs found your ex-wife and are trying to dig her up?

    Free Member

    This is the 3rd year I've been here and not had this problem before – a few holes but nothing I couldn't patch up. Whatever is doing seems to be looking for something under the turf as not going deep.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    It's vegans.

    They're a bloody nuisance when the local supermarket runs out of tofu.

    I should know, that lawn damage in the picture is my doing.

    Free Member

    I think badgers can rip the ground up like that if they think there is something worth digging for.

    The trick is to dig a trench and bury yourself in it naked with just your cock sticking out like a juicy worm. Wait for the badger to bite then shout 'boo'.

    Free Member

    That could be deer doing that?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I should add a disclaimer to the above. You bury yourself in your garden at your own risk. If your knob gets bitten by Bill Oddie instead of a badger then shouting boo might not make him run away. Your home my be at risk if you are not completely satisfied.

    Free Member

    Looks like the work of baby robins to me.

    Free Member

    Ha ha. Looks like badgers to me, after worms / leatherjacks

    You're in trouble! They use the same runs they've used for generations and the odd fence (or even wall) won't get in their way, they just buldoze through it or dig under it.

    An electric fence is a good idea.

    We got a large set near us. Nice to see them in the garden but they can be a pain. It was the sweetcorn crop this year. The buggers left all 12 plants until the cobs were perfect, came along one night and ate the lot – ate as in pulled the cobs off the plants, unwrapped them and neatly ate all the corn off the cobs!!

    Some good advice here:

    Free Member

    Looks like badgers to me. Sounds odd, but sprinkle random handfulls of peanuts around the garden. They'll be too busy looking for the nuts, to dig up worms and grubs.

    Free Member

    Does sound like it's badgers – a neighbour caught a badger a month or so ago by accident; was hoping to catch a fox. I've seen the chafer grubs in the soil so looks like worth treating – got to wait until next Autumn it seems.

    Free Member

    ISTR there was somewhere on the box over the summer with the same problem (tho' it was a country house with a pretty big garden) – badgers were making a heck of a mess. I think their solution – given that enclosing it was impractical, even if it did work – was to put more interesting food out for the badgers.
    (Ah, just spotted daisyduke's post – peanuts sound familiar).

    Foxes and squirrels occasionally have a go at our lawn, but it's normally just in isolated spots – tho' annoyingly the little beggars tend to go back to the same place.

    Free Member

    The Crows do that on selected patches of road verge near me. They visit every day, and poke about for all the creatures. Very similar looking effect.

    Free Member

    seriously: sprinkle your urine around the perimeter of your garden. badgers won't trespass.

    Free Member

    Lion p00, just ask your local zoo for some.

    Full Member

    Aye Badger's will do that, it's caused because they insist on using tubeless and the latex kills the grass.

    Here's a photo of one caught in action, look at the anger in those eyes they hate being disturbed.

    Free Member

    Oh, never saw the badger thread!! 😕
    Before my time.
    BUT I have MET Badger! 8)

    Free Member

    Lion poo only works with cats.

    Get a llama. Serious advice for anyone who has hens, they will chase foxes away. Don't know why.

    Full Member

    Oh no Drac's made me cry 😆

    Yes badgers. We had the same problem in our garden. I made sure all the fences were secure and there was no chance for the little devil to get in.

    I do love them though but not in our garden.

    Free Member

    I know of a very good way to control foxes.


    Free Member

    leatherjacks is the reason.

    It has been happening on golf courses all over the South West.


    Free Member

    Captain Flash the Vulpine Hypnotist?

    Full Member

    Ha ha the return of the Badger, that was a class thread that one…

    Free Member

    Got Badgers on our garden and they dig it up in small patches, but nothing like in the above pic,they also use it as a thoroughfare, rather have badgers in my garden than local chavs.

    Full Member

    Great idea kill the chafer grubs, they're very rare now and only just starting to make a slow come back.

    Free Member

    look at the anger in those eyes they hate being disturbed

    Now I've lost it big time!

    Free Member

    Regarding Foxes I was told that it needs a Male Human
    To Piss in say a bottle and mark your terrotry around your garden
    Same has what a Fox does in your garden.

    Full Member

    AnalogueAndy – Member
    Ha ha. Looks like badgers to me, after worms / leatherjacks

    yep I'd agree, m8 has the same problem

    Free Member

    Great idea kill the chafer grubs, they're very rare now and only just starting to make a slow come back.

    Quick, kill them before it's too late….

    One man's pest is another man's wildlife?! Certainly not rare in my garden.

    Full Member

    One man's pest is another man's wildlife?! Certainly not rare in my garden.

    Still rare though up here is one of the few refuges we get them every few years buzzing around work. Scare the crap out of the female members of staff and provide great humour when you tell them their name.

    Free Member

    I'll send some up if you want to plant them in your garden?

    Full Member


    Our badgers don't venture into the garden here, few hedgehogs mind.

    Free Member

    Seems that it's possibly the grubs themselves, rather than the badgers, that are causing the bald patches:

    Maybe you should encourage the badgers?

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