Home Forums Chat Forum How to discourage cars from parking on my low kerb in front of my house?

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  • How to discourage cars from parking on my low kerb in front of my house?
  • Nobeerinthefridge
    Free Member

    They are designed to discourage parking across access points, but it isn’t an offence to park on one per se.

    My wife got a parking ticket recently for parking across our drive, complete with H bar, and failed an appeal, which would suggest you’re wrong.

    Full Member

    Whatever you do you’ll get the numpties. We’re next to a church and primary school. Generally, people are sensible but get the odd issue. On a narrow road/sharp bend too. An advisory white line on the road.

    Somebody picking up kids parked tight up behind me whilst I was in the middle of loading the bike in the boot, refused to budge so I ended up lifting the bike horizontally over her bonnet. She just sat there, engine running.

    Our old picket gate opens out onto the highway. When the church has something on, people park on the pavement tight against the gate – we can’t get out of the house.

    Full Member

    It boils my piss when people go on about cyclists riding on the pavement when there are so many cars that have clearly driven on the pavement and blocked the whole **** thing to park there.

    Yep, you can guarantee that the gammon ranting at you for carefully cycling on the pavement has no problem driving his car onto one if it’s convenient for him!

    Obviously pavement parking is illegal everywhere but traffic wardens generally can’t enforce it & the police don’t care. It’s a massive blight in loads of places, where there’s sensible parking for max 1 car per household but people end up with 2-3 cars each! Where my GF lives it would be impossible to get a fire engine down there due to the way people park, unless it bulldozed cars out of the way as it went!

    The only real solution IMO is to move! I wouldn’t buy anywhere these days without ample off-street. You’re always going to get lazy/selfish people when it comes to cars/parking otherwise, and as soon as one person does it everyone else thinks it’s ok and follows suit!

    Full Member


    They are designed to discourage parking across access points, but it isn’t an offence to park on one per se.

    My wife got a parking ticket recently for parking across our drive, complete with H bar, and failed an appeal, which would suggest you’re wrong.

    1. Who issued the ticket?

    2. What Act and Section was the offence for which the ticket was issued?

    I suspect the ticket was for an offence of obstruction, or a local authority parking regulation. The H Bar delineates the area which should not be obstructed, but does not in itself create an offence. The obstruction does. The H Bar is incidental.

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