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  • how much does a pint of blood cost the nhs
  • matt_outandabout
    Free Member

    Is that real? So the Government of Spain thinks we are all biological risks?

    Mrs_OAB’s blood products are sourced outside of UK for that reason (we are told by docs).

    Free Member

    Ernie. Plasma not blood.

    Free Member

    Read my post again hora. British plasma from donated blood can’t be used because of mad cow disease, but the restriction is sure to be lifted – it’s just a matter of time. When that happens British donated blood will be used by profit-making US owned PRUK.

    Free Member

    My blood is used for blood transfusions.
    ‘Sure to’

    ‘Matter of time’


    Full Member

    Can’t donate in the US because of living in the UK during the 80’s. They didn’t say it was because of mad cows but that’s what I assume it was.

    Free Member

    ‘Sure to’

    ‘Matter of time’


    Well medical opinion appears to believe that the ban on British blood will not last forever, it’s already been in place for about 20 years. Of course if you know better who am I to argue. But you did ask the question and invited people to answer.

    Full Member

    I bumped into the husband of a woman in our drama group whilst donating platelets on Monday – apparently he works for (I think) BT, as a donor he has to do one session on his own time, then the next he can do in work time. I like that, more people should do that. 🙂

    Full Member

    I’ve stopped cos they don’t do evenings so it’s 3 hours out of a day off.

    More or less the reason I’ve stopped – the local donation centre only ever runs during the day on a Friday, and even if I have the day off, I’m invariably working on the Saturday which precludes a donation.

    My suggestion that they try varying the time / day of the sessions was ignored.

    Full Member

    Is that real? So the Government of Spain thinks we are all biological risks?

    Yes, pretty much, at least when it comes to blood donation. Bloody immigrants 😀

    Full Member

    I work for NHS Blood & Transplant – formerly in blood and now in transplant.

    Blood donation is non-remunerated in the UK (thank goodness) and the supply chain in England and North Wales is run by NHSBT; separate national services are run in the other home countries.

    However, NHSBT is the only service of the four to work on a “cost per unit” basis.

    The cost to hospitals per unit of red cell is just under £122, having been >£140 in 2005/6. This is despite demand reducing by around 15-20% in that time.

    These and all other blood products are charged on a cost basis (I don’t know anything about all the conspiracies) and always with a knowledge that every pound we can save is one back at the NHS front line. Platelets cost about double the red cell price and some very specialised products much more again.

    The single most expensive part is in collecting the blood from a donor, which varies from around £20-40 per unit, depending on where in the country it is collected (i.e. to do with throughput per session). Bigger sessions work best from this point of view, especially when we are under massive pressure to keep costs down and quality up.

    Supply chain losses (waste) are around 3.5%, which are our lowest ever and must compare favourably with milk or other perishable supply chains?

    Hope this helps.

    Free Member

    ..always with a knowledge that every pound we can save is one back at the NHS front line.

    Well worth focusing on that imo. Some people might see that as a missed opportunity to make a profit – were it a profit-making venture. It is becoming more and more acceptable for health care provisions provided under the umbrella of the NHS to include an element of profit, indeed someone argued in favour of that very point on here recently.

    Full Member

    Ben H thanks for the answer , I personally think advertising / marketing , venue charges should all be at done at cost .

    Full Member

    I’d love to know how many people of this lovely parish donate blood regularly?

    What chance we could do something as a survey one week? a Yes/No and reasons why not too?

    Ben – thank you for the info.

    Full Member

    trail_rat – Member

    im not allowed to donate due to prolonged use of anti malarials and significant time spent in Bally’s/the Waterfront in the last few years.


    Full Member

    I used to donate but was told not to bother coming back as they were getting tired picking me up off the floor afterwards (low BP/sugar levels or something). I’m A Rh+ so maybe they don’t need as it as much??

    Full Member

    How much is in a “unit”?

    Free Member

    About an armful Cougar.

    Full Member

    I use to give blood regularly but had to stop a few years ago because of medical reasons.

    Full Member

    About an armful Cougar.


    I asked for that. The old ones are the, er, oldest. (-:

    Free Member

    Interesting Ben cheers

    I’d just like to add a massive personal thanks to all of that do donate blood and platelets. I’ve had dozens of each recently so thanks

    Not quite up to what I’ve donated in blood or platelets just yet, but am likely to exceed it fairly soon.

    If you don’t and can and could make the time that’d be amazing! It really is important for so many


    Full Member

    I think the total taken at a donation is 470ml including the sample that gets tested .

    Full Member

    I donate platelets every 3 weeks, don’t know about the size of a blood unit, but the 3 units in the polly bag at the end never looks more than a pint to me.

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