This month I have just paid for last months holiday and have also rinsed the savings to buy Miss Lunge something shiny. So none spare this month and possibly a brief chat with my overdraft. Next month will hopefully provide some spare but I’m sure something will come in to take the spare away when I least expect it.
That’s a lot. after ALL regular payments, bills, mortgage, DD, Subs I have about £100, then take £20 out of that as a reg payment on to a ccard (due to overspending on home improvement materials 4 months ago)
Even then I think it’s a fair amount and wonder how I fritter it away so fast(buy all my lunches, a fancy coffee every other day, bike stuff, chocolate, booze)
EDIT (again) sorry, that £100 needs to include my groceries too!
I do keep a close eye on things, in the past i was really really bad at managing money, i tend to be as organized as poss these days, but thats just me
Depends where in life you are?
– student
– working but living at home
– renting
– just bought a house
– still got a mortgage fixed on a stupid rate
– got kids
– etc
– etc….
Every month, it seems we get down to the last week and I see a spare $200-300 sitting in the account, and almost invariable, some unexpected expense (or Mrs Busydog spots a “deal” while “just passing through” her favorite clothes shop)and the spare $$ are gone, just like that. So much for the new Sidi shoes.
I’m with sssimon. If there were £250 left at the end of the year I’d be very pleased! Damn those pesky kids (kid). Mind you, he’s 3 1/2 and he can already ride his bike, so worth every penny.
Sounds like you are doing very well to me, I would be in a much less stressed place if I had that sort of excess a week 😉
Trying to chip as much off the mortgage as I possible can at the moment, means I don’t have much left at the end of the week, small change in my pocket, but then again I don’t have much at the start of the week either 😉
i have about 1500 left a month after all the bills. still feel skint cos i never see it as it goes into the joint account and doesnt get used. builds up in case i end up on standby at work over the winter.. i get paid 39 hrs a week on basic for that which just to say covers bills. any thats left at the end of standby goes into a savings account. if i need owt, i go n get it 🙂
Don’t be. Sometimes its good to be reminded there are some people worse off than you and (speaking for myself not you), you’ve turned into a whinging selfless A-double Snakes but don’t realise how lucky you are.
As someone told me recently, you find yourself in different rungs on the step ladder of life in some situations. Sometimes you’ll be on the top rung, in others you’ll be on the bottom.
i have about 1500 left a month after all the bills. still feel skint cos i never see it as it goes into the joint account and doesnt get used. builds up in case i end up on standby at work over the winter.. i get paid 39 hrs a week on basic for that which just to say covers bills. any thats left at the end of standby goes into a savings account. if i need owt, i go n get it
If I cut my spending back to just my expenses, then I’d say I’m lucky enough to have more than £250 a week spare. But I have a (by national average standards) well paying job.
I’d say having a thousand a month as your own (i.e. spending) money is pretty good. If you aren’t well paid (by nat ave standards), then you must be a baby boomer with a tiddly mortgage.
ski, jobs are going but i wouldnt advise it! ime trying hard to find another job as the lifestyle is affecting me personally since i became a dad last year for the first time. ime looking at taking a 1500 a month drop in wages and sorting out my bills in order to get home. at the end of the day money no longer makes me smile, the smile on my daughters face does and money cant buy that! time to change. plus ile be able to ride with me mates again instead of on me todd!