Home Forums Chat Forum How many people here employ a cleaner?

  • This topic has 150 replies, 55 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by DezB.
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  • How many people here employ a cleaner?
  • IanMunro
    Free Member

    You see that could never be my house binners
    The white washing still looks white for a start.

    Free Member

    As it is, the British are so lazy immigrants have to come over and do all the jobs we’re too snobbish and lazy to do. And then people wonder why there’s a Polish supermarket opens instead of a nice little tea and cake shoppe

    There is some truth in this.

    In a previous life my wife worked as a cleaner in London. She was there illegally at the time (5 years in total 8) ). She’s still in touch with numerous friends in the same situation (illegal, cleaners).

    Although if you’re earning £10+ per hour cash in hand & not paying tax/NI, and going about your business anonymously, then it would be attractive for an illegalist …

    Free Member

    and after all that graft elfin all she has to show for it is you

    Nice. Did you write the book ‘How to win friends and influence people’?

    No, thought not.

    I’ll not stoop to your level, cos quite frankly I’d do me back in it’s so low. God Bless.


    Free Member

    It all started when that Martin Luther’s wife went away for a weekend to visit her mother and the only clean shirt he had was made of hair….

    And that time Thomas Payne had to get a dirty spoon out of the dishwasher for his soup.

    Free Member

    why didnt you stay at home and do the cleaning elfy? that’s what a good son does, that’s what i did. i was ironing before i was out of the womb. as a result my mum has a perfectly smooth and crease free vagina.


    I have enjoyed philconsequence’s input on this thread!

    Full Member

    > Do you only have your house dusted and hoovered once a week/fortnight? Bathroom cleaned once a week/fortnight?

    I thought those sorts of jobs are done daily, or at least every 2 days?

    You’re having a laugh! The main rooms get hoovered once a fortnight if we’re doing well. Bathrooms gets wiped fairly often but only gets a proper scrub (i.e. bleach & scrubbing brush to clean the grout etc) when it absolutely needs it

    Free Member

    does anybody see the irony in a bunch of middle class mountain bikers arguing about whether they should have cleaners or not?

    Full Member

    TBH I don’t care if you’ve got a cleaner or not. Up to you what you do with your money. Just don’t try bullshitting by saying ‘ooh it’s cos we’re simply too busy to do such menial tasks’.

    I’ve concluded you are just a bit thick. Or wilfully stupid. Either way, you clearly aren’t capable of understanding the lives of others in toto.

    Surely it isn;t beyond your wit to understand that the things people “don’t have time for” are clearly those for which they don’t have time given the other competing demands on their time, which is evidently sufficiently precious to require them to spend cash engaging someone to do a job of work.

    Or are you just trolling (again and again and again and… ad nauseam)?

    Free Member

    You’re having a laugh! The main rooms get hoovered once a fortnight if we’re doing well. Bathrooms gets wiped fairly often but only gets a proper scrub (i.e. bleach & scrubbing brush to clean the grout etc) when it absolutely needs it

    I live in a 3 bed semi so it doesn’t take long. The Mrs and I can have the whole house sparkling in under an hour.

    Full Member

    that when people bleat on about ‘not having time’ or being ‘overworked’ as a justification for getting someone in to do the jobs they simply don’t want to

    Hmmm, no I’m lazy and have shed loads of money and don’t like cleaning.

    I don’t like growing vegetables so I pay somebody else to do that also etc.

    Free Member

    I’ve concluded you are just a bit thick

    Ok then. Not a particularly scientific conclusion, but if that’s what you choose to think, then I spose I must respect your right to wallow in your own ignorance. 😉

    does anybody see the irony in a bunch of middle class mountain bikers arguing about whether they should have cleaners or not?

    The cleaners do ironing as well? 😯

    Why did nobody tell me this?

    Free Member

    What’s an “ironing”?

    Full Member

    Not a particularly scientific conclusion, but if that’s what you choose to think

    I base it on evidence, of course. and we’ve plenty of that.

    Right, back to work – gotta pay for the cleaning somehow….

    Full Member

    My point is, that when people bleat on about ‘not having time’ or being ‘overworked’ as a justification

    I think it is more: “I’d rather spend my spare time doing something nice with my family”.

    Much the same reason that people buy food from supermarkets rather than spending all their spare time tending crops and cattle in their back garden after they get in from a hard day at the office. 😀

    Fact is we are a pretty lazy nation, let’s face it. Exercise less than most other countries, are fatter on average than most other countries, work less hours than most too.

    Fair enough on the exercise but the British actually work quite long hours. Why do you think we’re so keen to opt out of the European Working Time Directive?

    Free Member


    bet all the people who pay for cleaning have heated mirrors on their cars, decadent beasts.

    Free Member

    I base it on evidence, of course. and we’ve plenty of that.

    You’ve never met me, yet see fit to judge me.

    Right, ok, cos that’s open minded and objective… 😆

    Free Member

    elfin, your judging of those who pay for cleaning isnt exactly open minded and objective… get the feeling you already know this though 😉

    Full Member

    “What’s an “ironing”? “

    Verb; to create a perfectly smooth and crease free vagina

    Free Member

    Am I allowed to be working class and still have a cleaner?

    [edit]Who else will keep the house tidy while we’re away skiing next week?

    Free Member

    Am I allowed to be working class and still have a cleaner?

    [edit]Who else will keep the house tidy while we’re away skiing next week?

    Traitor! (To whom, I’m not sure).

    Free Member

    elfin, your judging of those who pay for cleaning isnt exactly open minded and objective.

    Not ‘judging’ at all, simply stating fact. That the ‘oh I don’t have time for cleaning’ is bullshit. Which it is.

    The TRUTH, if anyone can handle it, is that people DON’T WANT to do the cleaning. They’d rather do other things.

    Fair enough. I just wish folk were more honest about it, is all…

    Who else will keep the house tidy while we’re away skiing next week?

    But there won’t be anyone there to make it untidy, Dez. 😕

    Leave the lad behind. Make him do it. Make him earn his keep….

    Full Member

    Not ‘judging’ at all, simply stating fact. That the ‘oh I don’t have time for cleaning’ is bullshit. Which it is.

    The TRUTH, if anyone can handle it, is that people DON’T WANT to do the cleaning. They’d rather do other things.

    Observe that if people consider the “other things” to be higher priority than cleaning then that means… they “don’t have time for cleaning”… y’see?

    (As stated we don’t have a cleaner – we just put off the cleaning for other things and live in a happy dump 😀 )

    Free Member

    The TRUTH, if anyone can handle is, is that people DON’T WANT to do the cleaning. They’d rather do other things.

    Elfin what really is your point? There are 168 hours in the week, of which I typically work between 65 and 70 and would hope to sleep for another 56 leaving around 42 hours a week for everything else that needs doing.

    So yes, you’re right, I technically have time to do the cleaning but I place more importance on being a father and spending time with my family than I do on cleaning the house. But the house still needs cleaning so I pay someone else to do it.

    At what point would I reasonably be able to claim that I work so hard I don’t actually have enough hours to do it?

    Free Member

    Sheesh what have I created?!!

    I was only musing that I didn’t know so many people at work have cleaners yet always complain about money (lack of it).

    Free Member

    “but come on; how many people on here work over 40 hours a week?”

    I’m out of the house from 6:30am to 6:30pm 5 days a week so thats 60 hours and Mrs FD averages 60-80 hours + travelling time.

    Does that justify it for you ?

    Free Member

    Sheesh what have I created?!!

    Aout 60 seconds in Hora

    Full Member

    When I’m on my death bed, the one thing I’ll not be thinking is ‘I wish I did more cleaning’. Hence why we have a cleaner.

    Free Member

    Gay as a window was one of mine I think, sorry.

    I am a cleaner and I do the washing and cooking. In return I pay no rent. Chris ( owner of the house) took me in when I had no money and nowhere to live. I suppose he could all the things I do, and tbh does do some of them now anyway (I’ve said I’m happy to pay rent but apparently he thinks having a couple of lezzas about the place that will cook and clean after him is cool 😉

    Free Member

    but apparently he thinks having a couple of lezzas about the place that will cook and clean after him is cool

    He installed secret cameras in your bedroom just after you moved in…

    Free Member

    Not ‘judging’ at all, simply stating fact. That the ‘oh I don’t have time for cleaning’ is bullshit.

    You need to calm down a bit….you’re starting to come across as a judgemental over-opinionated bellend

    Free Member

    you’re starting to come across as a judgemental over-opinionated bellend

    Ah, that’s just how he comes across. In reality he’s an over-judgemental opinionated bellend.

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