Home Forums Chat Forum How many people here employ a cleaner?

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  • How many people here employ a cleaner?
  • kilo
    Full Member

    As it is, the British are so lazy immigrants have to come over and do all the jobs we’re too snobbish and lazy to do

    Bit worried as I was thinking of getting a cleaner for my parents who are old and not so mobile, however as they themselves are immigrants is that allowable or do they have to come around and clean my house as I was born here and am lazy (or as a first generation immigrant with a foreign passport as well as a UK one do I have to find someone’s house to clean and if so can that be Mrs kilo who is true British or as I have a british passport as well as dodgy foreign one and am therfore half foreign can I just do some light dusting?).

    yours concerned of south west london

    Free Member

    I once had an entire country carpet-bombed into the stone age, so I could then employ my mates to make a tidy sum out of rebuilding it.

    I think I read about that. Bit of a to-do, wasn’t it?

    Free Member

    Bit worried as I was thinking of getting a cleaner for my parents who are old and not so mobile, however as they themselves are immigrants is that allowable or do they have to come around and clean my house as I was born here and am lazy (or as a first generation immigrant with a foreign passport as well as a UK one do I have to find someone’s house to clean and if so can that be Mrs kilo who is true British or as I have a british passport as well as dodgy foreign one and am therfore half foreign can I just do some light dusting?).

    Hmm. Tricky.

    I’ll have to get back to you on that one. I’m sure there’s something we can sort out.

    yours concerned of south west london

    South West London? 😯

    Ah well there you go. Practically Bourgoise. 😐

    Free Member

    I kind of understand people getting cleaners to mop all the floors and do the dusting, because that well, takes a wee while. Cleaning the bathroom takes 5 minutes!

    Full Member

    Its dragged on for a bit longer than I expected, to be honest fella

    Free Member

    **** me, you guys!

    If you can afford to have someone do these menial tasks for you… why not?

    If you have other things you’d rather be doing with your life… why not?

    If you have an objection with others hiring in help… 🙄

    Free Member

    you sound horrible kilo, i suggest you join me in my new business venture…. “Phil and Kilo’s super sexy shiny bike service” a mobile bike cleaning service, we drive to people’s houses, jet wash the bike ensuring to ruin the bottom bracket and bearings (meaning we can ‘identify’ them as problems and make a bit of extra cash on selling them parts that we broke), for £2 extra we can clean pets if they’re attached to the bike by a leash.

    Free Member

    organic355 – Member
    We have a cleaner once a fortnight, cleans all the wooden floors, hovers, dusts and cleans the bathrooms.

    Does it cost more to get an anti-gravity cleaner? 😆


    Full Member

    hora – Member

    I’d love someone to come and clean my bike though after a ride


    Well, that cleaner will never be rich…

    Free Member

    ourmaninthenorth – Member
    so we just have a good clean every now and then
    Don’t confuse cleaning with tidying.

    We keep pour house tidy (clothes etc. away), but the cleaning (regular hoovering, bathroom, kitchen, windows, dusting, etc.) is time consuming and done by someone else.
    We tidy every night too – the house is always presentable before I even start on cooking dinner – but the proper deep cleans are also done by us. And we are in the middle of a huge one at the moment – just had friends to stay so everywhere was properly cleaned and we are having a big family Christmas dinner so the cleaning continues – even shampooing the carpet tonight (hiring the kit and doing it ourselves).

    Free Member


    Gary makes a good point, Kilo…we’d need to extend our advertising past the average STWer. I’ve just checked the internet and apparently its not illegal to jetwash family pets so we should be all good providing i knock up some dodgy disclaimer forms.

    Full Member

    even shampooing the carpet tonight (hiring the kit and doing it ourselves).

    Whereas Mrs North and I, on returning from work at around 7-7.30, will have our daughter deposited by exhausted grandparents. Mrs North will do bathtime and bedtime and get herself ready for work tomorrow. I will change and cook dinner and tidy up.

    I have no intention of shampooing carpets at 9pm..!

    Full Member

    I have a cleaner and a chef.

    The cleaner comes everyday, tidys, changes the sheets, cleans the bathroom etc.

    Chef cooks breakfast and dinner everyday.

    Free Member

    No judgement here Mark et al 😉 – people are free to spend their time and money as they please, according to whatever priorities they have. For me, this is a good point:

    The average on here seems to be a cleaner coming in every couple of weeks to do 2 hours.
    Is it just me but seems bonkers. That averages out at 8.5 minutes a day.
    Seriously. Are you guys that time contrained that you don’t have less than 10 mins a day to spare??
    EDIT: And for the couples on here thats 8.5 mins shared…. thats 255 seconds a day!

    I just tend to fit it in when I have a spare few minutes.
    There’s also the expense side of things – 2 hours per week @£10 per hour is over a grand a year – a lot of money, that I’d (personally, imo) rather be spending on bike kit, trips, lots of other things.

    Free Member

    Whereas Mrs North and I, on returning from work at around 7-7.30, will have our daughter deposited by exhausted grandparents. Mrs North will do bathtime and bedtime and get herself ready for work tomorrow. I will change and cook dinner and tidy up.

    Since our girls were born I have made huge efforts to get home before 6pm every night and my wife has gone part time. It is probably because of this we can’t afford a cleaner but at least I get to spend time with the girls every night.

    Then tidy.

    Then clean.

    Then cook.

    Then sleep.

    Then repeat.

    Free Member

    is it mainly parents that employ cleaners then? very easy for those without kids to judge. judging others is silly, unless you’re a judge.

    Full Member

    Or God? You can judge whoever you want if you’re God. Its in the contract 😀

    Free Member

    how many people on here work over 40 hours a week?

    Elfin I’m guessing you don’t have kids right?

    How many hours do we work then? Hmm, do you want me to include the time we spend caring for our son? I’m happy to go with just the necessary time, i.e. the time that we need to spend else we get banged up for neglect (so feeding, dressing, cleaning etc).

    On that basis I probably do from about 6am until about 7pm, five days a week. So call it a 13 hour day or a 65 hour week, of which 10 hours is child related. I will also do around three hours on a weekend on average. Sometimes it’s a full day but it’s not every week so the three hours is an average.

    My wife has it a little easier as she flies planes for a living and the airlines tend to like their pilots fresh and awake. So she typically does a 35 hour working week (that’s duty hours, not flying hours. The latter is less obviously) and then another 10 hours a week on top of that for child care.

    Of course our weekends tend to be 100% child care but it’s fun time. If we didn’t have the cleaner you could add another four hours cleaning time, which one of us would have to do rather than spend time with our son.

    Free Member

    Im all for cleaners though I don’t have one. Im too skint for that caper.

    But can I ask what you get them to do? Some said they have a cleaner round for 2 hours a week/fortnight? Do you only have your house dusted and hoovered once a week/fortnight? Bathroom cleaned once a week/fortnight?

    I thought those sorts of jobs are done daily, or at least every 2 days?

    Free Member

    Wunundred! 😀

    Since our girls were born I have made huge efforts to get home before 6pm every night and my wife has gone part time. It is probably because of this we can’t afford a cleaner

    Ah bless…

    When I was little, my mum worked as a nurse. Only ‘part-time’ as she had me to look after, but this still equated to well over 40 hours a week. Crap wages.

    She’d have to get me up, get me to nursery (which she had to pay for no free nurseries you see), get to work, do a whole day of nursing (probbly harder back then cos a lot more manual work involved), rush back to pick me up from nursery 5-6pm, get home, get me fed and bathed, cook supper, put me to bed, and fit in all the cleaning and stuff too. Bear in mind we had no washing machine so all clothes cleaning had to be done by hand.

    And she had to do all this on her own.

    But hey, your lifestyle sounds utterly horrendous. You must really suffer…

    Free Member

    Mf i once was given a cracking bit of advice by a doctor who was a father of four “clean the kitchen and the bathroom and fek the rest’ 😆

    Free Member

    She’d have to get me up, get me to nursery (which she had to pay for no free nurseries you see), get to work, do a whole day of nursing (probbly harder back then cos a lot more manual work involved), rush back to pick me up from nursery 5-6pm, get home, get me fed and bathed, cook supper, put me to bed, and fit in all the cleaning and stuff too.

    Was it uphill both ways?

    Free Member

    Do you only have your house dusted and hoovered once a week/fortnight?

    Nowhere near that often.

    Free Member

    Elfin it sounds like a lot of the issues you have in adult life might be related to the fact that your mum had to put you in a nursery every day.

    Do you have attachment issues? Are you angry at the world for reasons you can’t quite explain?

    I can empathize with you but can also say that you should get some therapy. You don’t have to be this angry and I am talking from experience.

    Free Member

    Thats manky! 🙂

    Free Member

    why didnt you stay at home and do the cleaning elfy? that’s what a good son does, that’s what i did. i was ironing before i was out of the womb. as a result my mum has a perfectly smooth and crease free vagina.

    Free Member

    Elfin it sounds like a lot of the issues you have in adult life might be related to the fact that your mum had to put you in a nursery every day.

    Do you have attachment issues? Are you angry at the world for reasons you can’t quite explain?

    I can empathize with you but can also say that you should get some therapy. You don’t have to be this angry and I am talking from experience.


    Thanks for your concern. I am deeply touched.

    why didnt you stay at home and do the cleaning elfy?

    Lazy idle sybaritic little bastard, quite frankly. Spoiled by too much pampering. 😐

    Free Member

    Elf – do you want a hug?

    I promise not to deeply touch you.

    Full Member

    Oh christ! Here we go……

    Free Member

    Do you only have your house dusted and hoovered once a week/fortnight? Bathroom cleaned once a week/fortnight?

    I thought those sorts of jobs are done daily, or at least every 2 days?
    Not in our house 😳

    Mf i once was given a cracking bit of advice by a doctor who was a father of four “clean the kitchen and the bathroom and fek the rest’

    Again 😳

    Free Member

    Ah bless…

    When I was little, my mum worked as a nurse. Only ‘part-time’ as she had me to look after, but this still equated to well over 40 hours a week. Crap wages.

    She’d have to get me up, get me to nursery (which she had to pay for no free nurseries you see), get to work, do a whole day of nursing (probbly harder back then cos a lot more manual work involved), rush back to pick me up from nursery 5-6pm, get home, get me fed and bathed, cook supper, put me to bed, and fit in all the cleaning and stuff too. Bear in mind we had no washing machine so all clothes cleaning had to be done by hand.

    And she had to do all this on her own.

    But hey, your lifestyle sounds utterly horrendous. You must really suffer…

    and on it goes. 🙄

    Free Member

    Thanks for your concern. I am deeply touched.

    It was a half serious remark Fred 😉

    The irony is that our experiences are pretty much identical except that my mum stopped working days when I was about five and ended up doing nights in a stroke rehab hospital.

    Full Member

    I thought those sorts of jobs are done daily, or at least every 2 days?

    You are the Queen! And I claim my £5

    Full Member

    And she had to do all this on her own.

    I bet she’d have killed for a cleaner! 🙂

    Not really understanding your logic there Elf – you seem to be saying your mum had a really hard time of it with loads of work, crap wages and no help – so everyone else should too.

    Err.. no thanks.

    Free Member

    and after all that graft elfin all she has to show for it is you 😯

    Free Member

    You are the Queen! And I claim my £5

    Ive 2 kids, 2 cats and a wee mutt. Ive no choice!

    Full Member

    Now, I could understand if you lived with someone who needed a lot of care and that

    I live with 2 people who need a LOT of care

    is it mainly parents that employ cleaners then?

    This I’d guess, we used to be able to keep the house tidy, stuff stayed where you put it. Nowadays We tidy up at night, workdays I get up at 6:30am if either/both of kids have woken early the place is a bomb site again by then.

    Mind you my mates sister in law has a cleaner a nanny doesn’t work, cook or clean, does pretty much FA but as her hubby is minted it doesn’t really matter (to her/them)

    Considers getting a cleaner….


    Free Member

    Not really understanding your logic there Elf – you seem to be saying your mum had a really hard time of it with loads of work, crap wages and no help – so everyone else should too.

    No, you misunderstand.

    My point is, that when people bleat on about ‘not having time’ or being ‘overworked’ as a justification for getting someone in to do the jobs they simply don’t want to, that they probably are in fact in not too bad a position relatively, so their argument is a tad weak, in that respect.

    If people were instead truthful, and just said ‘I can’t be arsed doing the cleaning so I just get someone in’, that would be a lot more honest and I’d have more respect for them.

    Fact is we are a pretty lazy nation, let’s face it. Exercise less than most other countries, are fatter on average than most other countries, work less hours than most too.

    So to say ‘ooh I don’t have time for something that takes perhaps an hour or so a week’, is a pretty poor show, woon’t you say?

    TBH I don’t care if you’ve got a cleaner or not. Up to you what you do with your money. Just don’t try bullshitting by saying ‘ooh it’s cos we’re simply too busy to do such menial tasks’. 😉

    Fair enough, no?

    Full Member

    Ive 2 kids, 2 cats and a wee mutt. Ive no choice!

    There’s always a choice….


    Full Member

    you seem to be saying your mum had a really hard time of it with loads of work, crap wages and no help – so everyone else should too.

    This is the basis on which America was colonized by Europeans – protestants whop wanted everyone to have existences even more miserable than their own.

    It all started when that Martin Luther’s wife went away for a weekend to visit her mother and the only clean shirt he had was made of hair….

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