I’ve always been a mornings kinda guy, early to bed early to rise, you know the story.
I find eating late (after 7pm) a struggle as it feels like I’ve eaten a hippo or armadillo and then my body heats up whilst in bed and thats it, I’m awake.
Drinking Wine is a right old PITA too, if I have two glasses I know I’m in for a disturbed sleep so I try to limit intake to either one glass or none until Friday when I drink Beer, real beer.
Healthy clean air.. and keep cool.
THing is, the mornings are such a nice place to be, way before anyone else is up, your out at the crack of Dawn watching nature take it’s course.. This morning was exceptional, low lying mist on the South Downs, valleys full of rain clouds, grey everywhere.. doesn’t sonud fab does it but it was.. in it’s own way it was amazing.