So no one is buying in the current dip?
Is like saying “why is no one selling at this peak”.
a) you don’t absolutely know this is the dip
b) there’s no intrinsic value, there isn’t some sort of regression to the mean. It’s not like “buying the dip” in steel prices when you could invest in a mix of mining, smelting companies, futures, or ETF’s knowing that those companies or materials have* some intrinsic value.
*well, you could have been left with oil during 2020 when it went negative, but in general, you’d be safer buying oil futures when it’s low because it will eventually go back to the same sort of ~$75/barrel it always does.
It’s interesting to watch because as they said up there, it’s almost purely sentiment-driven, some influencer posts saying this is the dip, it’s going up, people on forums “doing their own research” read that, buy it, influencer cashes out, and you get this:
I invested around £900 , mostly in Cardano after a friend that makes good money from it convinced me to give it a go …. seems like I bought when it was at its highest and now its worth less than half ! … I’ve decided to just leave it where it is for now , as I’ve already lost over 50% of its value and see what happens ? ….. Just thought it would buy me a nice new shiny bike this year … guessing not anymore 🙁
There’s no more research to it than guessing at the market sentiment. And that’s really a coin toss, with survivor bias ensuring you read more stories of new bikes being bought than the people who only bet what they could afford to lose, and lost.