I used to react incredibly badly to stress, all of which was work-related. Strangely, it was pretty much all physical; I had sudden outbursts of boils for a while, then after a year or so that went, to be replaced with mouth ulcers. Irritable Bowel Syndrome came and went as well. The absolute corker, however, was my pituitary gland going haywire – passed on the message to my thyroid to creat more thyroxine, so suddenly my thyroid grew to severl times its normal size, and I lost 2 stones in around 6 weeks. One surgery later, my pituitary is still on full speed, and I have no thyroid to speak of (there’s a little bit left).
I’ve always internalised stress, never got bothered/irritable, but my body knew, even if I tried to control it. Clearly this was a stupid idea.
So now I don’t bottle things up; I find it a lot less stressful if I’m more outwardly emotional and a lot more direct. If someone pisses me off I tell them – politely, but firmly. It doesn’t matter who it is (it’s been the CEO on numerous occasions, and once was the head of our banking syndicate) and strangely, this has seen a significant boost to my career. All I can say is, don’t bottle it all up; the pressures are there, and you need to address them. Family, dogs, exercise….these all help. But for me, not really giving a damn about who I say things to (though, it must be said, always being careful to say things in the right manner – flying off the handle wins no friends) really seems to work.
No medical issues in the last decade!