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  • How do you deal with stress?
  • Kevevs
    Free Member

    I’m sad to hear that Tazzy you complete stranger. chin up and all that crap. vague normality ftw.

    Free Member

    Very rarely get stressed, at the minute I have nothing in my life which could cause it really. If I do then a quick ride on the bike sorts it out.

    Full Member

    Only really get stressed over work – 2 types, one where I feel I’m not achieving enough which I can usually channel into a postive sort of feeling and use it to motivate my approach.

    I get a second sort of negative sort of stress which manifests itself in anxiety, worrying about stupid shit and making mountains out of molehills – all work related. I find stuff like hillwalking, MTBing not to be that helpful here, paradoxically. They don’t really defuse things for me.

    Talking things over to my wife is by far the most effective remedy and something I don’t do enough of. Because it’s stupid shit it can feel too trivial to have a conversation about sometimes.

    Free Member

    ive found skunk helps alot,,,,,

    im being serious, i dont smoke tobacco i dont really drink and i wouldnt consider myself a bum, i just have the occasional bong and forget about stuff thats getting me down. 8)

    Free Member

    Work from home and no matter how badly my day is going, at 2pm I strap on my headphones, fire up an interesting audiobook and take the dog for an hour long walk (at least – if it’s a nice day and the book is pleasing to my ears, the walk might extend to three or more hours).

    Never fails to sort out all my woes – come home revitalised and ready to get back to work.

    Full Member

    I don’t really get stressed. I think that’s mainly to do with the fact I don’t care about my job, or a ‘career’, I take little notice of current affairs or politics, and I see the good in nearly everyone. I’m also naturally optimistic. What’s the worst that can happen? Loose my job, and the house. How bad can that be? I’d have more spare time to do stuff I like.

    And your crack habbit Poddy – Don’t forget the crack…..


    Full Member

    Personally, I think there’s a big use in identifying those things that you can change, and those that you cannot.
    Of those things you can change, choose the ones you want to and can change them for the better.
    Those that you cannot change, choose to accept them, or chose to avoid them.

    Also – If you have a mental toddler that’s pretty smart (so much so they try to lock you in the conservatory) and full of beans, everything else is pi$$ easy to deal with….!!!


    Full Member

    i think i’m Poddys twin brother. The closest i get to ‘stress’ is the irritation at having to fix a puncture… or maybe if there’s no milk in the fridge in work and i have to walk 35m to the other fridge..

    Other than that… it just doesn’t matter.

    Free Member

    I read _tom_’s post as:

    _tom_ – Member
    Very rarely get dressed, at the minute I have nothing in my life which could cause it really.

    I guess mild dyslexic tendencies act to counter stress and make me chuckle.

    Free Member

    I do lots of stuff really, dancing, stretching, long baths with candles and wine, pottering about in my work shop fixing stuff, building bikes, relaxation techniques and of course laughter 😉

    Free Member

    I guess mild dyslexic tendencies act to counter stress and make me chuckle.

    Or is it wishful thinking.

    Full Member

    I usually smash things, phones are a favourite, done about 4 now (one of which was thown at someone who works for me). Slamming doors, hitting things with a hammer, driving like a complete w@nker is another favourite.
    I’m usually quite a relaxed person. I get stressed because my releaxed approach to things (usually work) means i end up with loads to do all at once.
    I used to be the same with homework at school too.

    Free Member

    I find time every day to walk into town, have a coffee, chill, people watch and ruminate. I accept that life is hard so I take the nice bits gratefully. I don’t over analyse, I made quick decisions. The worst that could happen seldom does. And if it does there are always answers. Shit doesn’t happen, things happen. Are they shit or are they just things that everyone faces? Stress happens because we have some picture in our minds about how things are supposed to be, and it’s usually based on misinformation, misunderstanding and fantasy. Someone looking in would probably see dozens of things they think should be ‘better’ in my life. But I’m OK with it.

    Free Member

    I often find that a damn good unhinged bit of singing works wonders. That said I am not prone to stress, if you can keep your head whilst those about you lose theirs.. etc.. etc.

    Free Member

    I rarely bother with it, it’s counter-productive.

    Stuff always works itself out in the end.

    Free Member

    I used to react incredibly badly to stress, all of which was work-related. Strangely, it was pretty much all physical; I had sudden outbursts of boils for a while, then after a year or so that went, to be replaced with mouth ulcers. Irritable Bowel Syndrome came and went as well. The absolute corker, however, was my pituitary gland going haywire – passed on the message to my thyroid to creat more thyroxine, so suddenly my thyroid grew to severl times its normal size, and I lost 2 stones in around 6 weeks. One surgery later, my pituitary is still on full speed, and I have no thyroid to speak of (there’s a little bit left).

    I’ve always internalised stress, never got bothered/irritable, but my body knew, even if I tried to control it. Clearly this was a stupid idea.

    So now I don’t bottle things up; I find it a lot less stressful if I’m more outwardly emotional and a lot more direct. If someone pisses me off I tell them – politely, but firmly. It doesn’t matter who it is (it’s been the CEO on numerous occasions, and once was the head of our banking syndicate) and strangely, this has seen a significant boost to my career. All I can say is, don’t bottle it all up; the pressures are there, and you need to address them. Family, dogs, exercise….these all help. But for me, not really giving a damn about who I say things to (though, it must be said, always being careful to say things in the right manner – flying off the handle wins no friends) really seems to work.

    No medical issues in the last decade!

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