Home Forums Bike Forum How do all you Dads find time to ride – need tips!

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  • How do all you Dads find time to ride – need tips!
  • jacob46
    Free Member

    Get the missus to start taking little one swimming lessons of a sunday morning. While there gone you go riding!! Or is my missus really easy going compared to most? I love her too bits.

    Are you aloud to go away riding for the weekend in snowdonia? I did last weekend.

    Free Member

    I was lucky, my job at the time took me away a night or two a week, the bike was rarely not in my boot. My job also took me all over the UK and I spent a lot of time on a job in Scotland too.

    I’d always arrange time for riding in the week somewhere, and I could commute one or two days a week.

    Wondering why I left them now…

    Full Member

    When/if you have a second child, you wonder why it took two adults to look after one baby.

    Never a truer word spoken. Funny isn’t it? I don’t know if it’s coincidental but StGeorge 2 is more laid back.

    To the OP, just make time, who gives a toss if your lawn isn’t pristine (unless you post a pic on here) or your living room looks like an explosion in Toys R Us (or the handcrafted, ethically sourced, wood crafted, educational equivalent).

    Eg don’t wash the car – just go for a ride, 40 minutes trying to do wheelies in Tesco’s car park is amazing stress reliever. Just get out and piss about on a bike….

    Free Member

    When/if you have a second child, you wonder why it took two adults to look after one baby

    I see your two and raise you a third..!

    Such a true statement though.

    Full Member

    Well done getting on the rollers alpha 1653 – I moved my bike and turbo into the spare room last week but still haven’t used it. My self imposed excuse being that it’ll wake up the little chap. Probably not true! The worst thing for me is, as others have said, the self imposed guilt! My wife does actually keep saying I should get up early and do a ride etc but I end up getting up with the little dude and letting her have a lie-in because I feel bad about not doing it since it’s the weekend. My fault entirely.

    The job is going to have to change. Going to give an ultimatum…have realised family and friends (and cycling) take priority over work. Keep your fingers crossed for me as I’ll probably be doing it before Christmas and hope it doesn’t backfire horribly!

    Free Member

    I see your two and raise you a third..!

    don’t have 4

    it’s more or less broken me

    Free Member

    infact it’s probably not the kids

    not everyone gets this

    its mostly this, on amphets

    the very thought of a night ride, or turbo training after 7/8pm at night 😆

    the thought of getting up and going for a ride at 5/6am with a kid under a year old 😆

    me and the mrs work in mental health/challenging behaviour, but jesus chris, ptarenting is sometimes on another level,

    mornings are complete chaos, day times are a mess, tea time is **** up and bed times are a test of strength and patience,

    **** facebook/twitter/instagram/playground mafia and your shitty friends with their faux posts and “perfect lives” **** it all, having kids is shit and gritty and will test you completely

    all the wonderful it gets better posts above, I’m not sure it does, its pretty brutal, seriously brutal

    Free Member

    all the wonderful it gets better posts

    In the spirit of “it doesn’t get easier, you just go faster”, “it doesn’t get better, it just gets different”. I must admit I’m enjoying a rare good spell at the moment. I may even get out for a ride tomorrow!

    Full Member

    Well done getting on the rollers alpha 1653 – I moved my bike and turbo into the spare room last week but still haven’t used it.

    Cheers buddy. But don’t feel guilty; I’ve had the rollers for about 5 years making my average usage of them about…hmmm…once every 6 months! I probably wouldn’t have it in the spare room given how noisy they are. I’ve retreated to the garage where I can sweat to my hearts content and play loud music without disturbing mini alpha or the alpha female which, as any nature lover will tell you, results in an arse kicking.

    @dirtyrider: sounds like your house is a war zone!

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