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  • How clever/stupid is your pet?
  • TandemJeremy
    Free Member

    We used to have a cat.
    One of my flatmates had been teasing her and she was cross – but smart. Later on he fell asleep on the sofa – she walked up to him and tapped him a couple of times to make sure he was asleep then thwacked him on the nose and legged it.

    She was a viscous hunter tho – I saw her take 3 pigeons in one day

    Free Member

    My whippet sings and he does the washing….he gets to the top of the staircase in just about 2 jumps..can. do a funny dance…just not quite good enough for the x-factor yet..lol

    Free Member

    Two dogs.

    Lubo, rescue dog, collie/lab/pointer cross of some sort. Fly bastard. Have spent hundreds of pounds on increasingly high/solid fences in the back garden trying to keep him in as he figures out ways to get over/under/ straight through them all. Have had to put snib on kitchen door overnight to keep him out of living room, since he had figured out how to open it in the middle of the night when it was merely closed, in order to get up on the couch, sleep on it and pee all over it to claim it for himself. Gets up on kitchen worktop and eats any food left unattended on it. Announces that it’s time to go for a walk by finding your shoes and dropping them in your lap. Outrageous flirt with other dog owners when out on walks – on the off-chance that they might have a treat in their pocket. Never bothers with any other type of person. Can perform all manner of tricks but will only do so as a transaction. I do trick, you give me food. Has trained me and the missus to walk a respectful few yards behind him cleaning up his mess. Damn, he’s good. Has an irrational phobia of bin-bags though.

    Norrie. Scottish Terrier. Cute and low-maintenance but thick as two short planks. Cocks his leg to take a dump. Can lip read the words, “shall we go for a walk?” but that’s about it.

    Free Member

    My old dog would hump my leg whenever he got excited while my old Tomcat hated me so much it would try to chase me in order to bite me whenever I tried to pat him on the head. He latter hated me because I “vibrated” its goolies many times with my fingers … not in any perverted ways but more like seeing how it would react … 😀

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