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  • How can people be so cruel to a dog
  • BlindMelon
    Free Member

    Some hoods set a dog on fire locally. Totally shameful, hopefully the police can catch them. The footage is horrific, poor wee dog, hopefully it can pull through.


    Free Member

    I cant even look at the link!

    As i have said on here before people who will come on and say its only a dog (binners!) need to realise that there is a direct connection between animal abuse and human abuse.

    Free Member

    That is truly awful! how anyone can do that is unimaginable.
    Just as a point though where does it say some hoods were responsible?

    Free Member

    Hood- generic term for bad guys from the US, long before hoodies.. I think it comes from Hoodlum.


    Free Member

    That makes me very angry. I know Maghaberry well, my gran and grandpop used to live there.

    Free Member

    Hopefully they will be back in Maghaberry soon at HMP

    Full Member

    As i have said on here before people who will come on and say its only a dog (binners!) need to realise that there is a direct connection between animal abuse and human abuse.

    Oh FFS!!! get a grip! Can I just say that when I said ‘it was only a dog’, I was only bloody joking! It was in poor taste? Yes, undisputedly! Hence I got the banhammer waved in my general direction. I feel suitably contrite and won’t repeat anything as crass

    But to paraphrase myself (how frightfully narcissistic of me?) – Its only the internet.

    So I therefore found it quite ironic, in fact absolutely laughable and pathetic, that someone felt so offended about a flippant comment on an interwebby forum, about a dog, that they emailed me death threats. Might I suggest you need to get a sense of perspective?

    And if you’re reading this, which you doubtlessly are, do you mind if I post your email address up so we can identify you? Or just reply to my frightfully witty email. Unless you want to out yourself first? No? Thought not.

    Free Member

    Maybe it was Stapleton?

    Free Member

    So I therefore found it quite ironic, in fact absolutely laughable and pathetic, that someone felt so offended about a flippant comment on an interwebby forum, about a dog that, they emailed me death threats. Might I suggest you need to get a sense of perspective?


    Show us the email!

    Free Member

    You were sent death threats? Seriously?!

    Full Member

    Well i will do – but I’m giving somebody the opportunity to fess up first.

    I bet they’re reading this. Care to justify yourself then Frank R? No?

    Free Member

    You are joking binners! Death threats over a tasteless, albeit flippant, remark. Out them definitely then we can all point and laugh at the keyboard vigilante.

    Free Member

    Out of fairness binners, you should substitute the first letter of his/her name for the letter after it alphabetically, so that they aren’t identified.

    Free Member

    Where is binners’ flippancy? On another dog-fire thread?

    Free Member

    Damn! out of biscuits again
    Off to the shop for more then. 🙂

    Free Member

    Not going to look at the link but i do hope they are caught, it disgusts me that people can get away with this sort of thing.

    Binners, that is mental getting death treats, would agree your comments were undeniably distasteful but someone has gone way over the top there.

    Full Member

    The mail from a Yahoo account in the name of a Frank Regza said

    ‘It’s only a dog’? You are total scum! You will be hunted down…..

    The animal rights movement.

    Which I suppose was meant to scare me. yeah… I was quaking in my ****ing boots, I can tell you. I offered to send him my address, to save him the ‘hunting down’ bit. No reply though so I sent him this….

    Couple of further questions Frank, if you don’t mind

    1. Are you a self-appointed spokesman of the animal rights movement? (Do
    ‘movements’ even have spokesmen/spokeswoman/spokesperson?) Or are you issuing your violent threats in a purely personal capacity, as a lover of all things furry?

    2. Is it you who will be hunting me down? Or yourself and other animal rights ‘activists’ (is that what members of movements are referred to as nowadays?). Its just that I thought your ‘movement’ was generally opposed to the idea of hunting. Or does this apply exclusively to foxes?

    3. If it does apply purely to foxes, if I don a fox costume (I think I’ve seen one in a local fancy dress shop) would that exempt me from your brutal and chilling retribution?

    4. Have you considered addressing your anger management issues? I’m a bit
    worried about you to be honest. I mean… if you’re threatening to hunt people down for making a tasteless internet comment, What on earth are you going to do if something really serious happens? I’m imagining that if, say someone bumped their shopping trolley into yours in your local vegan, organic grocery, that you may end up bludgeoning them to death, in front of their children, with a muddy mis-shapen courgette.

    Anyway…. Looking forward to your reply. You sound like you could be fun, but your concern for ickle fwuffy bunny wabbits is clouding your judgement

    Love and kisses


    Still no reply. Which is very hurtful 🙁

    Free Member


    Quality. To celebrate I’m going to set fire to my dog when I get home.

    Full Member

    What’s got four legs and goes Woof ? Etc etc

    Fwiw it’s despicable to do such a thing to an animal. Disgusting.

    Full Member

    How can people be so cruel to a dog

    people set fire to other people, why would you be surprised some sicko would do it to an animal.

    Not suggesting it’s ok to hurt animals but I’ll stand by my argument that people are much more important than animals.

    Free Member

    Quality. To celebrate I’m going to set fire to my dog when I get home.

    Mine is roaring away as I type this.

    Full Member

    Roaring? Are you sure its not the Essex lion you’ve got there? 😀

    Free Member

    Mine is roaring away as I type this.


    Full Member

    I’ve sent Frank the link to this thread, in case he’s missed it. I feel we’d all benefit from his input, on a subject he clearly feels so strongly about

    Free Member

    Lol Binners I only mentioned you as i think it was on my thread on the dog that was killed on Caesars camp.

    I did know you were joking that’s why i mentioned you (as I was too), i had no idea that the banhammer was waved nor the death threats!

    Blimey! 😯

    Free Member

    Not suggesting it’s ok to hurt animals but I’ll stand by my argument that people are much more important than animals.

    Ha ha, people are scum, just like animals… …and plants with their faux-renewable energy photosynthetic green-wash.

    The only true higher intelligence and consciousness on this planet are fungi!

    Free Member

    I think the point is, that despite all right thinking people feeling compassion and even empathy with the dog, most people are surprised at the level of vehemence and defence over animals, when humans die in terrible circumstances every day.

    Where is this level of bile towards the perpetrators of cancer – the tobacco companies?

    Or the politicians who choose to spend money building edifices to themselves when children are dying of starvation in africa?

    It’s a symptom of misplaced morals, or what I like to call “pick and mix” morals. Which is people choosing easy moral platforms to stand on because they haven’t got the inner strength or moral courage to stand up for something really important..

    {awaits flames}

    Free Member

    Not suggesting it’s ok to hurt animals but I’ll stand by my argument that people are much more important than animals.

    I prefer animals personally.

    Free Member

    No flaming from here Toys19. You make some good points that some will find unpalatable.

    Free Member

    Interesting perspective Toys19, it’s certainly something that the British media seem very adept at stoking.

    Maybe we have become too insulated as a species, or at least as a culture to the realities of the world we live in? Should “life” be given the pedestal it currently sits on? We set so much store in individuals without often considering the wider impact. Is this even something we can do, i.e. taking the bigger picture? Certainly some folk sacrifice themselves for “the greater good” should this be something we should all aspire too, at the expense of individual life and/or suffering?

    Not sure myself, but it’s worth thinking about. Tends to be a bit uncomfortable though.

    Full Member

    I’ve always found that people who are obsessed with the rights of animals seem to generally have scant regard for human beings. They basically just don’t seem to like them. Something that seems to be readily reciprocated, for normally pretty obvious reasons.

    They’re also very selective about what animals they like/favour to protect/issue death threats on behalf of. In fact…. mainly, to be honest… their ridiculously simplistic, black or white, morally vacuous stance on the matter marks them out as complete ****ing morons

    Just my opinion, obviously 😉

    *awaits the next death threat*

    Free Member

    I think the point is, that despite all right thinking people feeling compassion and even empathy with the dog, most people are surprised at the level of vehemence and defence over animals, when humans die in terrible circumstances every day.

    Where is this level of bile towards the perpetrators of cancer – the tobacco companies?

    Or the politicians who choose to spend money building edifices to themselves when children are dying of starvation in africa?

    It’s a symptom of misplaced morals, or what I like to call “pick and mix” morals. Which is people choosing easy moral platforms to stand on because they haven’t got the inner strength or moral courage to stand up for something really important..

    {awaits flames}

    You’ll get no flaming from me. I fundamentally agree with you. But I wonder if it’s just simply to do with the cruelty to our perceived most vulnerable (children/elderly/disabled etc) of which our Dogs and Cats etc are part of, which we find so immediately abhorrent.

    Clearly some just prefer animals over people which I find a little unsettling.

    Free Member

    If you are looking into fostering children, part of the background check for suitability is if you have or had pets is to contact your vets

    Free Member

    {awaits flames}

    Odd choice of sign off there 😉

    Free Member

    I think the point is, that despite all right thinking people feeling compassion and even empathy with the dog, most people are surprised at the level of vehemence and defence over animals, when humans die in terrible circumstances every day.

    That’s a fair point to raise. For me, there’s something nauseatingly cruel about picking on the innocent, the vulnerable, the dependent, the trusting. So I feel an especially vehement response when animals, children, the elderly and the disabled are treated sadistically. I simply don’t get that when I think of grown adults. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to feel particularly protective of the weakest around us, whether they’re dogs or children or horses or grannies. But to take it to the extremes of sending death threats is the mark of a nutjob.

    Free Member

    That’s a fair point to raise. For me, there’s something nauseatingly cruel about picking on the innocent, the vulnerable, the dependent, the trusting. So I feel an especially vehement response when animals, children, the elderly and the disabled are treated sadistically. I simply don’t get that when I think of grown adults. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to feel particularly protective of the weakest around us, whether they’re dogs or children or horses or grannies. But to take it to the extremes of sending death threats is the mark of a nutjob.

    You’ll get no flaming from me. I fundamentally agree with you. But I wonder if it’s just simply to do with the cruelty to our perceived most vulnerable (children/elderly/disabled etc) of which our Dogs and Cats etc are part of, which we find so immediately abhorrent.

    Clearly some just prefer animals over people which I find a little unsettling.

    Just re-jigged really.

    Free Member

    yup said the same thing.

    Although I feel just as bad when anyone is treated badly, they don’t have to be vulnerable to be more deserving of my empathy and compassion. If it was your eyes being poked out with a red hot poker or the eyes of a child, it’s just as bad..

    Full Member

    I feel a sliding level of empathy towards things depending on how fwuffy and cute they are. Aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww

    Full Member

    I prefer animals personally.

    plenty of people do, I think it’s because they are simple.

    (i was talking about animals, honest)

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