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  • How bad is red bull for you, really?
  • michaelmcc
    Free Member

    The first time I encountered Redbull was at a race sponsored by them in Spain. Everything behind the bar was expensive but the Redbull was free so my post-race thirst was quenched with many, many cans of Redbull. That was 16 years ago and I haven’t touched the stuff since.


    Free Member

    I had a can of red bull and about 5 jaegerbombs on thursday night, and my heart was doing about 100bpm at 5 am still. Bit disturbing!

    Yep, it’ll do that to ya! Not that I’d know :wink .

    Free Member

    I remember the first redbull 24 hour race, they gave us a crate of red-bull but we had to promise & possibly sign a it of paper not to drink it during the event.

    Serious?? 😐

    Free Member

    When finishing our uni exams it was a tradition to neck all of the proplus/red bull that you had left in one hit and then go out clubbing. They were messy, meesy nights.

    It’s probably why pro plus and red bull no longer make me feel wired if I have them, I’m still just as tired as before, only I can’t sleep…

    Free Member

    I really like monster but think I’ll stay off it from now. I also love Club Mate but it’s hard to find over here. It’s lovely stuff, popular in Germany.

    Free Member

    It’s probably no worse for you than any other sugary drink or even a coffee habit.

    There is nothing unusual about it in that it contains things that are all found in other products.

    Problems will arise with people drinking loads of it. Some one once turned orange by drinking too much Sunny D, a girl in a coffee shop had a heart attack after drinking 8 double espressos, plenty of people die from obesity related complications through eating too much, some people choke on cherry stones.Alcohol…

    Everything in moderation, especially moderation.

    FWIW, I agree with the above, if I’m tired it leaves me tired but also jittery and restless.

    Full Member

    The only one I like the taste of is Relentless, and I occasionally drink a can, if I have one handy, when I get a migraine. I read somewhere that caffeine dilates the blood vessels in the brain, easing the effects of the migraine. Seems to help, but I can’t give empirical evidence to support the theory.
    Does make me a bit twitchy, though…

    Free Member

    I’m pretty much immune to caffiene these days, I drink coffee all evening then go to bed and sleep like a baby.

    I put it down to a good few years in Austria drinking mostly Red Vodka and Redbull (triple measure and a full can of Redbull) plus a few cans through the day to stay awake.

    Heavy drinking in those days, so I dread to think how many cans a week, but I’d be shocked if it was less than 90 😐

    We used to buy 5 slabs at a time (and it was cheap !)

    (I am technically still alive by the way) 😉

    Free Member

    Why is too much taurine bad?

    How much is too much?

    Free Member

    Can’t buy energy drinks if you’re under 16 in my local Morrisons. Checkout lady told me a kid drank loads and died. Dunno if it’s true.

    Full Member

    Me and the Internet say it’s rum…...but that’s neither here nor there.


    Free Member

    My camelbak bladders last ages with minimal fettle-I put allsorts in (juice).

    One Redbull yhough and BANG black with mould.

    No ta.

    Free Member

    The trans Wales in 2008 was sponsored by red bull, I just have drink 10 cans a day and left with several cases. Don’t think I would have survived without it…….

    Free Member

    I remember queueing for a midnight club opening in the late 90’s when a pimped up Beetle rolled up and 2 lovelies started handing out free cans of the stuff. Few of us knew what Red Bull was (this was the UK release) and most peeps had one or two sips and said no thanks.
    Roll on a year and every Tom Dick and Harriett is knocking back the Vodka Bulls like there’s no tomorrow.
    Top marketing of a hideous drink.
    On a side note, I had to ban one of my teenage colleagues from drinking Monster in the shop. He became a nervous jibbering wreck and couldn’t get any work done

    Free Member

    I tasted it once and gagged. I wouldn’t buy shite like that on principle because I know how cheap the ingredients are and how much profit the manufacturer is making out of me. I’d rather just stir fifteen spoonfuls of sugar into a strong cup of coffee.

    Free Member

    I did the first red bull 24hr race and yes, we got so much free it was unreal. Can’t recall any warnings though, I just wish it did give me wings so I could have flown over the gloop whilst listening to space instead of peddling through it…

    Must say, it’s shite but as a way of keeping awake (not the same as not being tired) in a simple fix, it’s pretty good if foul tasting.

    Free Member

    I tasted it once and gagged. I wouldn’t buy shite like that on principle because I know how cheap the ingredients are and how much profit the manufacturer is making out of me

    Lol, lol, and lol some more.

    Almost everything you buy is the same, get over yourself!

    And you may not like the taste but some do, including me.

    Free Member

    There’s a lot in common between the advertising and branding of energy drinks, and the equivalent for tobacco a decade or two ago

    Free Member

    Its no worse than a strong coffee or a can of coke. Drinking an excess of any of them wont do you any good.

    I occasionally have one, usually on the weekends me and my daughter go climbing and shes got the usual energy of a duracell bunny and I’m bushed from working and travelling, its a nice pick me up to get me started. But I just do the one. I drink it as I dont drink coffee and it takes a lot more tea to reach the same ‘awake’, so its my way of waking up.

    My daughter had one once, shes 8. It was ok for the first few hours but then she became grouchy once she came down. Wont do that again in a hurry.

    I have a friend who regularly drinks 6-8 a day instead of coffee. I wouldnt but she see just the same as somebody who drinks 6-8 strong black coffees. For me, that is waaay too much chemicals.

    Free Member

    Around here you cant buy it till your 16 to try and keep it out of schools

    After the kids have had their lunch of monster/red bull and some chocolate then come back to class on cloud 9 it makes teaching them a bit hard !

    I worked with a guy in california who seemed to work 24/7 and was wired to the moon with monster …. I reckon if he ran out of the stuff he would have had the most almighty crash , it coursed through his veins …

    I hate it

    Full Member

    I remember the first redbull 24 hour race, they gave us a crate of red-bull but we had to promise & possibly sign a it of paper not to drink it during the event.


    You didn’t have to sign anything at the absolute first one.
    They were handing it out like penny sweets.
    As per usual with Caffeine related drinks I had no problem sleeping most of the way home after a few extra ones before we left.
    I think I stopped drinking it after that or possibly the 3rd Red Bull as we missed the 2nd not that I drank much of it any other time.

    Personally wouldn’t touch any of the related drinks. I can’t imagine it does your insides any good and I’d prefer Beer/coffee to do that damage thanks.

    Full Member

    i used a red bull ‘energy shot’ (a little capsule) once just before i drove from scotch corner to edinburgh one morning at 4am.
    the effects were amazing, i felt completely alert and ready for anything.
    until i got to berwick, when ‘i’ crashed. (I, not the car)
    berwick to edinburgh took ages, i think i stopped about 3 times to pee!
    it was amazing, it was like someone had flicked a switch and i was in standby mode.
    never touched the stuff again, in fact the smell of anything with that much sugar in makes me feel sick now.

    Free Member

    Only thing Red Bull does for me is make my teeth & stomach ache,where as Red Devil gives me a proper energy kick….

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