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  • Horticulturalists- growing me a giant redwood
  • Northwind
    Full Member

    One of the wellingtonias on campus dropped a high branch today in the wind, and I’ve liberated a stack of cones from it… All brown and opened, but I collected enough that I’m hoping there’s a fair few seeds and that some might be viable (they’ll not be allowed to grow where they fall, incidentally, and the branch is off to the composter, so this is a no-loss game)

    So, anyone know anything about growing them, or just any useful insight on growing trees from cones? I’ve found some online resources, tall tales has some success stories.

    (no, I have absolutely no idea what I’ll do with giant redwood saplings should they appear. I rather like the idea of planting one in our rockery so it demolishes the house. First things first…)

    Free Member

    well if you get it to grow it is capable of outliving you by a LONG TIME!!!


    Free Member

    I grew some redwood seeds a couple of years ago – was planning to plant them in the pattern of a giant cock in a new to be planted woodland nearby, but managed to accidently drown them when they were still small, but ignoring that..
    I stuck em in the fridge for a few weeks as that’s what google said to do before planting to simulate winter. There’s some other stuff too which I can’t remember, but I’m sure google does.

    Full Member

    Ooh, good link, cheers!

    Yeah, the parent tree is one of the original UK wellingtonia, 170 years old but still a toddler. It’s a bit of an underachiever I think, about half the size of its peers. But I like him anyway. In theory a new one today could outgrow him in my lifetime, I think…

    Full Member

    Man, you get a lot of seeds in a cone don’t you! I always thought it was basically one spiky bit- one seed. The ones that I threw in my rucksack have shed all through the contents, in a years time all my stuff will have trees growing out of it. Can you claim warranty for a sequoia-infested Kindle?

    Full Member

    I think this is a fine enterprise.

    I’d love me a redwood.

    Free Member

    Ask them at the Botanics. But if I was to hazard a guess I’d say get some John Innes Seed compost, don’t worry about the cold, mother nature is taking care of that. Once you’ve sown the seeds, not too deep, sit beside them and play a banjo. Hope that helps.

    Free Member

    +1 for contacting the Botanics, they’ve got some great Redwoods down in Dawyck.
    You could also try contacting these guys – they are a very good tree nursery

    Some fine seed compost is a good move – and try not to over water them

    Love planting trees – it’s a great statement about faith in the future !

    Full Member

    Cheers folks! Will report back in 75 years

    General Grant, all 85 meters of him 😀

    Full Member

    Ours are like twigs by comparison! Only 26 metres for our biggest giant and coast.

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