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  • Hope QR release skewers
  • hughjengin
    Free Member

    Is it just me, or do other folk have theirs loosen considerably during a ride. You do em up reasonably tight, then have to check them 10 mins into a ride only to find they open with much less force, like they have setteld or seated better or something, weird.

    Full Member

    Never had that problem with mine.

    Free Member

    Never had that problem with mine. Old style or new style?

    Free Member

    New type, its weird like they dont sit square into the concave cups at first and then settle down. Must be me, maybe I am just not tightening enough in the first place, although Its not exactly rocket science doing up a QR !

    Free Member

    No problems with either old or new style Hope QR on wheels or seatpost.

    Free Member

    Front or rear? There was a big drama a few years ago when disc brakes were introduced. A number of over the bars incidents were caused by front wheels falling out, particularly where the forks didn’t have retention lips such as the early Pace airforce. It seemed that there was a high frequency vibration and torque reaction that was unscrewing the cam type QRs. There hasn’t been muuch talk of this recently, I don’t know if the problem was solved or not. My wife is very nervous about this as she had £10k worth of dental surgery after her wheel fell out, I have rigged up a piece of inner tube around the fork leg which loops over the QR to stop it coming loose.

    Free Member

    Front and rear, Oh dear its starting to sound more and more like me being a numptie

    Full Member

    Nope, there a reason why if you post “what QR”, shimano will always get the majority of votes. Reliable or bling, pick one… :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I dont have the Hope skewers myself but was advised strongly against them from my wheel builder as they can slacken off slightly and/or not do up tight enough in the first place.
    Salsa’s or Shimano were recommended, I opted for the Salsa and wow, they are really nice, tighten up super tight with little effort and release the same.
    So far I am a big fan of the Salsa QR, but not the price.

    Free Member

    There is an issue that when braking over bumps a precessional force is set up that can undo qrs. Made worse by some designs of QR, flexy forks and so on. In most cases the generated force is not enough to undo the QR but when things stack up against you it can happen.


    Free Member

    “as they can slacken off slightly and/or not do up tight enough in the first place.”

    Maybe not me then

    Free Member

    Its not that they are coming undone, quite the contrary. WHen I check them the lever is perfectly closed like I left it. But takes a little finger to flick it open, as opposed to when I did it up originally where it was a full palm of the hand effort

    Full Member

    A mate of mine has got a wheel with a Hope front QR skewer. It ALWAYS undoes after initial tightening and he has to stop to re-tighten it.

    He keeps meaning to replace it, but never getting round to it. He’ll probably regret it one day!

    I was going to get some gold Hope Skewers for my Barry White Inbred, but decided against it after seeing lots of mentions of them self-loosening.

    It’s a shame that Shimano don’t do coloured bits, as the one Shimano QR I have does up really easy, is nice & smooth after about 11 years and has never hinted at coming loose.

    Free Member

    There is an issue that random internet bullshine about QR skewers may be taken as :Fact: by some less experienced readers.
    Although apparently a hypothetical possibility, spontaneous QR loosening has never been proven to have happened to anyone, ever, at all…..

    Full Member

    Had similar problems, it’s not just you.

    Free Member

    Hilldodger – wrong. Ben Cooper demonstrated it experimentally and others have as well as a lot of anecdote. Including experiments on a static rig and Fox paid up in a court case over it


    Its not spontaneous – the precessional forces exist – its the same force that would undo a pedal if it had a conventional thread hence the pedal haveing reverse thread one side.

    However it only has an effect if the precessional force is greater than the friction of the qr

    Free Member

    I’ve never had any problems with mine to be honest.

    The Mavic ones I had on my crossrides were pants though

    Free Member

    [Quote]The Mavic ones I had on my crossrides were pants though[/Quote]

    Ironically if I was still having issues I was planning to stick the ugly Mavic ones back on that I had with my Crossrides 🙂

    In my mind the only way this could be happening is somehow the cam not seating in its lowest possible position in the concave recess. The after riding with associated knocks and vibrations it centres itself better in the seat thereby loosening up a bit, maybe some grease or equivalent on the cam / concave seat , to help it centre better when you tighten it up ?? but then again is the dry interface higher friction between the two the only reason why its not flipping open after loosening ?? Just a thought

    Free Member

    You have got the QR springs with the narrowest bit against the axle havent you?

    Free Member

    In the instructions it says that all brass bearing/bushing surfaces MUST be coated in grease and maintained to remain clean and free from dirt

    Free Member

    I find Hope QR’s do slacken after a few mins, not enough for them to come loose

    I usually fit the wheel, put the wheel between my legs and twist the bars.
    This is usually enough to ‘seat’ the QR and re-tighten it slightly.
    Its less noticeable on the rear but after a few sharp brakes in the car-park/warm-up that needs a tweak too.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Hilldodger – wrong. Ben Cooper demonstrated it experimentally

    You mean this “experiment” TJ

    I know that two weeks’ riding does not make for excellent statistics – I could really do with some help to get more data

    One person’ unaccredited non peer reviewed dabblings with no measured forces, or hard data of any kind are hardly worth anything – let alone the status of experiment.

    As for Fox paying out, I suspect the cost of payout was less than the cost of defending the action robustly.

    Still say it’s never happened in real life to a correctly maintained and adjusted QR skewer – prove me wrong….

    Free Member

    My front new Hope QR kept coming lose, but not the back.

    Changed to 9mm thru-axle and Superstar, and now DT Swiss, axle.

    Free Member

    I bought Hopes and had no issues with them coming undone but went back to XTR as they are easier to tighten and undo which is useful as my wheels come off when the bike goes in the car.

    Free Member

    In the instructions it says that all brass bearing/bushing surfaces MUST be coated in grease and maintained to remain clean and free from dirt

    Cant remember every greasing, worth a try

    Free Member

    I had heard the stories of it happening and big al at wheelcraft advised me to get shimano ones with my new wheel build. However i’d already bought the hope ones anyway so just used them and haven’t had any problems with them loosening (over 6000 miles since i started using them).

    Full Member

    Wasn’t there a bit of a fuss about Hope QRs about six years ago?

    Seem to remember that the one with titanium axles were being criticised (still use mine with no problems!)

    Full Member

    Shimano for QRs every time. They look a bit dull, but they just work the best.

    Free Member

    I stopped using mine because no matter how I tightened them they kep coming loose. Rear wheel gauged the frame a few times.

    Free Member

    I have the mk1 type on two bikes and not once have they loosened. I’ve ridden in the Alps and Spain times over and not had the slightest of problems with them. I do tighten them up properly and make sure the lever is pushed over the ‘cam’ to it’s furthest point though.

    Withought wanting to sound patronising, I am often amazed that not everybody understands how a q/r works and doesn’t push the lever over enough – as far as it goes! Where it will lock and be over the high point of the cam. Not saying that’s you though OP 🙂

    Not tried the mk2 type after reading similar stories on here to this.

    Free Member

    I got annoyed with hope QRs… could never seem to get a decent amount of force into them, and they were always seizing up.

    shimano all the way for me now – shame the only ones you seem to be able to buy are XTR for a small fortune.


    Free Member

    Not saying that’s you though OP

    No problems, people do the strangest things. Na I am in the engineering industry, and work in engineering design amongst many other hats, so whilst I am no Adrian Newey, I feel I understand the principles of most engineering.
    To be honest this is the main reason why its confused me as there is so little that can go wrong, othre than the cam not seating and then settling or the nut on the other side loosening which is highly unlikely. My only thoughts are if the brass liner on the concave section is too high friction and grabs the cam as it closes down before it settles in its lowest position. Never had this with any other QR

    Full Member

    woodsman – Member
    I have the mk1 type on two bikes and not once have they loosened. I’ve ridden in the Alps and Spain times over and not had the slightest of problems with them. I do tighten them up properly and make sure the lever is pushed over the ‘cam’ to it’s furthest point though.

    Withought wanting to sound patronising, I am often amazed that not everybody understands how a q/r works and doesn’t push the lever over enough – as far as it goes! Where it will lock and be over the high point of the cam.

    Thing is – there seems to be quite a few people that crop up every time a Hope QR question appears that have problems only with Hope QRs.
    If they didn’t understand how QRs work, then surely they’d have the same problem with other types.

    The mate I mention above has been through god knows how many wheel/QR combinations since I have known him & the ONLY QR he has problems with is the one Hope QR that he owns. I have seen him tighten the QR in the car park and then upon checking it 10 mins later after a bit of a warm up, it can be released with almost no effort at all.

    Free Member

    ive had the same problem with mine repeatedly. both old an dnew styles. i’ll be getting shimano ones again in the new year!

    Free Member


    Read the stuff from this link if yo want an explanation of how the QR loosening occurs


    Free Member

    Had hopes.
    Had problems.
    Got shimano.
    Got no problems.
    Ti ones were the worst.

    Free Member

    yep, mine were the same – shimano on every bike now. They are the best. The hope QR seatclamps slip too!

    Free Member

    love Hope for their hubs and other trick bits, but no love for the QR skewers whether wheel or seat clamp

    basically a poor cam design with an uncomfortable lever shape, that makes it hard to generate adequate clamping torque

    all my previous customers who had problems with the Hope skewers either working loose on the front, or allowing the rear wheel axle to shift on horizontal-dropout dirt jump bikes (even when using chain tugs) switched to good ‘old Shimano steel QRs and never had a repeat of the issue

    I would take Shimano or Campag (or Salsa for fancy ones) any day over Hope

    Free Member

    you could always ask the misses or one of the girls to tighten them for you 😆

    Free Member

    I’ve got Hope QRs on both my bikes; an old Ti one on the back of my DB Alpine and have never had a problem with it. I have newer ones on the Soul and the only issue I have had is when I put the front QR lever the same side as the disk, when it worked loose. Swapped the QR to the other side and have never had a problem since.

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