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  • Honesty Thread
  • TheDoog
    Free Member

    Ordered a set of Kyle Strait slim knee jobbies off ebay, charged just the once on paypal. They duly arrived, nice. Day after another pair duly arrived. Now, i know what i’m going to do with the extra pair but what would you do?? Send em back, keep em, sell em on??? (And i just know someone will say send both pairs back)

    Full Member

    give them away to the first person to respond to your post?

    Free Member

    well the seller may be desperate to get rid of the stock so do as you will………….

    Free Member

    I would take them out into the street and give them to the most attractive woman I saw, saying “you will need these, falling in love is hard on the knees”.

    I am particularly aroused by blank incomprehension, and disgusted snorting, so this has real potential.

    Free Member

    Cant see a seller giving stuff away cos they’re desperate

    Free Member

    I would either keep them or use them to weave a whimsical anecdote around like BD has.

    Free Member

    falling in love is hard on the knees”.

    I thought that was blow jobs?

    Free Member

    I know it shouldn’t make any difference but if a business did it I would be more inclined to keep quiet. If it was a private seller who had made a decent impression then I would get in touch with them.
    Exception being given too much change in pubs, always seem to give it back. Just speak before thinking in those situations.

    Free Member

    I thought that was blow jobs?

    Have you seen alot of the women in Calderdale?? They could use the knee pads for their knuckles!

    Free Member

    seller dependant.

    some one like charlie the bike monger, i would send it back.

    if it was an “argos” of the bike world, ide keep them.

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