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  • Holland and Barrett – no bikes allowed.
  • noeffsgiven
    Free Member

    Pram vs bike debate doesn’t stand up, well technically the pram does stand up whereas a bike falls over probably knocking dozens of vitamin bottles all over the floor, a prams wheelbase and wheels are designed to move around tight spaces such as a small shop, if I managed to wheel my bike into my local Holland & Barrett I’d struggle to get it out again thus wouldn’t dream of doing it but would go in with a pram without hesitation.

    Full Member

    And this a great illustration is why Jeff Bezos is a gazillionaire, whilst High Streets are  getting more and more empty across the land.

    My reaction if I thought they were unhelpful would be to fookthemorf  and shop online with someone else (not at a Mike Ashley related company).

    john dough
    Free Member

    Op earlier today

    Free Member

    I’ve done it once in my local photography shop when I forgot a lock but I’d not do it routinely

    Pictures or it didn’t happen

    Full Member

    Op earlier today

    I mean, my overridding response is “what a bunch of scrotes”, but I have to admit there’s a modicum of admiration of the fella with the camera’s mad skillz.

    Free Member

    f*ck em / kill them with kindness

    Wheeling the Brompton into Greggs yesterday (Yes Greggs, where else can I get an omelette roll?), had some pillock from the back shout “NO BIKES IN THE SHOP” I responded that I can fold it up and carry it, he shouted “NO BIKES ON MY CLEAN SHOP FLOOR” (obviously the Brompton is oozing heavy fuel oil), followed by “LOCK IT UP OUTSIDE”, I advised I don’t carry a lock as it comes into the office with me. Anyway he mouthed something, I folded it up (outside) and held it whilst doing my order.

    Surprised he didn’t ask me to take my shoes off at the door.

    Free Member

    I’d grow up and not try to take my bike into shops

    Full Member

    I got told by a shop assistant that it is company policy not to allow bicycles into the shop.

    I was told that I would be able to see this policy on the website, which, needless to say, I can’t find it.

    When asking for his details and questioning the policy,

    It sometimes gets on my nerves when people try to make things sound ‘official’.

    I understand that by making it sound like the order is coming from on high then it maybe lessens the chance of a random member of the public trying to convince the shop assistant why they are wrong (how I managed to work in retail without punching someone I’ll never know) but referencing ‘policy on the website’ would make me say, ‘Let’s have a look at this official policy and see if we can’t find any loopholes’.

    In this hypothetical scenario I hate myself, the shop assistant, Holland & Barrett, and the world in general that has somehow conspired to force us into having these pseudo-legalese exchanges.

    TLDR, you shouldn’t have started questioning the official policy but the assistant shouldn’t have been talking about policies available on the website.  Everyone’s a loser.

    Next time, come prepared with your own legal arguments as to why you are allowed to have your bike in the shop due to idiosyncratic interpretations of admiralty or maritime law.  Remember you are a Freeman on the Land (you also get a discount as you don’t have to pay VAT)!

    Free Member

    It right boils my pee when shops dont let me drive my car in to them (it could get stolen, and quite often you have to pay to park), yet they let people bring their shitty little dog things in

    Free Member

    ^ weird comparison, doesn’t even make sense.

    Full Member

    maybe lessens the chance of a random member of the public trying to convince the shop assistant why they are wrong

    If the shop manager says you can’t take your bike in, you can’t take your bike in, it doesn’t matter whether it’s on the website or not.

    Free Member

    ^ weird comparison, doesn’t even make sense.

    It does. I would love to drive my car in to a shop, get out, buy what I want get back in my car. But its not allowed. IMO bikes should not be allowed. And dogs !

    Full Member

    If the shop manager says you can’t take your bike in, you can’t take your bike in, it doesn’t matter whether it’s on the website or not.

    Indeed, which is why I said the shop assistant telling people there’s an official policy that they can see on the website probably wasn’t the best option.  If it’s an official policy and that’s the only reason then let’s have a look at it and see what it actually says.  Maybe there are some loopholes…

    Talking to someone like they are a human being is where I would generally start.  Maybe I’d try the pseudo-legal official policies if they seemed determined to be an arse about it. Or I could just tell them to **** off.

    Full Member

    And this a great illustration is why Jeff Bezos is a gazillionaire

    Definitely. I’m always taking my bike into the Amazon app. Never had complaints.

    Free Member

    I always ask if I can enter with a folded brompton, even put it in a trolley.  The only place anyone said anything was an awful b and b.

    Bit cheeky tbh just wheeling it in.

    Free Member

    Depends what we by “into the shop”. I often leave mine in the little bit between the outside doors and the doors into the shop proper, Innerleithen co op probably being a good example most on here will know. Not really any less nickable in there but less visible to passers by who aren’t shopping. I don’t wheel it round the isles with me though. Cafes we usually ask ‘can we put these in the garden round the back please?’ but we spend a lot longer in there than I do in a shop

    It’s only bike shops I’ve taken it into the shop proper, and then only if I need to show them something on the bike to indicate what I need.

    Free Member

    @ poolman – I didn’t paint the picture very well – This was a big ole Greggs!

    You sound exceptionally polite though, even asking if an item you are carrying (i.e off the ground) can be brought in. Respect!

    @ andrewh – the problem with the bit between inside/outside doors is that may be the primary fire escape, so that may not be universally liked either.

    As with any of this, it’s rule 1 stuff. Dumping a bike in an aisle, bringing one in covered in mud, a busy/narrow shop, etc, is daft.

    Anyway I’m off, just about to drive my Ford Raptor into a Max Spielmann.

    Full Member

    WWSTWD? Me? Shop online.

    Full Member

    Firstly full marks to the op for this reply

    Fair enough. Seems as if I was in the wrong then

    And to zippykona for having a spare lock for customers.

    I’ve occasionally got caught without a lock when wanting to nip into a supermarket and would then leave the bike just inside the entrance and carry the front wheel round with me while I shopped at very high speed indeed.  Would have been too embarrassed to push a  bike round but I have seen it done

    Free Member

    Pictures or it didn’t happen

    I’m waiting for this story to develop.

    Full Member

    I was in a pub recently and they told me I couldn’t take my bike into the empty beer garden. They said to lock up the bike at the front of the pub – this was due to a someone knocking over a bike and injuring someone who then sued the pub, the liability is too high for them.

    Full Member

    What tyres for vinyl flooring and Banana pecan pie trail mix?

    Seriously I don’t think it has ever crossed my mind to take my bike into a shop (other than a bike shop).

    Fair play to the OP for taking stock and reflecting on his actions though.

    Full Member

    The OP should have turned up with two other cyclists, than as the 3rd they’d be free to enter.

    Free Member

    I’ve wheeled my bike round a supermarket before when I’ve had to mid ride, debatable whether it should be allowed or not. On the one hand what’s the problem? On the other it’d be a problem if more than a handful of people tried to do it at the same time.

    Otherwise just take a lock.  I figure expecting to take the bike in has the same sort of feeling as expecting to be able to park on the double yellows outside with hazards on because you’re just popping in.

    Free Member

    I do it all the time in supermarkets. Never had an issue.

    Free Member

    I’ve never taken my bike into a retail shop

    I did, however, stop at the chippy on the way back from a ride recently and try to order from the door. The lady said bring your bike in! I now seem to have developed a habit of lunch time ride via the chippy.

    Full Member

    Pictures or it didn’t happen

    I’m waiting for this story to develop.

    Don’t make a scene, like the OP did.

    Free Member

    Pictures or it didn’t happen

    I’m waiting for this story to develop

    Yeah come on. No one likes being kept in the dark

    Free Member

    Pictures or it didn’t happen

    You don’t believe him? Don’t be so negative

    Free Member

    You don’t believe him? Don’t be so negative

    No no, quite the reverse

    Free Member

    Just checking, is it acceptable to wheel your bike into Halfords or Decathalon?  Might fall over and knock 100’s of can of spray paint over?

    Full Member

    Just checking, is it acceptable to wheel your bike into Halfords or Decathalon?

    Yep. Have done in both. In Leeds Decathlon, they have bike racks and a security guard inside the doors, it’s positively encouraged.

    Full Member

    It does. I would love to drive my car in to a shop, get out, buy what I want get back in my car. But its not allowed. IMO bikes should not be allowed. And dogs !

    But i regularly ride round on my dog when i’m shopping as if it’s a mobility scooter. Let’s ban mobility scooters from shops then.

    Full Member

    I once got escorted by security out of a huge shopping centre when i’d gone in to get something sorted with my phone account that couldn’t be done online or on phone. It was the sort of place big enough to drive a car around. The staff in the shop didn’t care. But then old mate turns up and says I can’t bring a bike in.

    Obviously, I tried my best “Do you know who I am?”, told him in no uncertain terms that he’d regret it, “Don’t you dare touch me!” “I know the owner of this global corporation, just wait until he finds out!” etc, etc. But no, I had to leave.

    Full Member

    I always ask if I can enter with a folded brompton, even put it in a trolley.

    My default with the brompton is put in a trolley, I have wheeled it around the local sainsbury or M&S with no issues but it’s much easier to just stick it a trolley.

    Innerleithen co op probably being a good example most on here will know

    Most on here will know – eh?

    Full Member

    We used to call people like this “Ken” because they were f— ken annoying. I believe the modern  (slightly sexist) term is a Karen.

    Free Member

    I always ask if I can enter with a folded brompton, even put it in a trolley.
    My default with the brompton is put in a trolley, I have wheeled it around the local sainsbury or M&S with no issues but it’s much easier to just stick it a trolley.

    You know how people put their kids in the trolley and wheel them around the shop? Sitting in the trolley, kicking the sides with shoes which have got dirt off the pavement, dogshit, fagbutts, seagull kack,… And then the next user puts their artisanal sourdough loaf into that trolley, but it slides out of the swanky paper bag on to the bottom of the trolley, and then they wonder where they picked up that weird stomach bug which kept them off work for two days…

    Full Member

    then the next user puts their artisanal sourdough loaf into that trolley

    But nobody on STW buys an artisanal sour dough loaf, they all curate them on their panasonic bread maker.

    Free Member

    My default with the brompton is put in a trolley

    That’s rank. Please don’t.

    or is it in a bag in the trolley? In which case go ahead

    Full Member

    I was brought up to lock my bike up outside. Bikes are outdoors, shops count as indoors.

    If you happened to forget your lock then you may politley ask to bring your bike in, but expect them to say no.

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