I’ve got quite a comprehensive set of Hive smart heating devices, main thermostat, additional zone thermostat and a fair few smart radiator valves (TRVs). When it works it’s great but I’m being driven mad by their software and the need for external connectivity to control or fix anything, or even calibrate the valves. Their helpdesk is always busy. They’ve removed the option to trigger calibration from the app, you have request this via the helpdesk! We’ve had some radiators moved about and I’ve been swapping the valves around today.
The problems I have today:
– Smart TRVs will not pair. The pairing fails and but the device appears in my devices. It isn’t on the main dashboard however. I can’t control the temp with it
– Phantom duplicate device appearing on the dashboard
– Helpdesk busy, no agents available
I’m now all for getting rid of the lot on eBay and buying something more reliable and fixable without a helpdesk. What are the options out there?
I need a smart thermostat for the heating and hot water, additional zone control* and smart radiator valves.
*This only controls the master bedroom. Another option is to wire up the system valve to the main controller instead and add a smart TRV on the radiator in there for zone control. I’d have to get someone in to swap the valve for a TRV one