Genuinely disappointed in people saying to also get an operator! IT’S A MINI DIGGER!
I’m disappointed at the people saying get a digger. Its only a pond! How pathetically atrophied can we all be to start discussing diggers and operators without even sticking a shovel in the ground first just to see what happens
I hate digging, I’m tall and suffer from various bits of nerve damage and working and lifting from below my feet isn’t my favourite kind of exercise. But digging a pond is only a little bit of digging. I made a pond for my gf’s mum a couple of years ago, depending on how the OP is arriving at their figure of 8 tons I’d say that one was approx half that size. Whole thing was done in the day – digging the hole took an hour and that was as much planning and marking it out on the fly as actually labouring. It’s easy – just get on with it.