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  • Hifi amp help!
  • rockthreegozy
    Free Member

    My PC is connected to my hifi amp (Denon amp/tuner), via the video input. However, I’ve just realised that when the amps in phono, the music still comes through from the PC.

    There is a Project Debut 2 turntable connected to the phono input.

    Is this normal?

    Free Member

    It doesn’t sound right.

    Do you have any other inputs you can try the PC on?

    Is the PC output a line output?

    Free Member

    Sorry, had a look at the back and the PC is plugged into the tape input. Switched to video and its as it should be.

    There is four main presets on the front (CD, Video, Phono and Tuner). Tape is a smaller button and can be toggled on/off in any one of the four presets.

    Not like that makes anymore sense but it solves the original query!

    Free Member

    Tape inputs sometimes have monitoring on them which may have been the cause of the problem.

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