Nothing wrong with coldish rooms overnight IMO – our nursery had a thick layer of ice on the inside of the single-glazed window and baby was absolutely fine.
Our youngest couldn’t cope with pajamas or those baby grow bag things, and always kicked off the duvet.
We use a cheapo oil filled rad which has a thermostat, and it’s on a 24 hour timer so comes on at night. I don’t think it’s on at all in this weather – we may remove it cos she’s now learned to tuck herself under the duvet for warmth.
or to put it another way, we made him mtfu
Well that’s a possible scenario but it depends on the kid. Youngest was always a pretty highly strung needy baby, and she was genuinely upset and afraid waking up at night between maybe 1-2yo. So it would have been heartless to leave her imo, and caused her emotional trauma. As she’s older though she just got into the habit, so we weaned her off by just going in for a quick cuddle.
We’ve also given her a light she can use if she’s scared, and the glo-clock is working well for her. I suspect she sometimes gets up in the night to read a book or play a bit, but I’m ok with that – after all, sometimes you just can’t sleep, and being forced to remain in bed wide awake would be tough enough for me never mind a 2yo. This is rare though lately (touch wood)