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  • Help getting bearing off pivot spindle
  • smorgie
    Free Member

    Anyone got any ideas how I might get this off?(Hopefully the picture works.)

    It looks like the rusting inner race has bonded the bearing to the alloy spindle. It should just slide out but as you can see it is held on to the bearing so tight it has dragged the bearing out with it.

    I have a large flat M30 nut that fits nicely to allow me to get it in the vice and put lots of force on it but no movement. I can’t get onto the inner race to push on that and I fear with to much force I will break the bearing and be left with the inner race to try to get off which will be even less fun!

    I’ve tried heating just the bearing (pretty hard to do.)

    I’ve put it in the freezer over night to see if that helps? Any other ideas?

    (The brown gunk in the picture is the grease that has bubbled out of the bearing)

    2013-09-28 21.58.13[/url] by smorgiesboard[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    How are you using the M30 nut to put it in the vice? That isn’t a bolt on the end stopping the bearing from sliding off?

    Dismantle bearing (simply cut the outer race), and then very carefully cut the inner race – something like a dremel is very handy here.

    Free Member

    No, it is a through spindle the bearing needs to be pushed away from the cows. Using the M30 nut to push on the bearing without pushing on the end of the spindle.

    Cutting is last resort as I can’t see I’ll be able to cut the inner race off without cutting into the flat face.

    Free Member

    Put the shaft in soft jawed vice.Undo hex.Re-thread it on a couple of turns.Now slacken off the vice a bit so the bearing sits over the jaws and hit the hex end with a hammer with a piece of wood under it.Off it will come.simple..
    Is that a trance x bottom shaft and bearing?.If it is it comes off either way.

    Free Member

    Ah – it pushes off towards your hand, not away from it! Does none of the inner race project out wider than the end of the spindle?

    It should be possible to cut the inner race without damaging the spindle – simply time consuming as you have to be very careful, ideally not cutting right through, but separating the last bit with a chisel. As I suggested before, a dremel with a cutting bit as opposed to a cutting disc, which you can spot cut with. As you say it is a last resort, but it’s always good to have one of those.

    Free Member

    It’s an oldskool Anthem Rob and I’m pretty sure the hex does not undo, it is there to remove the bolt from the other end isn’t it? Off to google assembly drawings.

    No, none of the inner race is projecting that grease in the picture.

    Free Member

    No….Both bolts undo.Follow my instructions bud and it WILL come off.
    Make sure you have plenty of thread engaged at first before you give it a smack.Then gradually slacken the bolt off and hit it again.
    You don’t wave to use a piece of wood.Just a good knock with the hammer.

    Free Member

    Bear in mind, if you’re hitting the outer part of the bearing, the outer race and bearings are taking much of the impact, rather than the seized part . I’d smash it off so I could get directly to the siezed race. If that doesn’t smack off, I have let stuff soak in coke before, and it came off the next morning. Failing that, the inner race could be dremel’d off

    Free Member

    Rob, not according to every picture and drawing I can find…..are you sure?

    Free Member

    Here you go.
    Ok.If your one does not undo.
    Make a gap in the vice just over the width of the hex.sit the bearing on the jaws with the hex back on the other end tightened up.Now hit that end of the shaft so the bearing moves inwards as you hit it. 😀

    Free Member

    Dan, No hitting is happening ……. its in the vice with more force than I’d want or expect.

    Coke sounds good though, may try that if the freezer doesn’t work.

    Full Member

    TBH I’d sit the hex end of the shaft in a socket/ nut or similar that supports the outer race of the bearing. Then hit the distal end of the shaft with a hide/ copper mallet to drive it out through the bearing. If the bearing disintegrates then so be it- dremel time, as suggested above.

    Free Member

    You need to shock it off.

    Free Member


    Yes it’s the spindle at the top of the stack on page 3, item 7. Screw on one side ( which is out) and no screw on the other side.

    Free Member

    Ok, thanks guys. I have some ideas now, I’ll let you know how it goes.

    Free Member

    Shock is the way forward.

    Free Member

    This worked……

    Make a gap in the vice just over the width of the hex.sit the bearing on the jaws with the hex back on the other end tightened up.Now hit that end of the shaft so the bearing moves inwards as you hit it.

    and this

    Shock is the way forward.

    Thanks guys 😀

    Free Member


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