Anyone got any ideas how I might get this off?(Hopefully the picture works.)
It looks like the rusting inner race has bonded the bearing to the alloy spindle. It should just slide out but as you can see it is held on to the bearing so tight it has dragged the bearing out with it.
I have a large flat M30 nut that fits nicely to allow me to get it in the vice and put lots of force on it but no movement. I can’t get onto the inner race to push on that and I fear with to much force I will break the bearing and be left with the inner race to try to get off which will be even less fun!
I’ve tried heating just the bearing (pretty hard to do.)
I’ve put it in the freezer over night to see if that helps? Any other ideas?
(The brown gunk in the picture is the grease that has bubbled out of the bearing)
2013-09-28 21.58.13[/url] by smorgiesboard[/url], on Flickr