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  • Hello you orrible lot.
  • sharki
    Free Member

    As many of you know i went AWOL back in April and i began a journey of self discovery.

    Well, i'm at it again but this time announced.

    In 2 or 3 weeks i leave for Scotland to collect a bike trailer, i've offered myself in exchange for it and will do for everything i need in life every moment afterwards as i travel around the country and the rest of Europe visiting friends, old, new and not yet met.

    What do i NEED? food and shelter, what else in life do you really NEED?
    Occasionally, i'll also need ferry tickets, bike spares,etc.

    Everything i need, i'll need to work for them, preferably i'll not earn money, instead i'll labour for it, be that cleaning, gardening, building,cooking, dog walking or just providing company, sharing stories, anything.

    How often have you been putting things off because you're too busy, can't do them or just don't like doing them?
    Would you give a meal to a complete stranger if he offered to help you do these things?

    Well, as i ride i'll need to eat, fuel to keep me moving, i'll get fed, go without, forage, trap and very likely be told to **** off.

    I know this, as i had it all for the 3 and half months i walked the south west coast path. I put on weight, met amazing people, saw incredible things and lived every day not knowing what, where, how, who….

    I had no tent or stove then, but now have a bivvi bag and will carry a stove.

    I'll no doubt sort out a blog and update those that care where i am, what i've been up to and maybe you lot have shiddy jobs you need doing and can help me out with what i need along the way…

    BTW, i'm outta here for the winter, the moment it gets too cold there's a warmer bit in France i've been offered to go to…:) hope the offer still stands, i'll sort out the garden, etc…

    All i need now is to get gears on the 456.

    Rat race, bye bye.

    Free Member

    Howdy mate

    Free Member

    I tak lots of sox if I go camping

    Free Member

    mr cunny funt is here!! yawn

    Free Member

    Sounds good! Highway Chile

    Full Member


    I have a garden that needs a complete overhaul and loads of other work your welcome to have a go at next spring / summer in Sheffield in exchange for accomodation, food, spare parts, ferry tickets and even money if that's what you'd like. Have fun wherever you may find it (Pogo_Stick)

    Free Member

    Hello stranger – I've got a flat that needs a bit of general building work in return for accom/food/transport but its not far from you though.

    Free Member

    If you fancy north cornwall,1 mile from the coast, im building a house at the mo and always need a hand, got a field and some woods to kip in and a compost toilet (all you need)! Even if you dont make it while im building you can give me a hand landscaping the garden next year (got a massive stone wall to build (bloody planners). Obviously work fits in around riding and surfing.
    Allways happy to put people up especially if i get some help/motivation out of it.
    drop me a line!

    Free Member

    What do i NEED? food and shelter, what else in life do you really NEED?


    Full Member

    Sharki I have a small petrol backpacking stove, yours if you want it. I couldn't bear the thought of you not having a brew in the morning 🙂

    Full Member

    If you are near Bilbao, let me know, Ive got spare space.

    Free Member

    good luck sharki i spent a year doing just what you are, a voyage of discovery! next time you're in poole/bournemouth there's a hot meal waiting for you.

    Free Member

    Sharki, if you're heading through the Alps, look us up, we'll sort you out. Got a few friends of yours here this week!

    Free Member

    Hopefully I'll see you in Scotland.

    Free Member

    If you're anywhere near Farnborough, Hants at any point, drop me an email (In profile) and I dare say I could exchange your skills (what can you do? 🙂 ) for a bed/food/cash or any combo of those.
    Or just drop by for a few beers and dinner if you like.

    Seriously, you've very welcome. 🙂

    Free Member

    man up and help look after your kid?

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the kind offers.

    I've spent the last 4 months in the SW and having never travelled and seen anywhere else apart from a weekend in the Peaks, and a few short trips in Wales,i intend to see as much of this beautiful place as i can cram into what life i have.

    None of us are immortal and having stood on the edge of death i realise if i'm to live, i need to feel alive and too that i need more than a few weekends away, perhaps a holiday a year and the rest of the time struggling in a job i hate, in a place i despise.

    Life can all stop in a heart beat, if not through evil or carelessness of others. Disease, terminal illness, etc.. There's many ways out of our own control where things can happen, and as a result, you never make that holiday, weekend, short moment in time that you saved for and planned you little bit of freedom from the norm..

    I can't live in fear of my own mortality, regretting never doing, seeing, trying…and i've failed in normal society, can't keep a job, home, finances, women, etc and quite honestly hate the way things are or apparently, 'have to be'

    All these things make me depressed and no amount of medication should make me feel different about it.

    I have children like many of you and morally it's wrong for me to not be there for them. However, am i really there for them when trapped in a society and way of life i hate?

    Would they rather deep down, want to know i'm happy?

    Judge me all you like that's fine, we all have a choice and mine is made up.

    A life without money. is a life without greed and complications.

    Stevemcd, say hi to Bear, Forky, etc and i'll look you up when i'm heading up through the Alps.

    Full Member

    Hear hear Sharki….I'll help you when and if i can, hope to see you soon

    Free Member

    I have a few demijohns of sloe gin, and could use a hand to get through it 😉 You'll always be welcome at mine mate.

    Free Member

    Hi S, good to see you at the 24/12. Salisbury – bed and food here. For nothing, or in exchange for help with a very overgrown allotment! E-mail address in profile, get in touch if I'm en route Ax

    Free Member

    Let me know if you want accomodation or some work in Scotchmerland.

    Free Member

    place to stay in warwickshire if you need it.

    Free Member

    I live in Glasgow, you are totally welcome to stay with me. We could go riding, and you'd have some pretty primo floor space and hot meals! Give me an email, no worries.

    Free Member

    Sorry you can't make the housewarming. Going to say hi anyway this week? Bed here for you if required.

    See you soon hopefully.

    Full Member

    Would they rather deep down, want to know i'm happy?

    speaking as someone who's dad walked out on him, no. I would rather my dad was around.

    Free Member

    Have Fun, Wright a book about it as well. People always do and often make money doing it. If you don't want money give it to a charity. 😀

    Free Member

    You're not sleeping in my house, you'll molest my dog again…


    Full Member

    Shane, I do not believe for one minute that this is really want you want to do. Sometimes we get distracted, for whatever reason/s, and take a wrong turning from the path.

    There are some people who really need you, and you need them too, whether you realise it or not.

    I implore you to think again. You have my number (or Facebook if you prefer) if you want to talk and of course I will listen and offer support.


    Full Member

    What cg said.

    Free Member

    Good luck, I can't see it as a bad thing as long as you make a point of sending yr kids letters/the odd thing now n then. Could offer a roof over yr head if your around Wiltshire 🙂

    Full Member

    Always welcome in Reading fella. You got FB mail too.

    Free Member

    be there for your kids! if your still seeing them! the best thing in your life is to make a big impact on theres, thats what i'm learning! 🙂

    Free Member


    Bed available in Witney if you're passing this way.
    Also have a 9spd LX rear mech and front mech in the spares box you can have for the 456 if you want them.
    If you need a cheap tent have a look at this:

    Good luck,

    Free Member

    What cg and Sc xc said, man up and take responsibility.

    Free Member

    sounds like Samuel Jacksons gangster character Jules in Pulp Fiction, giving up the life, and going walking the earth, meeting people, getting into adventures!

    Vincent: so you're just gonna be a bum?
    Jules: I'm just gonna be Jules, no more, no less.

    I don't know your situation so Good luck to ya Sharki! no more, no less!

    Free Member

    Rat race, bye bye.

    Yet you're asking others who have to be part of the 'rat race' to put you up/feed you etc? To take responsibility for you in some way? Because you've chosen not to? Don't you think that's somewhat selfish?

    I don't know what your story is, and I wish you no ill, but I'd say you need to work out what it is you're running away from, because until you do, it'll always be there.

    Free Member

    why is every one thinking your a **** hero, stop being so selfish and stop crying and instead take your frustration out on trying to be the best dad you can, finish work if you have to but don't ever give up on your kids, get them into biking, do stuff with them, why should they suffer? you will only regret it if you dont bother. 😐

    Free Member

    guys – I think some of you have rather got the wrong end of the stick here.

    Sharki is not asking anyone to put him up and feed him – he is offering to work for his keep.

    Don't criticise a man until you have walked many a mile in his shoes.

    Free Member

    He's offering his services as payment in exchange for food and shelter Elfin.

    There is a bit of smug self righteousness, bit of envy perhaps, brewing under this one. could be a tasty thread! Perhaps he's not even allowed to see his kids. perhaps he wants to live in a cave. Perhaps he's bonkers. Perhaps he's amillionaire. Who knows.

    Free Member

    If you fancy it we've a load of decorating that needs doing in Wokingham, bit of painting, bit of tileing, lots of food and Swinley is down the road in return!

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