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  • Having a break from alcohol- excessive bloating/gas?!
  • hora
    Free Member

    I've had a look through this and none of these apply:



    I've had constant alcohol- a glass say most evenings for a while and this weekend I had a few mixed drinks on Sat night so decided to have a break. Since Sat I've started having excessive wind/bloating. Is this normal- your gut bacteria adjusting?

    I also know liver disease can portray itself in stomach bloating? I'm a worrier but I dont feel lethargic or jumpy/nervous- just abit sharper/grumpier!

    Peoples thoughts? I do need a break from drink. A constant low-level isnt good.

    Free Member

    A glass of wine in the evenings is good for you innit?

    Anyways, MTFU and if your that worried go to your GP.

    Free Member

    3 weeks without a drink here and the only difference I have noticed is a few extra quids in my pocket. Not that I was a heavy drinker, a couple of pints a night with a few more at the weekends.

    Free Member

    It'll be a sign of hypochondria. Go see the colonic irrigation thread and flush all that shite out your system.

    Free Member

    It'll be a sign of hypochondria. Go see the colonic irrigation thread and flush all that shite out your system.

    Free Member

    Go and see your GP if you are worried, no point random people speculating for you.

    I've not been drinking hardly at all in the last few months – it is amazing how much money you save, and I don't think I was a heavy drinker at all. Funny when you realise how dependent we are on booze in social situations too.

    Free Member

    If it was your liver the whites of your eyes would be yellow(ish) and your liver would be enlarged and tender (amongst other things).
    Excessive drinking can cause IBS and you could be experiencing problems as your body is trying adjust to not being poisoned.
    Is there a chance it could also be stress related as you may have had a drink to unwind?

    You probably need to break you behaviour habits too. Go for a walk when you would normally sit down with a drink, or just try gentle stretching or running. Activity is good for your digestion.

    Free Member

    Roper- Funnily Ive been very proactive in the last two evenings. Whereas normally even one drink slows me right down.

    Free Member

    I'd second that it may possibly be IBS, probably bought on by stress as you do seem to spend a lot of time worrying and fussing about things (on here at least).

    That said, you haven't been drinking those yoghurts with 'good' bacteria in have you?

    Free Member

    it will almost definitely be your stomach adjusting to the lack of alcohol. I'd leave it a week or two then if the problem persists go to the docs.

    Trust me, the last thing you want is an unnecessary endoscopy 😯

    Oh and yes you do need a break from drink by the sounds of it: http://units.nhs.uk/howMany.html Note it says regularly no more than 3 to 4 units a day. Not 3 to 4 a day is fine…

    Free Member

    Oh and in reply to those suggestions of it being IBS- IBS should always be diagnosed after extensive 😯 testing to rule out other major illnesses such as krohns, coeliacs etc etc Any decent doctor wont diagnose you with IBS after only a week of symptoms- took mine 4 months.

    So don't worry about it!

    Free Member

    Oh and in reply to those suggestions of it being IBS- IBS should always be diagnosed after extensive testing to rule out other major illnesses such as krohns, coeliacs etc etc Any decent doctor wont diagnose you with IBS after only a week of symptoms-

    Indeed it was only a suggestion, however my IBS was diagnosed within about 5 mins to a visit to my GP, guess I was lucky.

    Free Member

    Mister P – Member
    Not that I was a heavy drinker, a couple of pints a night with a few more at the weekends.

    That qualifies as a heavy drinker.

    Free Member

    On the IBS- I go regularly twice a day normally at the exact sametime 😯 🙄

    I am a worrier though. If someone tells me about a problem they have I will dwell on it and stress 🙁

    Free Member

    Since Sat I've started having excessive wind/bloating. Is this normal- your gut bacteria adjusting?

    Same here, since I ran out of beer and crap food, I've laid right off the alcohol and started eating more alcohol and watching the calories, I too have had bad guts and felt constipated, and felt like I keep needing the loo.

    Tis normal.

    Free Member

    You've had a slightly bad gut for half a week? You're certainly dying. I pity your poor unborn child, coming fatherless into the world. 🙁

    Free Member

    Bigdummy delivers a dose of perspective.

    Free Member

    p.s… and on a more serious note.. I've recently quit drinking myself and found a nightly dose of fiber.. Metamucil.. helped to no end.

    Full Member

    I always get really bad wind after giving up smoking. Invariably this coincides with cutting back radically on the booze too, eating more fruit and going running. For some reason once the evening kicks in so does my trumping – incredibly smelly and very regular.

    Too many variables to pin it down to one thing, but it gerneally passes after a few weeks. I think its just the body adjusting.

    Free Member

    Maybe it's a phantom pregnancy.

    Free Member

    I think alcohol is a quite insidious business.
    It creeps up on you and you tend to disguise it's effects and the quantity and frequency of its consumption.
    I know that when colleagues have kept a 1 month diary of actual consumption it's been a shock.

    Witness Mr P here. A couple of pints a night is a very throw-away line, it literal terms it is 2 pints. In reality is that 2 but often 3 I wonder? If you then add the extra from the Friday and Saturday sessions you're going to be well over the weekly allowed max' amount. Again, you never want to be anywhere near the max each and every week, week in, week out as it's simply going to lead to some rather vile complications.

    Hora. Just give it a miss until say, Easter. It'll do your liver and kidneys the power of good. Then at Easter, asses just how you feel. If you then want to return to drinking, do it in moderation.

    Top tip: eat a full meal and drink lots of water before having your first drink of the evening (for those who drink every day). After dinner, alcohol has less of an effect, you'll feel more full and so will almost certainty never drink as much.

    Free Member

    You need to go and see the Dr so he can shove his finger up your arse to have a good rummage around, if you enjoy that procedure then you will have something else to worry about. Sounds like your inner self is causing your body to react to the lack of alcohol and your mind is willing you to keep drinking. Become a Bhudist and be at peace with you inner self,they have a big retreat near Ulverston, so your near some good mountain biking trails also.

    Free Member

    excuses for alcoholism #99: "If I don't drink I get gas". Yeah, right!

    Free Member

    Hora. Just give it a miss until say, Easter. It'll do your liver and kidneys the power of good. Then at Easter, asses just how you feel. If you then want to return to drinking, do it in moderation.

    Hmmm not until Easter. A man needs a hobby/interest.

    Top tip: eat a full meal and drink lots of water before having your first drink of the evening (for those who drink every day). After dinner, alcohol has less of an effect, you'll feel more full and so will almost certainty never drink as much.

    I find that if I eat my even meal there is absolutely no room for alcohol. So I've been having my evening meal by 6pm- a double-plus. 😀

    Free Member

    Hmmm not until Easter. A man needs a hobby/interest.

    A man needs some point to aim for. Something to achieve. Again, a calendar can be useful visual reminder of what's happened, what's going to happen. Set a date.
    Years ago, I always had a simple, golden rule, that if we'd not left the house for a drink down the pub (once every 6 weeks) by 9:00pm then I'd put the kettle on.
    My tenant failed his work's medical this time last year. He was told not to drink by his Dr for 15 days. Even he was surprised how much difference that 15 days (note: not 2 weeks) made.

    Easter is only a few weeks away: 04 April – Should be do-able?

    Another tip: Do not keep any alcohol in the house.[/b]

    Free Member

    On the IBS- I go regularly twice a day normally at the exact sametime

    IBS doesn't necessarily affect bowel movements, in my case it's bloating and cramping.

    Free Member

    Cramping? Im bloated at the moment but no cramping?

    Free Member

    11 April. You can have a glass after this. Set a date![/url]

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