I think alcohol is a quite insidious business.
It creeps up on you and you tend to disguise it's effects and the quantity and frequency of its consumption.
I know that when colleagues have kept a 1 month diary of actual consumption it's been a shock.
Witness Mr P here. A couple of pints a night is a very throw-away line, it literal terms it is 2 pints. In reality is that 2 but often 3 I wonder? If you then add the extra from the Friday and Saturday sessions you're going to be well over the weekly allowed max' amount. Again, you never want to be anywhere near the max each and every week, week in, week out as it's simply going to lead to some rather vile complications.
Hora. Just give it a miss until say, Easter. It'll do your liver and kidneys the power of good. Then at Easter, asses just how you feel. If you then want to return to drinking, do it in moderation.
Top tip: eat a full meal and drink lots of water before having your first drink of the evening (for those who drink every day). After dinner, alcohol has less of an effect, you'll feel more full and so will almost certainty never drink as much.