Home Forums Bike Forum Have we reached a consensus on

  • This topic has 20 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Olly.
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  • Have we reached a consensus on
  • cynic-al
    Free Member

    Who gives way on a natural (& non-directional) trail – riders climbing or descending?

    Seems to me it should be the descenders.

    Full Member

    descenders, really.

    Although if I'm climbing and can move 'off the line' and let them through I will.

    Free Member

    It depends on whether you are ascribing right of way due to exertion or excitement.

    Full Member

    depends which direction I'm headed in…

    Free Member

    V generous of you jambo.

    Free Member

    I'd always give way to descenders, unless it was a partularly challenging climb and I was nearly at the top, when I'd hope descenders would give way to let me finish.

    Wasn't quick this situation but last summer I was riding up Hard Knott pass in the Lakes and was about 10 yards from the top, having ploughed all the way up on my full sus without touching the granny ring (very pleased with myself, after passing two cars that had given up!), and a car pulls over the brow of the hill and preceeds to hover in the middle of the very narrow road as if expecting me to stop for him to pass! With my last ounces of strength I told him to get the f*ck out my way and squeezed past flailing my arm! Nothing was going to stop me reaching the top.

    Free Member

    I'd always try and get out of the way of the folks who are descending, just on the off chance that they're merely hanging onto their bike for grim death rather than actually in control of it.

    Free Member

    I'd always give way to descenders, unless it was a partularly challenging climb and I was nearly at the top, when I'd hope descenders would give way to let me finish.

    Local, tight steep single tracks, everyone seems to give way to climbers round here, but on wider less steep sections the climbers make the effort to give way or create space, seems to work both ways.

    As long as both riders keep left 😉

    Has anyone ever had a "chicken" clash out of intrest?

    Free Member

    -riding takes priority over walking
    -if both parties in same mode, descender, as it's easier to set off downhill

    but to be fair you'd think that between them they could adjust speed to meet at an appropriate place … (yes I know it'd doesn't work like that)

    Free Member

    I think 'the Highway Code' type thinking ought to apply in bikey situations. I always keep left on paths when passing oncoming cyclists. Just seems natural.

    I think cars have to give way to ascenders, no? Because it's much more difficult to get going again if you're going up?

    Bikes is different; people should always be in control, and prepared to stop, but I have no problem giving way to someone hurtling downhill! Aside from the safety aspect, I wouldn't want my downhill run to be ruined, and it's much more difficult to stop in time going down.

    Free Member



    Single-track roads. These are only wide enough for one vehicle. They may have special passing places. If you see a vehicle coming towards you, or the driver behind wants to overtake, pull into a passing place on your left, or wait opposite a passing place on your right. Give way to vehicles coming uphill whenever you can. If necessary, reverse until you reach a passing place to let the other vehicle pass. Slow down when passing pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.

    Seeing you are on a "right of way" this should be adhered to.

    Well, maybe 😉

    Free Member

    Descenders should give way – as they tend to have better forward vision.
    When climbing I tend to be doubled over the bars, elbows / wrists down, and vision tends to be closer to the front wheel… lungs heaving and vision blurring…
    Descending you are arse back and eyes up

    Free Member

    Climbers should give way to those enjoying themselves more.

    Free Member

    Descenders give way to climbers – but a polite climber leaves plenty of room for the descender. ( or uses them as an excuse to stop for a breather)

    Full Member

    Give way to climbers. Any fool can hoon down a decent. Not every one can clean a techy climb.

    Free Member

    Have we reached a consensus ?

    No. 🙂

    Free Member

    I'm usually happy for an excuse to stop when going uphill so would normally let the descenders through.

    Free Member

    TJ has it.

    Full Member

    Ladies first. Always.

    Full Member

    See, I just knew nobody would argue with me. 😉

    Free Member

    no one gives way to anyone.

    both parties make an assesment and act upon it according to thier own morals

    if the descender passes anyone other than another descender while travelling at full tilt he is herby labled an "ASSHAT"

    slow down, you spend more time on the trails.

    climbers who dont make an effort to choose a line to one sides are stubborn tools.

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