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  • Has Apple lost it?
  • stilltortoise
    Free Member

    Back to the OP – and judging by the problems I’m having this week with Apps and even Settings not responding on my iPhone – I’d say yes. The problems seem focused – ironically based on my support of iTunes – around the new Music app.

    – Music app only playing offline music, even though I’m very much online
    – Music app telling me to sign up to Apple Music even though my free trial is still active (iTunes working OK!)
    – If I try to go into Settings –> Music it just hangs


    Full Member

    The household iPad issues:

    If you plug in headphones, it randomly starts music player or the voice activated help thing.

    You cannot copy and paste easily – especially if info is in boxes (flickr) or it is an image.

    It reloads webpages every time you go between tabs.

    It *always* seems to want to update (the new windowsXP?)

    Full Member

    Grrrrrrr! IOS9! Locks up my iPhone 5s regularly and seems this is not an isolated problem. Happens on both 9 and 9.01. What a pain! Works on my iPads just fine though.

    Full Member

    9.0.2 was released yesterday.

    Full Member


    Free Member

    wrecker – Member
    Have those of you who have perfectly functioning ipad 2’s got the latset software installed? If so, how are they working? Mine is bordering unusable.


    Slow, but functioning still…

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