You are not the only one who cannot read those dials.
I had a big argument with a landlord a couple of years ago.
The Tenant had moved out, the LL took the meter readings on ‘move out’ day, and let the Elec. Co. know the readings.
Tenant gets a rather large bill. He complains. The LL holds his deposit. Court action is threatenend, as Tenant is getting quite wound up as he needs his deposit back.
I get a call to investigate the increased usage.
Immediately I see the meter reading is 1 or 10k out (cant remember which). Tenant and LL are there at the time. I tell the LL the reading was wrong, he sees the needle pointing to the ‘0’, I say, no, it is between 9 and 0, meaning it is 9, look at the one before, which is on 8.
He just woudlnt believe it, and accused me of being mates with the Tenant, and trying to rip him off. I did know the Tenant, but only from school 25 years previously.
LL then says he wont be paying me as I’m ripping him off too.
I sent him the £30 bill for my time a week later, and he did pay, so must have calmed down, and realised it was his mistake.