Home Forums Chat Forum Guitar Trade for Yamaha Sg2000/Sgb2000

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  • Guitar Trade for Yamaha Sg2000/Sgb2000
  • ryanbyers
    Free Member

    hi am i looking to trade my guitar for a yamaha sg2000 a dont know the value on my guitar but i was told the it is 3o years old so might have a good value it is a Aria Pro II FS Series it is red and black strat type guitar looking forward to your reply thanks

    Free Member

    one of these?

    there are a couple on ebay with buy it now prices around £120:

    compare that with a Yamah SG2000:

    £1759 at http://www.gak.co.uk

    Free Member

    Old aria pro II were pretty ropey. I had one as my first guitar

    Yamaha sg are quite a bit nicer depending on the era they are from

    Free Member

    yeah john drummer that is the guitar that i have wanting to get a yamaha sg2000 yeah they are pretty decent guitars plumber how much do you think the old Aria Pro II is worth trying to get some sort of value if am right it is 30 years old and still going strong

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