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  • Grips
  • HermanShake
    Free Member

    Maybe it’s shiny shiny syndrome, but once I consider something to upgrade on my bike it doesn’t take long before I read/learn excessive amounts about the part and buy it anyway.

    I’ve had lockons before but they were really fat which felt a bit cumbersome. I’ve got fairly ordinary Commencal grips which work fine, but a little bit of me wants to bling the bike a bit.

    Are ODI lockons overpriced empty promises or do they make that big a difference? I wondered if they were more of a DH thing (not really my sort of riding) and therefore irrelevant.

    Also considering some superstar lockons or Oury grips. Or just not bothering and using the money on something more useful!

    Free Member

    Lizards skins peaty grips are god I have had 2 sets of them and there not to thick but last well. Also look pretty bling lol

    Free Member

    The ones Specalized do with the single lock ring are ace, come in a couple of diameters and a few different colours

    Free Member

    Can’t go wrong with the thick superstar ones, and you can customise the grip colour and lock rings to your preference, however awful it may be.

    I have purple anodised ones on one of my bikes.

    Free Member

    ODI are no better than any other grips on the market IMO. I’ve switched and use superstar. Thick one’s were great for me but I find normal grips too thin.

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    If you don’t like thick grips avoid the oury’s

    Free Member

    Those Lizard Skins Peaty Grips are like Velcro for your hands! They are quite thin, I had to change them to something thicker which aren’t as sticky.

    I wondered if they were more of a DH thing…

    They aren’t a DH thing, they’re a bling thing 😉

    Free Member

    I’m using ODI lockons – replaced the Syncros that the bike came with 2 years ago. Initially went for the Cross Trainer grips which are very grippy (designed to be able to be used without gloves) but now replaced with Rogues which are a lot thicker and therefore more padded.

    For a bit of bling I’ve got the red lock rings which go with the other red detail bits on my bike

    Free Member

    I’m using BMX grips, I was converted & have since converted about 5 people to them thus far. Bit of GT85/hairspray & they don’t go anywhere & they are soo much softer & more comfortable than most specific mountain bike grips.

    Only downside is you need to cut off the flange (oo-eer!)

    Free Member

    I’ve got 2 sets of superstar and a set of ODI Ruffian currently in use.

    For me the Ruffians have the better grip feel, but the superstar are half the price. My ruffians generally outlive the superstar grips too.

    But they are only grips, hardly expensive in the grand scheme of things, so pick which ever feels good and is a pretty colour that matches your bike

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