I'm trying to download a PDF from my Google Drive app but it seems to have recently decided that's not possible anymore.
It downloads but not as any kind of usable recognisable file. Photos and docx still download fine. PDFs download and open fine from other sources.
Most confusing...
I have just opened a pdf on Google Drive and also downloaded it and then opened it.
So - pdf handling does still work.
So, the same PDF opens in other apps but not Google Drive?
Anyway, if that file is not opening in other apps such as your browser or Acrobat Reader, are you certain the download hasn't failed part way thru?
Can you delete the old download and re-download it? (Check the file size looks right as well)
Is it losing the .pdf extension?
Does if show as a PDF icon?
Are you actually downloading it, or trying to open it directly from within an app?
The file opens in Google drive and other apps but I can't download it. When I try to it changes from PDF to something unusable. Same size and info but missing ".pdf" from the end and no PDF icon.
I've tried a few times and with different PDFs but the same happens. No problem with PDFs from other sources.
Have you tried adding .pdf to the end of the filename?
That works. No I hadn't tried something as obvious as that. Thanks!