Futurmark has released an online Benchmark for the browsers:
Everyone own one but only a few does know why to use a different browser.
Considere a browser like a car, some cars are slow, some cars are unsecure, some cars pollute more than others, some cars are cute etc etc.
The choice of a browser may radicaly change your web experience, confort and at the same time indirectly (but directly) affects how does the standard are applied by web devellopers today and tomorow.
You will find a little browser comparaison, including performance and standard capabilities.
A perfect browser in the form would pass all the test while having a nice performance, but it may lack in other points like user-friendly interface, stability, security and more, which aren’t reviewed in this comparaison.
Performance is how fast the browser does render the elements of a webpage, but fast doesn’t mean correctly neither securly.
Acid1, 2 and 3 are the standard capabilities of the browser, the more it pass the test the more it render complex scripting page correctly and respects standard.
Acid1 test is available here:
Acid2 test is available here:
Acid3 test is available here:
All the browsers were tested on the same machine with the same environement.
Windows XP Proffesionnal 32b, Intel Q9650, 4 Gb.
The same test has been done on Windows 7 64 Bits, the results are very the same even for IE 8.0 64 Bits.
Konqueror has been tested on Mandriva 2009 x64 and Epiphany on Linux Mint 6 x64.
If you plan on changing your browser (IE users maybe) you can find the alternative browsers here, all of them are free of charge:
Opera http://www.opera.com/browser/
Safari http://www.apple.com/safari/
Chrome http://www.google.com/chrome/
Firefox http://www.firefox.com
IE 8.0 http://www.microsoft.com/windows/Internet-explorer/beta/
The second graph adds a couple of other browsers that you can find here:
SeaMonkey http://www.seamonkey-project.org
LunaScape http://www.lunascape.tv
Konqueror http://www.konqueror.org
Epiphany http://projects.gnome.org/epiphany/
For information, on this forum the browsers usage is the following:
IE 54%
Firefox 37%
Opera 6%
Chrome 2%
Safari 1%
Keep the web clean, drive safely.