?????? the bedrock was cleared with great effort by myself and the contractors. It rides (rode) beautifully!
I came back from a week or two away from the projet to find that the the Forestry health and safety officer had decided to boardwalk whole sections of bedrock.
Yup that’ll be John Ireland….
Absolutely no reason I can think off; it rode superbly. It was a ‘done and dusted’ with absolutely no communication with myself. John just didn’t get the trail at all.. He was having fits that it was too difficult and dangerous, demanding that sections be boarded up ( which mostly just destroyed the natural flow) and quite often he’d completely ignore sections that I knew were were far harder (but looked easy)..
I rode up most of the descents on my Singular so I was pretty sure there were no issues about steepness and drops etc. Made me sick and extremely cynical about the future of mtb if left to the FE jobsworths.
I’m very glad that we managed to save enough of the trail to give a good technical ride and that folks are enjoying the hard work and effort put in by John and Dougal the local contracters and myself.
Has the ‘crown’ at the top of the hill been completed yet by the way?. Just a few wee patches of woodwork needed to go in and it would make a properly sweet wee playground to ‘catch yer breath on’, or at least to have a play on while waiting for the geared.