>Does it exceed that?<
Subtly – yes. There is only so much public cash to go round. FE/FCS are variously the self appointed guardians / custodians / major providers of mtb facilities in Scotland and they have a very strong influence on the behaviour of the major funding partners and other public agencies/quangos. They spend very large sums of money on some of their own projects (Peel being one example)but can and do direct significant sums of cash towards development on private land via (what was the) Woodland Grants Scheme, WIAT and for that matter any other funding streams they care to invent. Ergo they are currently more or less determining where the bulk of the cash and finite resources for MTB in Scotland are directed.
Not productive to get into point scoring projects one against the other but I think what Deertrackdoctor is partially alluding to is the fact there hasn’t really been any proper strategic debate. Or at least none that has been genuinely open to public scrutiny…