I’ve only given blood once before and this may be normal, but it didn’t happen the first time!
I gave blood on the 29th of December and a day or so later a large area of bruising / discolouration appeared all around my arm at the point that the needle went in and where they’d strapped on the canula(?) and other bits.
The bruising is going down but my elbow joint is quite sore after I’ve done any press / pull-ups (similar to after doing a hard workout) which has never happened before. The only thing they said was to avoid heavy lifting for a day or 2 (which I didn’t). It wasn’t particularly painful whilst they were drawing the blood.
Its slightly sore to touch and there is bruising under the elbow as if I’d whacked it falling over. I’m sure it nothing serious but seems to be taking a while to sort out and expect that this is normal, however if anyone can give any advice that would be helpful.