Home Forums Chat Forum Girl trouble, need a good online flourist that delivers

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  • Girl trouble, need a good online flourist that delivers
  • rOcKeTdOg
    Full Member

    I think the online florists use a local florist-do they not.

    some do but you will be massively over charged, better to find a local shop, quality will be better even if the price is similar*

    * i used to have a florist shop

    Full Member

    Give this man a call and ask him nicely

    But a word of warning, he may see to her kneads with you not there

    Full Member

    lol @ Houns

    Free Member

    Give it a more personal touch and send her something you have grown your self. Maybe some hair or nail clipping perhaps an arrangement of both to really show how much she means to you.

    Full Member

    You wanna make sure he doesn't get his hands on her baps

    Full Member

    ..Or gives her a bun in her oven……

    Free Member

    I'm going to attempt a hand written letter perhaps with a little parcel of things that mean something to both of us, photos etc

    That sounds like a recipe for an ex-boyfriend bin bonfire.

    Get your arse up there, and take her away for a night to talk things over with no-one else around. Tell her how you really feel about her, and if she really is "The One", beg, grovel, and make sure she knows you're not just doing it to fool her into taking you back.

    If she really feels the same way about you, and is just pissed off about the breach of trust, she'll take you back. Otherwise I'm afraid you'll just have to accept that it's over, and find someone else. There's no point dragging a relationship on when one doesn't trust the other, as both will end up getting hurt.

    Free Member

    dowse yourself in petrol beneath her bedroom window and should there be any post coital smoking occuring within her residence the fireball from their disguarded ciggerettes will not only make her truely sorry but she'll feel guilty for the rest of her life.

    Free Member

    ROFLMAO at MRNutt!

    Full Member

    On a serious note M and S flowers are always top notch and last for ages. They would suit your needs.

    Full Member

    on the other hand – you appear have GF2 lined up as a backup already so its no big deal if GF1 gets the hump.

    Free Member

    Agree with the local florist, paying Interflora means that they get a cut, and you/she gets less flowers.

    Give them a call, they may know her already 😆

    Free Member

    so you are in trouble for a deed you havent even done? might as well get it done quick so that you can repent with conviction.

    Free Member

    Haven't been caught with my pants down, but my girlfriend pretty much thinks I'm romantically involved with a really close female friend.

    Me being Mr clever clogs told a fib about seeing this friend, consequently i got found out and have given my girlfriend 'proof' that something is going on.

    Save yourself the 300 mile train journey and become romantically involved with the 'close friend'…

    Free Member

    If she suspects your having another relationship and you have given her more evidence to the contrary then the writings on the wall, was she just angry about it, did she tell you were to go, or was/is she in tears over it…how does she feel about you?

    Long distance relationships are difficult at the best of times, so I reckon you should sh@g this mate of yours and make it worthwhile and give yourself a plan B.

    Otherwise make the 300 mile journey to prove how you feel about your GF.

    Free Member

    Are you me a year ago sparx???

    Save yourself the 300 mile train journey and become romantically involved with the 'close friend'…

    HIGHLY regret not doing this 🙁

    Free Member

    I reckon she's already sleeping with someone else and this is her way of saying… 'It's not me… It's You'.

    Free Member

    I don’t think flowers are going to cut it. Your girlfriend lives 300 miles away, she doesn’t trust you, and you’re lying to try and avoid her unjustified jealousy. You’ve lied, and in her mind justified her not trusting you. From the sounds of it, your relationship has more problems than a hand tied bouquet can fix, sadly. :s

    Free Member

    Hang on, hang on…

    Allow us to assess whether a 300 mile trip is worth it over more convenient pleasures…

    Free Member

    Make sure you use M&S flowers not S&M flowers. What did you do, you didn't knock up one of your football team's mates mrs did you?


    Full Member

    This is terrible. The poor chap's messed up, asked stw for advice (well, that was just his second mistake) and I'm plssing myself laughing at the responses…

    Free Member

    never seen the point in sending something that withers and dies….. she might take it to be a metaphor for your relationship.

    long distance can only work if you trust each other. i was living in england and the GF in Germany for ~5 years, although i made it over every two months when work was dry.

    the GF has a few male mates from uni with whom she'll talk for ages. this to me is a sure sign that nothing was ever going on. what man can speak to a women for 4+ hours?
    i can't say that i was so well behaved. it was quite a cushy set up really as i had the bachelor thing in the UK and the GF thing in germany. now i've just got the GF thing…..

    if you really care get your arse down there or shout at her on the phone about her being too possesive and that you only lied because you knew this is how she'd react. **** woman!

    Free Member

    How about taking a day off. Get the train there. Walk into her office/place of work/house, say nothing, go to kiss her but don't quite, then turn and walk away. Run to train home and don't answer phone for 24hrs. It will go well.

    This is genius. 😀

    I have to say, with the benefit of 10 years hindsight there is absolutely no way I'd have bothered with this sort of effort to keep anyone I'd met at university. I appreciate that this does not help in the slightest.

    Full Member

    Long distance – relationship….


    You're not really having a "relationship" you're just friends with benefits, If she's worth it then talk to her, either face to face or on the phone, it doesn't matter. But if she's got trust issues already then this isn't going anywhere…Sorry.

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