Home Forums Bike Forum Giant Anthem 29 – rear triangle bearing replacement

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  • Giant Anthem 29 – rear triangle bearing replacement
  • patagonian
    Free Member

    Any suggestions for a bearing puller to do this? I remember seeing a specific Giant tool for the job but are there any other more reasonable priced options out there?

    Full Member

    I tried to improvise but it all started going wrong. Bought the proper kit and it is truly a thing a beauty.
    You can pretend you are James May , everything fits perfectly ,the bearings glide out and go back in perfectly straight.
    What could be a nightmare job turns into therapy.
    A wonderful investment .

    Free Member

    I concur with zippykona. It’s worth having the tool just for the joy of using it. Spent an entire day doing it with threaded bar and sockets on my first Anthem. Eventually having to resort to Plusgas and a hammer…

    Free Member

    Try kinetic bike bearings, they do great tools at a reasonable price.

    Full Member

    I’ve done it with a vice and socket set before and it’s ok. One set is awkward Iirc. Have the giant pullers now, though, which make it easy.

    There are enough sizes in the set that they can prob be used on a lot of different linkage designs. So it’s not neccessarily buying one tool specific for one bike, you’d be able to use it on others you might have in the future.

    Full Member

    I’ve got 2 bikes to do too, I keep putting it off as it isn’t a job I love doing.

    Has anybody got any links to a decent kit? I have a number of the bearing pro tools in various sizes but it always seems a bit brutal hammering them out. Especially more delicate frames.

    How about pressing them back in, anything better than a few lengths of threaded road and washers?

    Full Member

    Has anybody got any links to a decent kit?

    The Giant kit is lovely.

    It’s pricey but works on other frames so it is more multi-purpose than the name suggests. Have used on a Canyon for example. Presses out and in.

    Nice wooden case too!

    Cycle Store Maestro Bearing kit

    Free Member

    The kit is well worth it, especially if you intend on a. Keeping the bike for a while and b. buying other Giant Maestro bikes in future. It really is therapeutic the way the bearings just glide in and out using it. And the wooden box looks like an ornament.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the responses.
    Yes the Giant kit looks like a nice piece of kit and I guess that as I have two Maestro suspension bikes I can justify it.
    Now to source some decent bearings……………..

    Full Member

    Following this.
    Noticed a ‘knocking’ when lifting the rear of the bike today. Thought it might be the top shock bushing so changed that, still there…
    Need to have another look and eliminate other possibilities, whatever they might be…? But I did wonder if it might be the bearings.
    How much is a set of bearings?

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