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  • Geeks of the world unite – Red Dwarf is back (for a bit…)
  • clubber
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    is it still cold outside?

    Free Member

    yes and there’s still no kind of atmosphere… 😉

    Free Member

    I suspect it will be rubbish sadly – will still watch it though.

    Free Member

    Lister’s show on 6 Music on Sunday evenings is one of the best things ever.

    Not bad for a taxi driver.

    Full Member

    The funk show! It’s Hammond time.

    Free Member

    Love that tag!

    The Funk Show with Andy Smith is the stuff of legend! I haven;t bothered listening in ages, but I think I shall now……

    Nice opening track….!

    Free Member

    Depends if the original writers are on it.

    Free Member

    SERIOUS?!!! Corr blimey I reckon it could go either way- funny as or lame rehash? Cat- how do they age him? Interesting to see what they come up with!


    Free Member

    Just added Mamosian cuisine to the tags 8)

    Free Member

    Whistles nonchalantly…

    Free Member


    I’ll be watching that…

    Free Member

    Anyone for Mango juice?

    Free Member

    The last series where they were on Red Dwarf was a bit pants. I hope this is more like series 1-5

    Full Member

    the real problem is that the 2 writers now hate each other, only one was involved with teh last few series

    still i am really lookin forward to it

    just what you need at eater the resurection of something wonderful

    and im not talking about the fairy tale about the homophobic, mysoginistic, anti-semetic, preacher who was propbably a paedo if hes like his modern day disciples

    Free Member

    The last 2 series were truly dreadful.

    Free Member

    and im not talking about the fairy tale about the homophobic, mysoginistic, anti-semetic, preacher who was propbably a paedo if hes like his modern day disciples

    Not that I go to church but, there might be a few problems with this statement, namely:

    1. Ummm Jesus, wasn’t a fairy tale there is documented proof that he existed during that time (mind you that doesn’t say he was the son of God)

    2. homophobic, really, where did you get that from?

    3. misogynistic, do you know anything about ancient cultures? or are you holding it against him that he didn’t start a womens lib movement?

    4. anti-semitic, well he kinda had a reason don’t you think?

    5. probably a paedo, really? where exactly did you extract that nugget of information?

    I suspect, even Richard ‘Raving Fundamentalist’ Dawkins would struggle to stand behind your beliefs.

    Free Member

    Is Stephen Dawkins a cross between RIchard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking?

    Full Member

    Not sure about the ‘unplugged’ episode. What is that all about?! Trying to prove that it’s “all about the writing and acting” or just cheap as chips program making?

    Free Member

    If you’re in trouble he will save the day
    He’s brave and he’s fearless come what may
    Without him the mission would go astray
    He’s Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer

    Without him life would be much grimmer
    He’s handsome, trim, and no-ones slimmer
    He will never need a zimmer
    He’s Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer

    More reliable than a garden trimmer
    He’s never been mistaken for Yul Brynner
    He’s not bald, and his head doesn’t glimmer

    Master of the wit and the repartee
    His command of space directives is uncanny
    How come he’s such a genius? Don’t ask me!
    Ask Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer

    He’s also a fantastic swimmer
    And if you play your cards right
    Then he just might come round for dinner
    He’s Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer

    No rhymes left now apart from quimmer
    He’d better fade us out before we get to schlimmer
    Fade out you stupid plimmer

    Free Member

    Jesus was Jewish, how was he anti-Semitic? He was considered by many to be a fulfilment of a Jewish prophecy.. Christians were Jews for a good few years after the events.

    Free Member


    classic red dwarf to brighten up anyones day


    Full Member

    ok ok jesus was just some loudmouth revolutionary preacher who wanted to start his own system, kind of like l ron hubbard meets george galloway

    and i said the fairytale ABOUT him ie that he was resurrected, or do u believe that nugget?

    and all of the attributes i ascribed to him are actualy the ones seen in the church that worships him today, so theyre just things done in his name, and thats soem of the nicer things,

    Full Member

    infact here is my proper rebutal to your critique in a red dwarf fashion

    The supreme deity in their religion is Cloister. Legend has it that Cloister was frozen in time to save Frankenstein, the Holy Mother of the cat-people. He would eventually return and lead the cat-people to Fushal (I always thought it was spelled Fyushal in Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers but resiak (user) swears it’s Fushal in the Official Programme Guide, so I use this latter spelling), the Promised Land. After arriving at Fushal, the cats will be able to partake of all manner of hotdog and donut and they would wear hats of great majesty, though they be made of colored cardboard and have humorous arrows through the top. At least, that’s what legend says. This is actually their interpretation of Lister’s plan to open a hotdog and donut diner stand on Fiji, but three million years of retelling the tale warped the names and events beyond recognition.

    Most of the cats on Red Dwarf died in Holy Wars fought between the two factions — those who thought the hats should be red and those who thought the hats should be blue. Daft, especially since, according to Lister, they were supposed to be green. The cats not killed in Holy Wars built two arks, one for red-hats and one for blue-hats, and they left Red Dwarf in search of Fushal. They used a star chart Cloister supposedly left for Frankenstein. The sacred writings read “Seven socks. One shirt.” Unfortunately, Lister had lined Frankenstein’s basket with his laundry list. So one ark crashed into a comet, and the other flew onward forever.

    Free Member

    slow day kimbers?

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