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  • Gay Marriage
  • edlong
    Free Member

    Is that a euphemism?

    Free Member

    What if the road is paved with lady boys? 🙂

    Free Member

    No, actual dog [as in canine, not a minger].

    I nearly wrote not a euphemism, but I worried with all the sexuality threads I was just finding filth in everything… 😆

    EDIT: I don’t even know which thread I’m in anymore… Is this the one about lady boy homophobic tory back benchers???

    Free Member

    There are plenty of people who oppose it. If you read the telegraph comments it is filled with some angry people.

    Personally, I think it is a complete non question in terms of the answer being obvious. Since some people object though, it needs to be debated. I respect Cameron for fighting to get this through. As above, give it a decade and people will be wondering why any fighting was required.

    Free Member

    I’m worried that we’ll be swamped by gay immigrants coming here to get married.

    Free Member

    I’m worried that we’ll be swamped by gay immigrants coming here to get married.

    Ive met a few from Lesbia……

    Free Member

    ITV 1 21.00 to see a docu soap about gay men being in a civil partnership. 🙂

    Free Member

    ITV 1 21.00 to see a docu soap about gay men being in a civil partnership.

    sounds really boring… I suppose at least they won’t be arguing about who left the toilet seat up 😀

    Full Member

    deadlydarcy – Member

    “There are plenty in the aggressive homosexual community that see this as but a stepping stone.”

    To what? Mandatory bumsex?

    I did an aggressive xc ride with one of those newfangled gay chappies the other day, does that make him an aggressive homosexual? can we abbreviate it to homosexxual?

    Free Member

    I did an aggressive xc ride with one of those newfangled gay chappies the other day, does that make him an aggressive homosexual? can we abbreviate it to homosexxual?

    I think it makes you a homoseXCual…

    no? really? sorry… there’s been wine…

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member
    “There are plenty in the aggressive homosexual community that see this as but a stepping stone.”

    I’m part of the aggressive community, and I see this as a stepping stone to having my aggression rights enshrined in law.

    What I don’t get with all this, is they’re saying this amendment to allow heterosexual civil partnerships will cost 4bn or whatever – are there tax/inheritance benefits available to people in a civil partnership but not a marriage? 😕

    And are there really significant numbers of heterosexual people who won’t get married but would love to have a civil partnership? 😕

    I think it makes you a homoseXCual…
    no? really? sorry… there’s been wine…

    I’ve got your coat for you already…..

    Free Member

    That’s not mine, mine is the one with the fabulous cut and pink sparkles…

    *and pockets full of stereotypes.

    Free Member

    Not read any of this thread but bet its the second most boring of the year.

    Free Member

    aggressive homosexual



    Free Member


    Full Member

    I think he said aggressive rather than pirate

    Free Member

    I think the whole homophobia thing is on its way out anyway. Once the current crop of vocal bigots have died off, it’ll go the way of racism: frowned upon by the vast majority of society, at least publicly, and those that still harbour ill-feelings towards “the gays” will at least keep it to themselves.

    Can’t happen soon enough.

    Sums it up for me. In all honesty I can’t remember the last time something homophobic was said (and meant) to me. Glad I wasn’t born a decade or two before to be honest, I’ve had it easy! 🙂

    Free Member

    There are plenty of people who oppose it.

    There’s a loud shouty minority making lots of noise. I get the impression most people really couldn’t care less one way or the other (and that includes gay people I know).

    Not read any of this thread but bet its the second most boring of the year.

    Link to the most boring please.

    Full Member

    I was sitting next to that Cardinal Keith O’Brien on the plane the other day and he was looking a bit down.*

    So to cheer him up I says to him “Keith, I know we have only just sat down next to each other, but will you marry me?” & He says: “You surely realize that I am opposed to Gay Marriage.” So I say: ” That’s Ok mate, I’m not Gay”**

    *This bit is true
    ** This might not be.

    Free Member

    There’s a loud shouty minority making lots of noise.

    Who’s that then, the bigots in the Tory party?

    Full Member

    But, but all homosexuality is an abomination. It must be – it says so in Leviticus just before where he says that when a woman has her period she should be cast out for 7 days then must sacrifice a lamb or a dove.

    That seems to be the justification for anti homosexuality – a nutter wrote it 2ooo years ago. I would like to think we have moved on a bit since then.

    MP’s – just do it and stop faffing about.

    Full Member

    must not go on the telegraph talkback pages anyomore, im just giving that hate rag some advertising revenue and there are lots really very nasty homophobic comments floating about there

    Full Member

    I think the whole homophobia thing is on its way out anyway. Once the current crop of vocal bigots have died off, it’ll go the way of racism: frowned upon by the vast majority of society, at least publicly, and those that still harbour ill-feelings towards “the gays” will at least keep it to themselves.

    Can’t happen soon enough.

    Whilst I’d love to agree with you, have you read the Telegraph or Daily Express recently?

    It’s fairly obvious their readership is pretty convinced that as soon as you allow gay marriage they’ll be forcing pensioners into workcamps for mandatory bum sex with illegal immigrants and our ONLY salvation is to round them all up (gays and immigrants) and intern them all on the Isle of White whilst voting UKIP and quitting ‘gay’ Europe.

    Free Member

    Equality and matters of principle are of great importance to governmwnts imo. Cant believe people think its a waste of time.

    The fact it’s in parliament isn’t a waste of time. The fact it’s just not been put to vote, where it will pass, saving all the swivel-eyed-loons they chance to spout their vitriol, is a waste of time. HTH.

    Free Member


    I’m an aggressive homosexual.

    If I see you wearing beige, I shoot on sight! 😆

    Free Member

    If I see you wearing beige, I shoot on sight!


    Free Member

    I’d love to know what’s next on the ‘Aggressive Homosexual Agenda’ after they get marriage rights. They might push to change the national anthem to ‘Defying Gravity’ from Wicked! Actually, that’d be ace…

    I, for one, welcome our new gay overlords!

    Free Member

    Next they’ll be wanting to marry, then kill and eat our swans. It will be mandatory under gay sharia law.

    Free Member

    Can anyone name one “aggressive homosexual” in the public eye? They don’t seem to be taking over the world, or have I not noticed

    Alan Carr,Julian Clary,Grahame Norton for 3 who seem to be taking over the world of tv, and well done to them.

    The thing is 10 years ago being gay was usually hidden from all but a few trusted freinds, now it seems to be compulsory for most men and women to have a GBF gay best freind, and long may they last as freinds.

    Free Member


    I didn’t mean it that way! Now I’ve gone all embarrassed and stuff! 😳

    Free Member

    I’d love to know what’s next on the ‘Aggressive Homosexual Agenda’ after they get marriage rights

    I imagine they’ll be wanting to ram it down our throats…


    Free Member

    I’d love to know what’s next on the ‘Aggressive Homosexual Agenda’

    I heard a rumour they were going to give us men dress sense, personal hygiene and pride in our appearance

    Full Member

    Well, at least this episode has shown that however much they spout off about reforming, the Tories will never shake off the ‘Nasty Party’ tag.


    I, for one, welcome our new gay overlords!

    Can we have a new National Anthem?

    Full Member

    I heard a rumour they were going to give us men dress sense, personal hygiene and pride in our appearance

    god forbid!

    Full Member

    i think the guardian are having too much fun at the expense of some bigoted old codgers …..

    Gay marriage bill may lead to ‘lesbian queen and artificially inseminated heir’
    Former Tory chairman Lord Tebbit also warns that legislation could allow him to marry his son to escape inheritance tax

    just seen this phrase on facebook …

    Swiveleyesation under threat – made me chuckle

    Free Member

    I’m prepared to fight for my right as a man to dress badly, smell and look awful.

    Free Member

    what an awful horrible man… [tebbit]

    Free Member

    Tebbit also said he had challenged a minister about legalising gay marriage at the same time as ending male primogeniture in the royal succession

    He seems confused about the principles of equality.

    Free Member

    “It’s like one of my colleagues said: we’ve got to make these same sex marriages available to all. It would lift my worries about inheritance tax because maybe I’d be allowed to marry my son. Why not? Why shouldn’t a mother marry her daughter? Why shouldn’t two elderly sisters living together marry each other?”

    My god Tebbit hangs out with some pretty sick mofos doesn’t he… Tories are weird… 😯

    Free Member

    Nutty comments there by Norman, but some of the people commenting seem to be missing the fact that he’s right, it will be legal to marry his son (or for two sisters to marry, etc.) as incest laws are gender specific.

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