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  • Gay Marriage
  • lucien
    Full Member

    Not really sure I want to open up a debate about the for’s and against arguments for the above; what I’m more interested in is a wider question about “do you really care about the topic” as there seems to be a great deal of debate in parliament / Govt / Clergy etc, but most ordinary people I speak with don’t give two hoots about the whole thing, either way.

    Full Member

    unless you are gay and want to get married of course

    Full Member

    Its the new Fox Hunting. A pointless waste of MP’s (in fact; everybody’s) time, that’s being done purely as some kind of ‘symbolic gesture’, and is actually utterly meaningless, and will achieve absolutely nothing

    The only difference is the last lot did it from Islington, this lot from Notting Hill

    Well done to Dave though. His advisor didn’t need to actually call the activists swivel-eyed loons. His championg of this cause has ensured the right wing of the Tory Party are busy proving that it really didn’t need to be pointed out

    Free Member

    [anecdotal evidence]

    The only gay couple I know don’t care either way.

    And the two single gay people I know don’t care either.

    [/anecdotal evidence]

    Personally I don’t see why not, but its not something I’m overly bothered about. But can understand why people would be.

    Full Member

    unless you are gay and want to get married of course

    or you’re someone who believes that everyone should be treated the same in law and that if they’re not we’re all diminished.

    Full Member

    It people want to get married, let them.

    I’m intrigued that seemingly having lost the moral argument, those opposed are now doing so under the guise of this being more “state involvement” in something that was previously out of their reach.


    Free Member

    I’m pro-equal marriage, as most people I know.

    Most the gay couples I know are civilly-unionised, but resent their marriage not legally being recognised as a marriage, and being held apart as something lesser than marriage.

    Free Member

    Live and let live, if people want to get married (same or opposite sex), then it’s none of my business. My neighbours are gay, no idea if they are partnershipped or not. Never though to ask.

    So, yes, if gay people want to get married, fine with me. I suspect the most practical benefit is the clarification of inheritance rights, which is a good thing.

    Free Member

    in before the inevitable bun fighting and lockdown!

    Full Member

    I can’t see any reason gay people should get away with this kind of behavior. They need to experience being sexually unfulfilled like everyone else

    Free Member

    Sounds like a fabulous idea.

    Free Member

    The thing I find most fun is seeing the knots that those who are opposed to it keep tying themselves up in when trying to justify their position. It really is laughable when they say that to allow marriage equality constitutes discrimiation and therefore shouldn’t be allowed. As for the whole “the state shouldn’t intervene” argument, well shall we just remove all the privilages that the state gives to married people?

    Oh and for the record I’m certainly pro the whole equality thing and I respect David Cameron for pushing this. Not enough to vote tory you understand but still.

    Free Member

    Live and let live, if people want to get married (same or opposite sex), then it’s none of my business.

    This. Thought this was supposed to be a core principle for Tories too.

    Free Member

    Binners, brush that chip from your shoulder.

    What it achieves is equality; whether that is meaningless or not to you speaks more about you than the process itself.

    Free Member

    I simply don’t understand the issue. If two people of whatever colour, creed, religion or sexuality wish to spend their lives together, and make it ‘official’, then what’s the problem? Get it put before parliament, where it will be passed, and get on with the many more important things the government should be doing.

    Effectively governing would be a start….

    Free Member

    Just how many people are there posting on this thread who don’t care?

    Free Member

    Selective use of words for what ?

    Everybody use to be able to be Gay now some people just cant be.

    Marriage, well I’d say the use of the word “Marry” is to meld together two dissimilar “Things”

    So use the words Gay Marriage, as most “Non Gay” people are not now getting married.

    Dont give a flying **** really

    Full Member

    I suggest you look a bit closer to home for shoulder chips there fella.

    I’m all for it. Its the way its being done I’m opposed too. Its a waste of time. If Dave was as serious about this as he claims to be, then he wouldn’t have made it a free vote. He knew how the ‘swivel-eyed loons’ would react.

    And for balance, as you seem to like that, I think the labour party’s stance on it is a disgrace too. Basically a wrecking motion for a bit of cheap political point-scoring. Thus ensuring it becomes a political football, like fox-hunting, where amongst the bickering, everyone forgets what they originally set out to achieve

    Is that better?

    Free Member

    No it shouldn’t be consuming so much parlimentay time. So get it done, and move on – is my opinion. It seems mad to me that its taken this long.

    This from a New Statesman journo today

    Odd that Tory MPs oppose gay marriage, which won’t undermine marriage, and support heterosexual civil partnerships, which would.

    which seems a valid point.

    Everytime I hear tories making the against argument it makes me all angry and I get a headache.

    Free Member

    Everytime I hear tories making the against argument it makes me all angry and I get a headache.


    Full Member

    I like Maurice Williamsons take on it.

    Free Member

    I am bothered by the inequality that exists around sexual orientation and disappointed that anyone in a position of power should feel that those inequalities should be preserved.

    The only good that comes out of these sorts of debates is you do get to see very clearly where people stand and can treat them with appropriate levels of disdain for ever more.

    Full Member

    On a point of pedantry, it’s same-sex marriage, not gay marriage. There’s plenty of bisexual and transsexual people also affected by this issue, many of whom aren’t “gay” as such.

    Full Member

    Are any of them dwarfs?

    Free Member

    I like Maurice Williamsons take on it.

    Yeah. A few MPs like that in the UK wouldn’t go amiss.

    Free Member

    Credit to the Jeremy Hunt that is CMD for sticking with this as he could have so easily caved in to the bigots in his own party.

    Full Member

    I’m loving the irony of him doing this to demonstrate how he’s modernised the party and de-toxified the Tory Brand

    That went well then 😆

    Free Member

    i wasn’t paying much attention until i saw Philip Hammond on Question Time. What an @rse. No wonder its taking up so much time with people like him objecting to it.

    Free Member

    Parliamentary debate on individual lifestyle … hhhmmmm …

    Does this mean we are coming out of recession and have plenty of time to debate non-issue?


    Free Member

    Does this mean we are coming out of recession and have plenty of time to debate non-issue?

    I struggle to understand this argument, if all the MPs were discussing the poor state of the economy how would boost the economy? Monetary policy is not decided by parliament but by ministers/the chancellor/the bank of England.

    Free Member

    Parliamentary debate on individual lifestyle … hhhmmmm …

    Does this mean we are coming out of recession and have plenty of time to debate non-issue?

    Not as much of a waste of time as spending a whole day paying fawning tribute to everyones’ favourite apartheid supporter and staunch friend of mass-murderers surely?

    No wonder its taking up so much time with people like him objecting to it.

    This. It’s ridiculous to complain about how much parliamentary time it’s taking up while making it take up much more time than is necessary.

    Free Member

    @Binners, yeah much thanks.

    Not sure your ‘sybolic geasture’ remark sits well against that though – but in any case I agree that the politicians are making a shyte-fest out if.

    Free Member

    Don’t see what the big deal is personally.
    People should be left to get on with life.

    Full Member

    It really shouldn’t even be an issue, it should just be the way it is. I really don’t understand how any one who is not gay could be against something that has nothing to do with them.

    I’m straight and married so it doesn’t affect me in the slightest but it really pisses me off that people try and stop other people trying to get on with their lives.

    And why do they always have to bring some vicar on the radio to go off on one about it? I didn’t get married in a church and I’m as married as anyone else. Couldn’t give a toss what ‘god’ thinks.

    Free Member

    Can’t say I’m that bothered about the argument. Doesn’t affect me. Being straight and all. I tend to switch off when it comes on the news.

    Full Member

    most ordinary people I speak with don’t give two hoots about the whole thing, either way.

    Plenty of ordinary people on here seem to care.

    Perhaps it should be put to a referendum? Would that not be simpler?

    I feel for the MPs who are pro-gay marriage, but represent constituencies where the majority are anti. That must be a difficult situation.

    Free Member

    I’m straight, have absolutely no religious views… and given the choice would rather have a civil partnership (if it was legally recognised in the same way) over a wedding 😕

    Cougar – Moderator
    On a point of pedantry, it’s same-sex marriage, not gay marriage. There’s plenty of bisexual and transsexual people also affected by this issue, many of whom aren’t “gay” as such.

    I thought that it was just “marriage”…

    Free Member

    I totally buy this argument that people put forward that it completely undermines the principle of marriage and that it’ll make marriage seem worthless. I’ll be divorcing my wife if this bill passes. Oh, wait, no, no I won’t.

    Sometimes the government needs to do things that the country won’t like. Gay marriage is one of them- a lot of biggots are being very vocal but they are very much in the wrong on this issue.

    It does bother me that so much time has been invested in an issue that really won’t have an impact on many people, though. Yes, gay marriage is good, no, it doesn’t need this much of Parliament’s time spent on it.

    Free Member

    and given the choice would rather have a civil partnership (if it was legally recognised in the same way) over a wedding

    Now this is a point that I’m unclear on. What exactly is the difference between a civil partnership and a civil wedding? I’m not trying to offend anyone, I am just curious.

    Free Member

    I’m gay…. yet I really don’t have any interest in the subject, unsure whether that is right or wrong to be honest!*

    FWIW I entered into a civil partnership a few years ago (split now, booo) and it didnt remotely feel any ‘lesser’ than a ‘marriage’. Neither of us are religious either, so didnt feel like we were losing out in that sense.

    *I do, however, like bikes, fast cars, and football, so I don’t exactly live up to the ‘stereotype’. I know, I know, I am a poor excuse for a gay male… 😆

    *Goes to buy a pair of sequin-encrusted hotpants*

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