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  • further to the scrote story
  • alexxx
    Free Member

    get your daughter to sneak laxatives into the girls drink so she's too busy shitting herself 😀 (im being serious)

    Free Member

    Got all this to come. With lads its different though isnt it? You just have to say confront it head on yourself with lads.

    Free Member

    See how things go with the agencies involved. I work in education (and health, safety and welfare) and its worth pointing out to the headmaster that you are aware that the safeguarding element of the ofsted system is a LIMITING GRADE and as such they need to make a conclusive action sooner rather than later if they are serious about retaining their performance grade.

    if you want extra info on this then pm me

    On the other hand my wife was bullied horribly at school (being the only english kid in a scottish school) and it only stopped when she hospitalised the bully with a house brick.

    Free Member

    I really do sympathise with the situation but there are no 'other centres' for students to got to and it's not just a case of schools being skint, (which they are!), the systems in place do not facilitate proper sanctions for students who will not behave in a civilised fashion.

    The school should, of course, have contacted home after a serious incident but beyond that what do they do? There are no special schools anymore, there is a focus on schools to retain kids at almost all costs – example – Knowsley, one of the most deprived boroughs in Britain has an exclusion quota of 5 students per year for all schools. Where do we put these anti social students? We can't isolate them, we can't exclude them, what do we do?

    Schools are in the situation of 'managing' anti social students behaviour instead of dignifying them with correction and socialising them. Good students suffer, teachers suffer, the anti social remain anti social and to top it all off schools fail if the are full of naughty kids hat hey're not allowed to do anything about!

    The system is screwed and until we get a political agenda in education with a backbone horrible situations like this will continue to exist.

    Free Member

    LOL at the tag.

    Free Member

    there are no 'other centres' for students to got to and it's not just a case of schools being skint, (which they are!), the systems in place do not facilitate proper sanctions for students who will not behave in a civilised fashion.

    Monkeeknutz I'm sorry but that's not true.
    I and my colleagues (at the time) used to run projects which did exactly that. We looked after the "disaffected" students who were unlikely to sit any exams but were too young to leave school. They were causing all types of problems to themselves, other students and teachers but the school did not or could not expel them, except for the seriously troubled ones.
    I looked after between 10 and 20 students. Technically they were in school but they were not there very often and I monitored them daily.

    Once the child is in school, the school has a legal obligation to look after that child.

    Free Member

    There is a national orgaanisation called http://www.connexions-direct.com their office is next door to mine and I just had a word with someone there.

    They work with both disadvantaged kids but also provide advice for all children from 13-19 on various topics. I'm told that they often get involved in situations such as yours and there will be a nominated person looking after your daughters school. Might be worth giving them a call?

    Free Member

    What that school really needs is a 40k PA for the Headmaster so he can concentrate all his energies on problem children.

    Free Member

    I'm not sure if I would have shown as much restraint as the OP but to be honest at this stage I would be visiting the girls Father.
    He played by the rules and kept calm and look what happended.

    At this point I would be taking action into my own hands. I don't necassarily mean violence but something needs to be done.
    If the Father is an account then I'd be finding out where he worked and showing up one day to cause a fuss in front of his employers. Let him know that your visits to his work will not stop until he controls his child.

    Free Member

    ….Today scrote assaulted my daughter again, pulled out clumps of her hair, punched her, pushed her into a hedge in a totally unprovoked attack which had been threatened for the last few weeks. A teacher was present and was assaulted and injured attempting to protect her…… Scrote also came at me when i was at the school

    Re-reading the above, I can't believe that such an attack only earns a repeat offender 2 days out of school. I'm also glad that Roper has refuted Monkeenutz post that schools hands are tied. From The Telegraph

    The girl sounds as though she is seriously disturbed and should not be in a place where she can harm others, teachers or pupils.

    Surely the teachers can't be happy that this girl is still in school

    Free Member

    it's being raised at board of govs meeting today, PC has been TOLD that it is for the CPS to decide the charge, not him, scrote being questioned at station now, word is being spread in scrotes village that victims dad (me) has very sinister connections, which I do, but won't utilise – yet.

    daughter came home from school this morning as she was getting so much hassle from kids wanting the story and to see her injuries. wanted to just get on with her revision.

    i'm writing Daily Mail style letters for ofsted and LEA

    teachers even stood by when scrote came at me. teachers are afraid apart from the one who took it hard protecting her.

    2 days exclusion was on LEA advice, but is suspect the school didn't give them the whole story

    i love the smell of vengence in the afternoon

    Free Member

    I've just been given this websirte http://www.cybermentors.org.uk which you may find useful..

    Free Member

    Everyone thinks you have sinister connections when in reality you have a bike named one 😀

    Full Member

    I hope you don't think I'm your sinister connection.

    I'm right-handed.

    Free Member

    no BJ, i know people, who know people, who are bigger and scarier than us both but who happen to like me. but they're also smart and leave no trace

    Full Member

    Now that's what I call big and scary.

    Hope it works out.

    Free Member

    no BJ, i know people, who know people, who are bigger and scarier than us both but who happen to like me. but they're also smart and leave no trace

    Apart from the internet forums saying you're employing the favours of big scary people 😀

    Free Member

    I was going to suggest writing to board of Governors, but seems that matter is in hand, as there are protocols and they have a duty to investigate and they will have a sub committee that will launch an investigation, I would also write to your MP & the Commissionaire for children as he/she has powers to make everyone jump to it. Also local press, just carry on make a big fuss, in a calm & rational fashion.

    Hope all turns out well for you.

    Full Member

    iDave – don't send any correspondence to the press; you do not want to prejudice any action you or others may bring against the sctrote, her parents, school, LEA, police etc.

    Do everything above board and never, ever take no for an answer. Hassle, hassle and hassle more. Phone up the headteacher hourly for informaiton, updates and an answer as to what they are going to do. Do the same with the police, LEA, and school governors. Demand to attend all meetings any of them are having, and generally make yourself such a polite but firm PITA that they will act fast and soon.

    But do threaten that you will make all of this and the individual failings on named people known to the local and national press. For every person you speak to, find out who their superior is. Hassle said superior twice as often as you hasle the individuals.

    Make this problem their problem.

    (And do not, whatever you do, resort to violence (and that includes any threats of it) – you don't need to; you have right on your side).

    Free Member

    [quoteiDave – don't send any correspondence to the press; you do not want to prejudice any action you or others may bring against the sctrote, her parents, school, LEA, police etc[/quote]

    Good point!

    Free Member

    good call on the press, that was for later, but yeah, need to see what inaction happens first.

    cking – i didn't not say nothing about having recruited no scary people. you're assuming…

    Free Member

    iDave – do you have a NI accent ? If so then deploy it well, that should help spread some rumours of "connections" 😆

    Full Member

    Norn Iron connections – implying their tibias will no longer have any connections to their femurs?

    Full Member

    I've been trying to find this link for the last few days…
    BT3A QOTW forum.[/url]

    scroll down the page to the one entitled Controlling bullies.

    Could always try that???

    Free Member

    You just have to say confront it head on yourself with lads.

    I think that is a simplistic attitude and I don't believe for a minute that a caring parent would brush off any child's genuine problems with bullying at school. Anyway, a girl is just as able to protect herself against another girl as a boy is against a boy – but every child should have the support and help of their parents.

    Free Member

    Roper – Centres for the seriously disaffected students are few and far between, and I'm afraid to say it but what the girl has done would not get her into one of those referral units, she could go for doing it 10 or 15 times and that might work.

    You're absolutely right that each school has a duty to care for the students but the school's hands are very often tied. Students we've managed to get into referral units for a maximum of 8 weeks are serial brawlers, both staff and students, committed racists or guilty of sexual assault. I think criminal charges should be brought but there simply isn't the political will, locally or nationally

    As to your comment that she sounds seriously disturbed I think you're a little naive – our school has retained for 5 years a boy who tried to cut of a dog's head with a spade and broke his hand punching walls when frustrated a girl who cut her lips with a razor blade as 'lipstick', a boy who crapped on desks termly as a dirty protest.. I could go on. In each case we tried to remove them to some kind of additional support for he safety of others or themselves and in each case they were back within a month or never left because here aren't he spaces to house them.

    Alternative educational provision in England is appalling and comprehensives like the one I teach in are left carrying the can – it's very frustrating.

    Free Member

    Monkeeknutz, I do agree that is very difficult for teachers. The reason I was employed to work in the school I did was to help the problem students which in tern gave the teachers more time to attend to the rest of their classes.

    My post was initially responding to your comment

    "All this 'give the school a hard time' stuff is just rubbish! What would you like the school to do? They can't exclude, they can't expel, and they can't even issue a ruddy detention now without the consequences from gobby parents along the lines of "My little Tyrone doesn't do detention."

    The school is responsible if the trouble is happening during school time. The school can contact the police, parents or guardians, social workers and other independent workers like I was. It has a legal and moral requirement to look after all of its students in its care.
    In my opinion if the school is not doing this then it is failing and the LEA is failing. This does not mean the school is condemned but it may need to be shown how to work with problem children or it needs to rethink how it deals with such students now. To suggest that its hands are tied is unacceptable.

    On the last part of you post, I don't think I did comment that "she sounds seriously disturbed"? I also don't like to comment about the individual cases of students I worked with but the examples you gave are not unusual. I will say that while I could not juststify any of the behaviour the girl has reportedly done in the OP, after working with some children who really have been through the worst society or individuals can inflict on them, I am hardly surprised they might not have much of a grasp on how people are supposed to behave.

    I’m not suggesting the girl in the OP is one of those students but hopefully some of the steps iDave is taking might help her too.

    Free Member

    Monkeenut -Is the school you work in is failing in its duty towards the children in its care – both the disruptive ones and the non disruptive ones?

    Other schools manage to deal with problem children without abdicating their responsibilities.

    Sounds like weak management to me

    Free Member

    police are passing it back to the school and won't get more involved – watch this space though. they won't take statements from any of the other (12) witnesses, including the teacher who was assaulted. they continually dilute the assault referring to hair being pulled rather than hair pulled out in clumps. PC hung up on me when i questioned the integrity of the investigation.

    thankfully a chief inspector is going to stick his oar in tomorrow for me – but it shouldn't be like that. my daughter now thinks the police are useless and can't be trusted and i'm not going to try and say otherwise.

    and yes i do have a northern ireland accent and i'm not afraid to use it, so i'm not.

    Tiocfaidh ár lá

    Free Member

    Hang tough Dave. I 'may' have a beer with senior copper over the weekend, sadly he's only responsible for Staffs….rather than ..i'll jog him up, see how he see's it

    Free Member

    ok, would appreciate hearing what they think – I'll be in the station in the morning expecting answers.

    Free Member

    my daughter now thinks the police are useless and can't be trusted

    Not just your Daughter!

    Some black people nearby were always getting heckled, punched and brick through the window till their mates showed up in force and kicked the hell out of the racists. I don't beleive in violence but sometimes Ghandi is wrong.

    Police came out then but never heard of bullying again in that street.

    Free Member

    it's ramping up nicely, pc has been taken off it, someone else is on it, they're getting all the witness statements, scrote has been properly expelled and questioned under caution.

    shame it took some phone calls from high up in the force……

    finally feeling like someone other than us gives a shit

    Full Member

    Hooray! Sounds like things are finally improving 🙂

    Free Member

    Do Pupil Referral Units not exist any more then?

    Full Member

    it's ramping up nicely, pc has been taken off it, someone else is on it, they're getting all the witness statements, scrote has been properly expelled and questioned under caution.

    Now you're getting somewhere, but you still need to keep hassling all the agencies* involved to ensure that they keep the momentum up.

    Best of luck with it.

    *where did this phrase come from? It's like calling school pupils "students". Since when did kids in a classroom "study" anything? Nonsense.

    Full Member

    iDave, your account of all this is harrowing, but I really do think you have handled it with great maturity and hopefully it looks like you are now getting a proper result.

    I dread to be in your situation, I have 2 daughters myself.

    Good on you mate and I hope your girl gets over it quick.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    really glad you're getting some results

    Free Member

    Pleased it has gone well for you, well done at keeping cool, although you should not have had to take this all on yourself, she school and the copper need a talking to


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