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  • further to the scrote story
  • iDave
    Free Member

    today first day the scrote who attacked my daughter was back in school. she had food thrown at her, and whispered threats all day. scrote leaves school in 2 weeks with 3 gsce's, my daughter expected to get straight A*'s has 2 weeks of exams ahead. school not interested. police have still failed to visit scrote. so now, I feel that I have to step things up a level and it won't be done via twitter!

    orignal closed thread: http://www.singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/female-scrotums

    Free Member

    At the very least, keep everything well documented as supporting evidence on the off chance that it has an affect on her exam performance. Let the school know you're doing it for this reason. Exam/league table seem to be the only words that spark them into action these days.

    Free Member

    Do you own a set of Bombers?

    Free Member

    +1 for Ton's post (3rd one)
    It does work..

    Full Member

    No TJ yet, must be busy polishing his Halo 😉

    Free Member

    just had some very constructive advice via email. many thanks…..

    Free Member

    Just be careful and yeah I'd be flipping miffed.

    Bullying is disgusting, can your daughter capture it on mobile video.

    Bloody schools are powerless these days, we need the iron fist back and chuck these scoates out.

    Full Member

    I'd be taking two weeks or the morning and afternoon off work and accompanying my daughter to school and also talking to the Headmaster each day, until the school got the message to deal with it! Hope you have a good weekend iDave!

    Free Member

    Really sorry for you and your daughter mate. We had a problem this week with an older girl grabbing my daughter by the hair and threatening go beat her up. We went to see the head master and the girl was suspended today for 1 week.

    We were pretty impressed with their response although it sounds like the girl is known to them and is close to being expelled anyway.

    Why can't all schools take this sort of thing seriously?

    Free Member

    i'll be seeing the head on monday, and putting some other activities into place should the head and police fail to prevent it occurring again

    Full Member

    I'm 100% with Ton on this one

    Many moons ago I was having problems with one of the local scrotes (I won't go into detail). I went to the police and they said that until he actually comitted an arrestable offence, there wasn't anything they could do. Despite them being depressingly familiar with his antics

    Then the copper said to me "Off the record, what I'd do is get a few of your mates together and go and have a word. And i do mean a PROPER word!"

    Said word was had. Result: The shit stopped there and then. Its the only language they understand unfortunately

    Full Member

    oops. Double post

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    Free Member

    I'd love to know what your preferred methods are idave, I read the other thread, didn't comment but was intrigued! You obviously have a lot of trust in them and I really hope they work! Got two kids myself and already dread the day any of this sh¥te occurs for us! All the best to you and yours and hope it all works out.

    Free Member



    Well thats' 50% of the odd couple accounted for.

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    Kuco – Member
    No TJ yet, must be busy polishing his Halo

    Posted 1 hour ago # Report-Post

    Perhaps TJ is still in a Londis shop talking to the local mentally ill chappie from another thread 🙂 or perhaps it was him.

    Free Member

    actually my plan was to send TJ round to chat to her family for several years

    Free Member

    I have to agree with Ton and a few others, let me get this straight though, I worked the doors in Manchester and Liverpool for over a decade, worked for Damien Noonan and a few other tasty chaps, so know a little about violence, I did the doors to keep the wolf from the doors and I have hurt people, some of then quite badly, I look back and wonder who that person was.

    I am happily retired now with a great job and young family, but, if anyone hurts my kids or family, then I have a funny feeling that someone will get hurt, sod the police etc, it doesn't work with some of the scrotes around at the moment, if the bully comes from a respectable family then it will end once they get called into the school, if not then you have to resort to what they understand.

    TJ you may not like this but at times it is the only way, if you turn up and try to reason with these people they will think that you are weak and nothing will change.

    Short sharp shock I believe it is called


    Free Member

    iDave, good luck dealing with the scum.
    As my Krav Maga coach said: "If it's me or them it has to be them. And it has to hurt badly."

    Free Member

    plod just phoned, scrote has been read riot act, i'll be doing same to school on monday – TJ will be kept on a lead for now.

    on the krav maga front, if she used that she'd be in a load of trouble – she wants to get on with passing her exams

    Full Member

    TJ will be kept on a lead for now.

    my 13yr old daughter is terrified………… 😆

    Free Member

    Inciting violence is a crime (just needed to get the disclaimer there) but

    Break their fingers, or get 'someone' to do it for her!

    Free Member

    well i've learnt a new term: "read the riot act"

    To this day many jurisdictions that have inherited the tradition of English Common Law and Scots Law still employ statutes that require police or other executive agents to deliver an oral warning, much like the Riot Act, before an unlawful public assembly may be forcibly dispersed.

    Because the authorities were required to read the proclamation that referred to the Riot Act before they could enforce it, the expression "to read the Riot Act" entered into common language as a phrase meaning "to reprimand severely", with the added sense of a stern warning. The phrase remains in everyday use in English.

    was keeping up with the other thread last night and about all i can say is best of luck idave. really hope your daughter comes through fine.

    Free Member

    On a less violence oriented front (although I wud feel the same) when you visit the school mention you have written a letter to ofsted. Ofsted inspect schools and wud have an obligation to investigate claims that a young person was vulnerable but unsupported by the school. Info in bullying advice for you and your daughter http://www.bullying.co.uk
    hope she's ok. Best of luck

    Free Member

    good call emma, thanks. the school has a v good reputation, they'll want to protect that. today she had a plate of chips thrown at her and the teacher just said he'd make a note of it. i might launch a kebab at him.

    Full Member

    Said word was had


    Free Member

    plod just phoned, scrote has been read riot act

    LOL – that will be utterly, utterly useless

    police and schools have no effective powers to prevent bullying

    The more you complain, the more you provoke the bullies

    Finally, the police will tell you there's nothing they can do – probably while the bullies are listening

    Your only hope is to move to somewhere with schools with a lower proportion of scum in their intake.

    Eton or Westminster would be good

    Free Member

    Free Member

    the school is actually a very good school with a great reputaion. only one expulsion in 5 years. this works in my favour as it would be a shame if it became widely known that there were issues there right now… they have a duty of care, they're failing in it, and i'll be a thorn in their side until they get it sorted

    Free Member

    Still keeping those issue resolving methods of yours a secret then.

    Free Member

    The troublemaking kid probably has pondlife parents who have no duty of care and won't give a monkey about their offsprings behaviour at school. Hope you get it sorted

    Free Member

    the school is actually a very good school with a great reputaion. only one expulsion in 5 years.

    I think we're starting to see how they maintain that record… A friend of mine is a teacher and her last school expelled several kids a year but it was the safest in the area because they took no crap at all from kids or parents where the safety of other kids was concerned.

    Full Member

    How come your school isn't taking this seriously? Most heads and teachers I know ( and I know plenty) abhor bullying and any school worth the name good have a robust anti bullying policy. If you're not getting what you want from the head ask to talk to the governors and ask them to look into it.

    Free Member

    On a less violence oriented front (although I wud feel the same) when you visit the school mention you have written a letter to ofsted.

    +1 OFSTED and also get in touch with your local cooncil's education department (as senior an individual as possible). An email CC'd to the headmaster and chair of the governing body complaining about a breakdown in discipline should begin some interesting conversations.

    Free Member

    Update, and it's not good. Today scrote assaulted my daughter again, pulled out clumps of her hair, punched her, pushed her into a hedge in a totally unprovoked attack which had been threatened for the last few weeks. A teacher was present and was assaulted and injured attempting to protect her. Police weren't bothered initially. Took legal advice to get them to even come and take a statement. Now however scrote will be arrested. Horrible listening to my girl describe the attack. Scrote also came at me when i was at the school. It was very hard not to rise to it and deck the little cow. Our day will come. I had held back on activities, no longer. And the police have been a bloody disgrace.

    Free Member

    Unleash a pile of shite from 10 miles up onto the little fecker and her no good family. Hope you get it sorted soon.

    Free Member

    It was very hard not to rise to it and deck the little cow.

    You should be very proud of yourself, well done for remaining calm. You can guarantee that she wants you to hit her, and then use that to her advantage. Horrible situation to be in, you have my sympathy.

    Free Member

    You have my support in whatever you deem fit to do. Rule 1 protect your family.

    Free Member

    Fookin ridiculous!!

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