Home Forums Bike Forum Friday 24th June – 'SDW in a Day' – initial roll call!!

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  • Friday 24th June – 'SDW in a Day' – initial roll call!!
  • TheSouthernYeti
    Free Member

    A lift back to Winchester?

    How about a snog?

    Free Member

    Here’s a link to the locations of all(?) the SDW water taps. I didn’t put this together and have no idea if it’s accurate or not but you might find it useful!

    Free Member

    oh, and don’t expect to have your usual energy levels for a day or two afterwards. I don’t think I could have functioned at work tbh – and ate like a horse and slept like a sleeping thing for a couple of days…
    Would love to give a oner a go…

    Full Member

    Here’s a link to the locations of all(?) the SDW water taps.

    Very useful. The YHA Truleigh Hill has one as well which is useful as the Botolphs (next to A283) tap is out of action…anyone confirm as I am hoping it is working as it’s the closest one to the Downs Link junction?

    Anyone know the location of any water taps on the Downs Link?

    Free Member

    Yeah, good point. There is a tap at the Truleigh HIl YHA and it’s not on that map.

    Free Member

    I might be up for a variation on this if I can get time off work – I can’t be in Eastbourne Fri night as I am going to a friends ‘I’ve survived Chemo’ party on Saturday which is a 3 line whip attendance event. So i might join you near the start (maybe nr Petersfield / QE park as I can get a train there from Guildford on Fri am) with the intention to ride as far as Shoreham and then Downslink back to Guildford. Would be 75-80 miles I guess, with the last 30 odd mainly flat. Any idea of your approx timings and when you’d be passing through. Can come equipped with emergency Haribo to save you stashing it for the first 25 miles.

    Free Member

    3 line whip attendance event.

    Had no idea what that meant, but through the wonders of Google I have now learnt something new today, hurrah! 😀

    Any idea of your approx timings and when you’d be passing through.

    I think the plan is to head off at the crack of dawn from Winchester, so leaving around 5am-ish… no real idea of what time we’d realistically expect to get to Petersfield / QE park – 25 miles you say? So maybe 2-3hrs in? 😕

    Where’s the best place to source a gpx file for the route? Need to figure out how to put it on the Garmin 705… also need to figure out how to keep the GPS running for more than 10 hours, my battery seems to give out after that, guess I’ll need an external charger/battery booster of some sort…

    Free Member

    Psychle, I can send you a GPX track of my SDW ride from April, email in profile.

    Anyone know the location of any water taps on the Downs Link?

    I don’t think there are any, its not a route with a lot of facilities. There are some pubs at a few points on the route who may be willing to let you top up.

    Plenty of information about the Downs Link from the links in the “More Information” section of this page.

    Full Member

    I don’t want to be negative on this thread but I’ve done the SDW a few times now and the first time it caught me out.

    It’s well do-able in a day (I’m fat and have done it in 13hrs) and if your fit it’s not too much of a problem but it can catch people out.

    If your on your own or in a pair it’s okay but as a group you can run out of day / willpower / fitness quite easily.

    Maybe a wise precaution if your gonna’ be committed to getting to Eastbourne for accommodation would be sweep up support wagon?

    Free Member

    HillBarn Farm, A286 south of Cocking has a water point. QE park also.
    Not sure passed this.

    Found this pdf:

    Full Member


    the wife is out thurs so im looking after the kids. and im down for a night at the komedia on the friday.

    so another time kids, enjoy yourselves. if you need tea and cake at the top of the hill near kingston let me know as i only live 5 mins from there.

    Free Member


    Hmmm, as said it ain’t that easy. I read an OS for three weeks prior to the first trip and fatmate did the same, we got lost on two occasions, stupid things like the trail splitting, we went right, trail (proper) went left. Simple stuff but when you’re rattling 15k hardpack it’s an easy miss. We did use footpaths to get us back onto the B’way.. naughty I know but hey.. So…

    Deffo take a GPS unit.

    The second time I did and it was way way easier, even the deviation got us out by 50ft on occasion and thats enough to send you off course.

    I’m not trying to discourage, deffo not, but, BUT.. keep your eyes open and be prepared to “turn around bright eyes”

    Food (as said) you’ll need loads and force it down, dry throats asside you need to eat.

    I’m doing it again in Sept.

    Free Member

    Firstly hats off to all of you for even thinking about it!
    I did the 36 miles from Brighton To Eastbourne on Sunday, and it was bloody horrible! It was windy and the rain came down horizontally. I was woefully short of wet weather gear and will not make that mistake again.
    Be very carefull as they have been filling in some of the badly rutted areas with a shale like material, it is lethal and very easy to end up superman like over you handlebars.
    Take 2 water bottles, or camelback etc, water stops are few and far!
    I hope you all do it, and enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Full Member

    Being rather anal i know where the water taps are already . and the fricken gates . As a group though the gates will be less of a problem . First one ( fastest / fittest) gets the gate and holds it open for rest .

    I only got lost at Blackcap , missed the 90 right and carried on for a few miles , and doubled back up past the gallops .

    Ming . If you are not the man from oncall and it looks like its game on you can o/n at mine .

    I really want to start at 0500 , maybe 0530. Leaves alot of daylight hours for punctures , mechanicals etc

    Free Member

    The British Heart Foundation 100-mile sponsored randonnée takes place the following day so you may have some additional signage. They sometimes put up plain yellow triangles to make the less obvious signs more visible.

    Free Member

    There was extra signage up there Friday from Devil’s Dyke > EB, didn’t stop me taking a wrong uphill bridlepath at Pyecombe.

    Free Member

    darn, was going to do this on the saturday, but may look into taking a day off to do it on the friday, unless anyone is interested on going on the saturday instead due to work commitments? sorry to hi-jack. will get back if i can take the day off.
    we did the winch to QE park ride 2 weeks ago took us just under 2 and a half hours, we saw about 10 people in total so nice and quiet, they have closed a section of the trail so there is a couple of miles of road (super downhill all the way) and as you come under a bridge there is a trail to the left you need to take, not that well signposted as we almost missed it, so look out for that bit.
    also from winch the first water tap is QE park, although you pass through a big farm who if you can find someone will normally fill a bottle for you.
    if anyone is up for the sataurday give me a shout as i would prefer not to take a day off. good luck, it is a really good day out.

    Full Member

    they have closed a section of the trail so there is a couple of miles of road (super downhill all the way) and as you come under a bridge there is a trail to the left you need to take, not that well signposted as we almost missed it, so look out for that bit.

    Roughly whereabouts is this diversion?

    Free Member

    it was somwehere between old winchester hill and before you get to butser hill, takes you down a super steep road hill round a right hand corner, under a bridge and there is a sign (semi-hidde by tree) on the left immediately after the bridge, you go up the track and it takes you back onto the trail to butser hill. it may well be open again now, but thats what was there a couple of weeks ago.

    Full Member

    Richen987.- This will test your memory . Did you ride up the road past the pub at the junction called The Milburys? Then along a flat tarmac section to the 5 bar gate at ‘Wind Farm’? Along a very fast double section through a farm with a sweeping right / left / right combo, then up a gradual rise to another gate and proper tarmac road .
    Turn right along road for 200 meters ,then where did you go?
    Should be 90′ left , through gate down fast gravel hill , out into open feilds and down to farm track with water gulleys and out onto road. Then right and out across A32 and up long long long tarmac hill?

    Free Member

    Man, I’m glad we have you and your photographic memory along for the ride!! 😀

    Full Member

    There’s a bit of confusion here. There is no diversion, it’s just that there’s been a change of temporary route. A permanent route will be sorted once it’s been legally agreed with landowners etc. singletrackmind is referring to the old temporary route from Beacon Hill, down through Warnford and then up to Old Winchester Hill. The current temp route takes you from Beacon Hill down the long tarmac road to Exton and then across the A32 to the Meon Valley Railway line and then up to Old Winchester Hill. The South Downs Way Official Guide is worth buying to make this clear. However, fingerposts are OK in this area. I live local so know it quite well.

    Did Winchester to Devils Dyke weekend before last in 9.5 hours, averaging 7.2mph on my newish stumpy. Agree with much of what’s said above. It’s hard. And don’t drink a bottle of red vino the night before like I did! Entered for the BHF event on 25 July, which I know will be even harder…

    Free Member

    abatty – that’s what it was then, that’s exactly the bit, the hill is really steep and very fast, although not much fun cycling back up it on the way back! I am working on getting the day off so hopefully i can join in the fun, otherwise i’ll be doing it on the saturday.

    Free Member

    Bit of a bump with two weeks to go.

    I think the list below shows the probable attendees so far, if this is incorrect then can you add/delete your name/email? If you prefer to keep comms on here, that’s fine just let us know.

    TSY (maybe?) – no email in profile
    Realman (maybe?) – no email in profile
    Hugh Jardon (maybe) – no email in profile
    Poldarn – no email in profile

    Sorry if I have missed anyone.

    The Holiday Inn at Winchester(http://www.hiwinchester.co.uk/) has twin rooms for £90. I’m going to book one – anyone want to share? I haven’t sorted out my return from Eastbourne yet – just in case in don’t make it that far – but will probably travel back home by train.

    When the list is updated I’ll send an email round with contact numbers and Winchester arrival times etc so people can add theirs. Feel free to add suggestions or thoughts too.

    Happy training.

    Full Member

    Trying to motivate myself for a big ride tomorrow . Left my MP3 charging cable at work so no tunes. My back hurts . Im off the pop till we finish the SDW . I HAVE to go out as my moronic boss is going to be driving pass my flat and will invite himself him . Except he wont , as i will be trundling to B’ton , if its not hosing down in the morning .

    Free Member

    Piha and co.

    Am on.
    Got a bed in Winch.
    Gonna bail at Brighton.

    Pls include me in group mails.
    Hoping for good weather!



    Free Member

    The three Piha thing is confusing.

    Full Member

    Why so defeatist before you even set off?
    How about saying to yourself ” I will do this . I know its not easy , but I will ride to Eastbourne , I will be on the bike for 12 hours. But I will get there”

    No ‘mights’ or ‘maybes’ or ‘try’ or ” I am going to bail”. You WIll hate yourself if you just stop . Unless there is a really important reason for going halfway .

    Full Member

    …says the man trying to motivate himself for a long ride tomorrow. No tunes, a little back pain…stop whining and get out there 😉

    Full Member

    QECP to B’ton in the morning . Found an old 1gig mp3, plus some drugs ( ibuprofen ) so all sorted . 6 hours target time. Petersfeild station to Brighton station

    Free Member

    How about saying to yourself ” I will do this . I know its not easy , but I will ride to Eastbourne , I will be on the bike for 12 hours. But I will get there”

    Only 12 hours? I’m reckoning on 14 or so (including stops etc)… but, amen to your philosophy, it’s just a ride chaps, with a few big hills for sure, but it’s just a ride…

    Full Member

    @stm Excellent…enjoy 😀

    When you know it’s going to hurt it can be motivational struggle. Did Winchester to Dorking (SDW->Downs Link->NDW) yesterday…sat on the train down thinking ‘Why am I doing this?’. Good cycle though in the end… 106miles in just over 10 hours, no punctures despite lots of paths being strimmed before QECP, no mechanicals, good weather (Only got drenched once) and te wind in the right direction.

    Going to take a few days before the motivations back for the full SDW though…yesterdays cycle went well but knowing what lurks after Devils Dyke is still casting doubts in my mind

    Free Member

    man… you guys are way better prepared than I am… luckily, I’m a stubborn bastard with a ‘high’ tolerance for discomfort… as long as the food and electrolytes are going in and I stay outside the red zone for most of the ride, I’ll make it, even if it’s midnight when I get to Eastbourne!

    Full Member

    That’s the spirit. Stubbornness is key requirement of the SDW imo

    Full Member

    Downs Link ….Did you take a book to read whilst on it ? Or maybe even fall asleep . Me and Dez rode Westcott – leith – pitch – cranleigh -horsham then train back to westcott . the downs link was soooooo crap after riding singletrack for the previous couple of hours .

    Very high average speed on it though

    Free Member

    Not if you’re on a 36×12 SS it isn’t… fookin dull as ditchwater at an average of 21km/hr 🙁

    Elf and I were both in a Zen like meditative state at that point, no conversation, just pedaling away at a steady cadence, mesmerised by the metaled path disappearing under our front wheels and deep in our own little world…

    Free Member

    I started mountain biking in October.
    I’ve really enjoyed it so far but am well aware that I haven’t really scratched the surface.
    Riding from Winchester to Brighton will be a major adventure for me.
    I’m not being defeatist, in the scope of my own challenge I am going the whole way, but it makes sense for me to ‘bail’ from the main mission at Brighton.

    As Psychle says ‘It’s just a ride’.
    I am sure it’ll be a fun ride, and hard in bits.
    I’m really looking forward to it, my map arrived today.

    Free Member

    What time would we be starting? I can get a train to make it there by 6am, although it means I’ve got to get up pretty early, it would save me having to get a room if that’s soon enough.

    gh274 at ex dot ac dot uk for the mailing list.

    I’d want to ride with someone as well, not just because 100+ miles off road on my own sounds horrible, but because I don’t fancy having to do the nav unless I really have to.

    Free Member

    nuke – you got a gps track for Dorking to Winchester? I don’t live so far away from the former and the parents are in Soton so riding to see them might be a fun trip.

    Full Member

    Banged out Petersfeild Station to Brighton Station in 5 hrs 5min .
    Superb day for a long ride out. Not too warm or too windy , busy up on the SDW too . Passed a few guys , got passed by 1 guy on the climb up to Truleigh who was trucking along nicely .
    About 45 miles i think in the end . All taps , apart from the one at Botolphs, working properly.
    Was proper tired by the time i got to Brighton station . Pushed fairly hard and rode all the climbs apart from the initial part of Amberly Mount . Will not be going anywhere near as fast if we get a weather window and its a go.

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