• This topic has 13 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 3 days ago by IHN.
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  • Fresh Goods Friday 711 – The Open All Hours Edition
  • Ben_Haworth
    Full Member

    This week we have mostly been casting our collective mind back to stuff we no longer have to do.

    By ben_haworth

    Get the full story here:

    Fresh Goods Friday 711 – The Open All Hours Edition

    Full Member

    Does the Bike Review Generator have an “Ow Much!?” button?

    Full Member

    DMM is the climbing gear manufacturer, not DSM btw.

    Full Member

    Does the Bike Review Generator have an “Ow Much!?” button?

    That’s probably covered by the ‘Ker-ching!’ button.

    Full Member

    Is that Cannondale really 6000 quid discounted on Amazon? Blimey. I’m almost tempted.

    Full Member

    That Scalpel (for all the right reasons, possibly?) “Ow Much at Amazon!?”

    Bet its a typo?

    Full Member

    Grrrrr Bluetooth speakers. I wish they stopped working the moment people left their house! Ruining the outdoors

    Full Member

    Footwear refresh cleaner stuff – is much needed by one of my clan. 👞👃🤢🤮

    Full Member

    Had a look on scamazon, almost qualifies as an eBay find.

    Full Member

    Those prices you see are autogenerated. We don’t type them in. We put the product in this clever(ish) tool and goes off and finds prices and links when you view the page. It occasionally doesn’t get it right.

    Full Member

    check out the ‘hidden’ Italian flag on top of the fork crown – bellissimo!

    Bravo for the use of ‘bellissimo’ here, but the pedant in me is wondering what gender the adjective should inherit here. I suspect that ‘bellissima’ might be the better choice, to align with the noun of either the bicycle (la bicicletta) or the flag (la bandiera) .. so the adjective becomes feminine. Or the fork – closest translation I can find is ‘forcella di moto’, although this is motorcycle specific.. but it’s still feminine. Bellissima!

    Fascinating stuff, I’m sure you’ll all agree.

    Full Member

    Had a look on scamazon, almost qualifies as an eBay find.

    It’s sold by tradeinn and also on their site.

    Though not the model in fgf



    Full Member

    Chums Glasses Retainer
    have we stepped back into the 90’s
    if so im off to  Freespirit in Meadowhall to drool over those futuristic Proflex bikes with the Girvin flex stems.

    Full Member

    The winning TOTW in FGF gets a prize. So @blokeuptheroad please email editorial@singletrackworld.com for your random prize. Don’t forget to include your postal address, as it really speeds up delivery logistics like.

    [minor whinge] Good luck mate, I’ve won it twice now, mailed them as asked, got nothin’ 🙁 Maybe the randomness in the prizes is whether you actually get one or not [/minor whinge]

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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