Home Forums Chat Forum Free WiFi in cafes and pubs – what security issues should I be aware of ?

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  • Free WiFi in cafes and pubs – what security issues should I be aware of ?
  • Midnighthour
    Free Member

    I often see offers of free WiFi in cafes, pubs, hotels etc. Are there any security issues I ought to be aware of if I log in and use these?

    Free Member

    I could see you watching porn unless you sit in the corner.

    Free Member

    Its ok, I'll save the security worries and come and look at your screen.

    Full Member

    Dont send anything in the clear. If you are web browsing sites thats OK if you log into a site and it's not using SSL or asks you to accept a certificate then dont, basically dont do anything that involves you typing/sending a username/password.

    Full Member

    Aye, wot he said.

    Three easy attacks possible:

    1) packet snooping: some else on the wifi network listens in on the traffic between you and web servers. This is all plain text unless it is a secure website.

    2) man-in-the-middle attack: you end up connected to the web via someone elses PC. When you type in your banks address you just a page on their pc that takes your password.

    3) sharing: you leave your file sharing permissions open (e.g. Windows File & Printer Sharing on) and anyone on the network can browse your pc (surprisingly common).

    Free Member

    Favourite one in airports is people setting up their PCs to pretend to be wireless access points and then sniffing your email passwords etc.

    Free Member

    Don't download anything Mary Whitehouse would have disapproved of
    Don't upload ditto
    Actually it's a bit broader than than

    Don't download anything which any government (however bonkers, eg Britain) might not like

    Don't upload anything which any government (however bonkers, eg America) might not like

    Confine yourself to messages about how wonderful Michael Gove's free schools initiative is, and you just might avoid Guantanamo Bay

    Free Member

    get yourself a VPN. you can get free ones on the interweb.

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