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  • fractured metatarsal
  • Creg
    Free Member

    Was at the docs today regarding issues Ive been having with my left foot. Ive been referred for an xray so that the doc can confirm what he already is convinced is a fractured metatarsal that keeps re-fracturing.

    He has told me to not do any walking for at least 8 weeks, which is rather difficult. I dont drive so I have to rely on the bus, the nearest stop is just over a mile from my house. I also cant afford to take 8 weeks off Uni (grades are bad enough as it is).

    Ive read somewhere on the internet that buying a decent pair of trainers or walking boots can really help. Can anyone here shed any light on this? Has anyone had a similar injury?


    Full Member

    Had a metatarsal fracture last June – it took 3 to 4 months to get better, and even then I could feel like some tendons or other similar soft tissue were still a bit sore.

    Don’t know about walking boots or decent trainers, but I assume anything that provides support and stiffness to your foot is good.

    I presume the doc has given you some crutches, so you can keep the weight of it.

    Free Member

    I had an operation on my fifth metatarsal and was jogging after about three months or so. I did need crutches though and it was in a half cast (no offence meant) for a good while.

    It is fine now though and even improved my gait.

    Free Member

    I wasnt given any crutches by the doc, just told no walking. He’s wanting to wait until after the xray is done before doing anything regarding plaster casts and crutches.

    Im kind of hoping if it comes down to needing a cast I can get away with one of the removable DonJoy ones (or similar) so at least I can still be moderately mobile.

    Already had ACL surgery on this leg and now this…bloody great 🙁

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Good idea uplink. Maybe I can get this clown to make it look better

    Free Member

    BTW – I bust my 5th metatarsal at the end of Oct
    It still hurts like ****

    Free Member

    You could try a pair of MBT shoes – expensive, but the sole is cushioned & rockered so it might take the stress off the area. I’d try a pair (in the shop)& see if it helps.

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