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  • Forest of Dean was great today
  • dobiejessmo
    Free Member

    Lovely and cold and rock hard,quite a few people around,mind when it thaws out its going to be Yuk.-5 in car park at 10am got warmer later +1.Still a few in shorts must be hard or bloody stupid.Tracks were great bit slow on the downhill runs and Dowies 2 on a hardtail,my new Remedy is awaiting.

    Free Member

    Was down there myself today, saw this chap on Hummer……

    Free Member

    Where did you go ?


    Free Member

    when it thaws out its going to be Yuk

    Was thinking that myself on Friday while fighting my way across frozen ground on a rigid bike; its going to be seriously muddy when it thaws. Might even have to dig out the old MudMads :~(

    Free Member

    Hi Psling near the quarry at Purples Hill they have dont a fair bit of felling and there is a X-roads of trails where the machines have been in that is well churned up but frozen yesterday,that will bit a nightmare when that thaws,you can still go around it just.All good fun just wont be clean.

    Free Member

    Cold enough for camel backs to freeze wasn’t it. Some of those ruts were hard on the cx bike, especially with the fixed. Its now snowing here and its going to go all soggy.

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