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  • Forefoot running – wtf is that all about then?
  • SurroundedByZulus
    Free Member

    What’s with the fashion of forefoot running all of a sudden?

    Anyone care to give the benefits of it?

    Free Member

    Pose Mode??

    Been thinking about it for a while as I have heel issues which prevent me from running at all.


    Free Member

    I’ve seen this mentioned by several magazines recently. I’ve yet to see much convincing evidence that it’s more than just a fad but from what I hear it’s supposed to stop you getting shin-splints and make you a more efficient runner as your calf is always ‘tense’ which gives you more natural ‘spring’.

    I’ve tried doing a few running drills with it and it seems to do something…whether or not it’s a good thing remains to be seen!

    Free Member

    Try running down the road barefoot on your heels and see how far you get 😉

    Cushioned running shoes were invented by Nike in the 70’s to sell more shoes. Before that no-one ran with a heel strike. Modern cushioned shoes have done nothing to prevent running injuries, if anything they have made the situation worse.

    Running with a forefoot or midfoot strike is the natural way to run and is how the body is designed to function.

    Here is some reading if you are interested: http://www.barefootrunning.fas.harvard.edu/

    Free Member

    Kudos – “FUNDING DISCLAIMER: Research presented on this site was funded by Harvard University and, in part, by Vibram USA®.” There’s the problem with that research right there.

    Free Member

    Regardless of who it was funded by, try my experiment and see how far you get. Your heel is bone, no cushioning whatsoever. The ball and the arch are the foots natural cushioning mechanism.

    Cushioned running shoes have been around for about 40 years, human’s have been on the earth for what, about 200’000 years? Seems strange that cushioned running shoes have done nothing at all to prevent injuries (in some cases made them worse) and we were running fine without them for thousands of years.

    Free Member

    Anyone care to give the benefits of it?

    When you need to run in zoo to deck a potential kiddy fidler, you can get there disturbing less dust.

    Free Member

    IanMunro – eh?

    Free Member

    SBZ – try this http://www.williamsichel.co.uk/documents/Running_Fast_and_Injury_Free.pdf

    It’s an interesting read and he’s got a bit of pedigree in the sport. If nothing else it’ll while away a bit of time while you heal.

    I’m giving it a go as I get pretty bad shinsplints. I’ve entered The Mighty Deerstalker and my mate (10 years my senior) won’t let me live it down if he beats me again!

    Free Member

    kudos100…..ah someone talking sense for once – am trying this barefoot thing at the mo, feels kinda nice not to be pounding the pavement. what have i got to loose? what have i got to gain..? never having to buy (and throw away) expensive running shoes ever again 😀

    Full Member

    IanMunro – Member
    Anyone care to give the benefits of it?

    When you need to run in zoo to deck a potential kiddy fidler, you can get there disturbing less dust.


    C’mon Smee..you have to admit that was quite funny

    Full Member

    I’ve seen people doing it, and it looks like it makes more sense and is less effort than my full-foot-roll gait. However, I’ve tried it and can’t get the hang of it.
    Plus, running marathons like that must give you epic cramp in your calves.

    Free Member

    IanMunro – Member
    Anyone care to give the benefits of it?

    When you need to run in zoo to deck a potential kiddy fidler, you can get there disturbing less dust.

    Is this an ‘in’ joke, or has Mr Munro been at the sherry again?

    Free Member

    kudos100…..ah someone talking sense for once – am trying this barefoot thing at the mo, feels kinda nice not to be pounding the pavement. what have i got to loose? what have i got to gain..? never having to buy (and throw away) expensive running shoes ever again

    Yep running shoe companies say you should replace your shoes every 300-500 miles, I’ve heard of people putting 10’000 miles on a cheap pair of old school running shoes!

    I tried the barefoot thing, but got frustrated as you have to go so slowly. Vibram and all the special minimialist shoes are nice but too expensive for my liking. I run in ten quid aqua socks 😀 At the moment I keep getting IT band problems so have been focusing on mtb’ing.

    Free Member

    It’s an interesting read and he’s got a bit of pedigree in the sport. If nothing else it’ll while away a bit of time while you heal.

    Great book Mustard, it was one of the first ones I read when I started getting interested in running 🙂

    Free Member

    Yep running shoe companies say you should replace your shoes every 300-500 miles, I’ve heard of people putting 10’000 miles on a cheap pair of old school running shoes!

    I tried the barefoot thing, but got frustrated as you have to go so slowly. Vibram and all the special minimialist shoes are nice but too expensive for my liking. I run in ten quid aqua socks At the moment I keep getting IT band problems so have been focusing on mtb’ing.

    Tell me about it, ive gone from 20 mpw down to 2-3 mpw. got some vff’s but over did it so i’m going bf all the way.

    Free Member

    Tell me about it, ive gone from 20 mpw down to 2-3 mpw. got some vff’s but over did it so i’m going bf all the way.

    I may well be joining you, seems like it is the only way I can build up slowly and not injure myself. It was really strange going out for a barefoot run for the first time!

    Free Member

    one word….COLD! 😯

    Free Member

    human’s have been on the earth for what, about 200’000 years?

    more like 2 million as recognisable humans, ~ about 4.6Ma as hominids.

    Free Member

    It was cold when I started in summer! Christ knows what it is going to be like now 😯

    A large dose of MTFU to go for a short run in winter I reckon 🙂

    Free Member

    Well it was like this last winter 🙂

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