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  • For winter riding, may I suggest…
  • stilltortoise
    Free Member

    …Paramo jackets.

    I am gobsmacked. I have for years struggled with waterproof jackets that were never really breathable enough for cycling and I’d tried a few brands and a few fabrics. This year I bit the bullet and bought a Paramo Velez smock. Granted it will probably be too warm for summer, but I’ve ridden pretty hard on mountain and road bike since Autumn and it is so comfortable and so breathable that I can’t believe it is actually waterproof as well. A walk up to (and under) Kinder downfall in the rain proved the waterproofing.

    Recommended. That’s all.

    Full Member

    Agreed. I’ve not used paramo but my buffalo belay jkt and montane pertex n pile jackets are way better than goretex. I can’t stand clammy wproofs.. I do wish there were more pertex-pile jackets designed for cycling tho, mtn jackets tend to be a bit too thick. Berghaus cirrus is the best i’ve found but not so water resistant.

    Free Member

    Try Paramo. It is waterproof. Having suffered with expensive not-that-breathable and not-that-waterproof jackets from Gore-Tex, eVent and the like, having something that actually does what I’ve been after for so long is like some sort of Black Magic 😀

    Odd that is is rarely mentioned in the bike mags as an option…or at least not that I’ve noticed.

    Full Member

    Iv’e used Paramo for years and it’s flipping brilliant!

    Their UK base in in Wadhurst which is pretty close to me and they have a shop selling slight seconds and end of line stuff at good prices as well. Marvellous!

    Free Member

    As good as it may be, I can’t imagine I’ll be spending £200 on a jacket and then subjecting it to all the abuse that my £20 Nike Dryfit jackets get!

    Free Member

    £200 it should be good 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m always amazed why you never see them in a test of winter jackets. I’ve used them for years – well all paramo stuff and it just works all the time + I only need a base layer underneath the smock as it’s just right.

    Free Member

    £200 is pretty standard for a waterproof jacket. When I worked in an outdoor shop 20 years ago many were £200 then too. Granted there are a lot of cycling brands that are cheaper, but I’d rather pay £200 once for something that works than count up the many many pounds I’ve spent over the years on kit that doesn’t.

    I remember having a £200 North Face GoreTex jacket 20 years ago. My Dad had the same style. Both – and many others like it – leaked like a sieve.

    Free Member

    Love my Quito but it seems a bit too fragile (made from the Analogy stuff) and too nice to mountain bike in. Still I hardly ever need to wear a waterproof anyway.

    Free Member

    a bit too fragile

    On my first outing in my Velez smock I took a tumble that left me in A & E requiring stitches in my arm. The jacket did get a small tear in it but it survived better than my skin! At least it will still work.

    I hardly ever need to wear a waterproof anyway

    With the best intentions in the world I’ve been caught out in horrific conditions. I remember once going out in grim weather in just a breathable windproof. It was only an hour or so’s ride so I thought I’d be OK and keep warm. By the time I got home I was so cold and wet I had to get into the shower fully clothed. I’ve seen friends close to hypothermic when caught it with just wind-proofs on wild, wet and windy moors. With the Paramo I still get the breathability but the confidence that’ll I’ll stay dry if the heavens open. Win win.

    Full Member

    Only problem with Paramo for me is the fit for biking – the back rides up and the sleeves are WAY WAY too short for me.

    But the breathability & waterproofness are better than any bike-specific jacket. Can be a bit warm though!

    Free Member

    Does that one have insulation? I usually find these too warm, certainly true of Buffalo unless sat on a belay all day.

    For me, high energy activities like biking and running usually need base layer+pertex unless lying around in the heather broken….

    Free Member

    Mine (the Velez) has “some” insulation. Not sure if it is designed as insulation or simply a by-product of the design. Nothing like a Buffalo though. Back in September I wore it with a Coolmax T shirt when bombing around Kirroughtree. If it got too warm there was plenty of good ventilation and the sleeves can be rolled up. I went out at the weekend with a long sleeved base layer and it was just beginning to get cold at times. Late Spring will be the test, where it may be a touch too warm. Still, the point is that it is so breathable I don’t seem to mind getting a bit too warm. I believe there is a lighter/thinner version though which may be better for just cycling, whereas mine tends to be a bit of a multi-activity jacket. Probably wouldn’t run in it unless i was out in sub-zero.

    Full Member

    Stilltortoise you can get your jacket repaired by Paramo. Make sure you send it back clean though.

    Free Member

    Cheers Sandwich. I was going to wait until I get a few more “wounds”. The tear I have so far is pretty small and out of the way.

    Free Member

    Actually, no need to ship to Paramo, you can just sew the fabric yourself, no loss of performance.

    Free Member

    The Velez is too hot for riding down here in the sarf. I use a paramo Fuera windproof if it’s cold/wet over the top of a mountain shirt. With the windproof over the top of the shirt, you get full waterproofing too. Great combo for winter riding.

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