It appears the heatwave may be reaching north of the border this week, with temperatures as high as the mid 20s predicted, there's rumours it could hit 20 as north as Inverness!
So stay hydrated and out of the sun as much as you can on your rides, minimise exposure with simple things like ordering your greggs via uber or the likes
And remember, if you are going for a tan, make sure it's the proper Scottish one!
Hearing rumours it's got that warm that ice cream vans in Glasgow are starting to sell ice creams
Hearing rumours it’s got that warm that ice cream vans in Glasgow are starting to sell ice creams
& chilled coke.
Too hot for me! This is not what I had hoped for when I moved to Scotland. Hopefully it will be 16°C by Monday.
This is more our level of heat for taps aff.!image/ g" alt="" />
As a Scot temporarily in Englandshire I would kill for a cool 25°c.
It’s around 30 degrees here in Inners today. The trails are bone dry and it’s bloody fantastic.
As a Scot temporarily in Englandshire I would kill for a cool 25°c.
Yeah, down Bristol way and hoping this heatwave ends at some point, fires breaking out all over just now, can see FoD going up soon as there’s always idiots and barbecues.
I don’t mind the heat, but starting to look fondly at the old Scottish summers
Meh here in Lochaber it is forecast to be mild cloudy and wet.Good Hot weather runs away south at the first sight of the Buachaille No Greggs for at least 60 miles. Taps oan tae keep the midgies aff
This Lochaber?
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I only lasted 3hrs down the Beach at St Andrews today before I gave up and went for an ice cream at Ginetas and some shade.
Our here in the Hebrides we’ve barely seen 20C and it has rained almost every day this year - people can’t remember such a wet year! No midges either.
To be honest, I don’t miss the 30C+ days down south, getting up at 6am to walk the dog and then spending most of the day indoors with the curtains drawn and windows open.
Almost 8pm and Portobello beach is still hoaching. To be fair it is a beautiful evening
Been open water swimming tonight.
Toasty 27deg here in the shire
This Lochaber
No I'm in the megatropolis.
And anyway don't show them that. It's cold wet and windy here, except when the midges are eating you alive.
Our here in the Hebrides we’ve barely seen 20C and it has rained almost every day this year – people can’t remember such a wet year!
Aye, and the two days of 'sun' we had at Easter was Icelandic...
Daddy_oab was particularly feeling the cold on Iona.
Hearing rumours it’s got that warm that ice cream vans in Glasgow are starting to sell ice creams
Proper made me larf.
Hot? Been putting up a fence all day, never noticed. Might explain why I got so angry with the twisted rails mind.
On our Wed evening bike ride for the first time this year I didn't need a windproof for sitting outside the pub afterwards - that warm.
Have Fifers suddenly started having a shower
Thank you for cheering me up. This thread is proper funny. TAPS AFFFFFF
I only lasted 3hrs down the Beach at St Andrews today before I gave up and went for an ice cream at Ginetas and some shade.
thats a perfect day right there
Day 2 of the Scottish heatwave, reports coming in of sightings of white dog poo and buckfast are considering releasing ice poles!